the protests are terrifying, it's like cultural revolution in all over again...Cruz is really worse than Rubio, given their reactions to the protests...
the protests are terrifying, it's like cultural revolution in all over again...Cruz is really worse than Rubio, given their reactions to the protests... lilpurple 发表于 3/11/2016 9:41:21 PM
Rubio今晚的采访还真诚些,说了这些抗议者都是有组织的,很多甚至是被雇佣的,而且对trump的支持者很不公平,因为他们的自由被剥夺了,冲这点就比奸臣cruz强,听cruz全篇就是你们要投我啊投我啊!还有megan kelly真是恶心,总是估计说川哥以前的rally上说要把抗议者get them out!还鼓励在场的支持者punch them in the face and I will pay the legal fee。 靠!在rally上的上下文是如果那些抗议者变得violent而且对周围人造成威胁时,我们要fight back,这么妈蛋媒体,没有一秒是说实话的,全是歪曲事实
Rubio今晚的采访还真诚些,说了这些抗议者都是有组织的,很多甚至是被雇佣的,而且对trump的支持者很不公平,因为他们的自由被剥夺了,冲这点就比奸臣cruz强,听cruz全篇就是你们要投我啊投我啊!还有megan kelly真是恶心,总是估计说川哥以前的rally上说要把抗议者get them out!还鼓励在场的支持者punch them in the face and I will pay the legal fee。 靠!在rally上的上下文是如果那些抗议者变得violent而且对周围人造成威胁时,我们要fight back,这么妈蛋媒体,没有一秒是说实话的,全是歪曲事实 turtlezhu 发表于 3/11/2016 9:52:39 PM
Rubio今晚的采访还真诚些,说了这些抗议者都是有组织的,很多甚至是被雇佣的,而且对trump的支持者很不公平,因为他们的自由被剥夺了,冲这点就比奸臣cruz强,听cruz全篇就是你们要投我啊投我啊!还有megan kelly真是恶心,总是估计说川哥以前的rally上说要把抗议者get them out!还鼓励在场的支持者punch them in the face and I will pay the legal fee。 靠!在rally上的上下文是如果那些抗议者变得violent而且对周围人造成威胁时,我们要fight back,这么妈蛋媒体,没有一秒是说实话的,全是歪曲事实 turtlezhu 发表于 3/11/2016 9:52:39 PM
the protests are terrifying, it's like cultural revolution in all over again...Cruz is really worse than Rubio, given their reactions to the protests... lilpurple 发表于 3/11/2016 9:41:21 PM
Good one - "Free Speech. The protesters are hollering free Speech yet they deprive Trump's group of their free speech. Trump is on national news, all cable stations, now for hours with millions of viewers more than would have watched any of the rally. The protesters did him a favor."
Good one - "Free Speech. The protesters are hollering free Speech yet they deprive Trump's group of their free speech. Trump is on national news, all cable stations, now for hours with millions of viewers more than would have watched any of the rally. The protesters did him a favor." turtlezhu 发表于 3/11/2016 10:12:14 PM
Hannity说的真是一阵见血,since when the victims whose right of free speech are deprived are the ones to blame? This is ridiculous ... 还有就是他说今晚的事情之后people start to feel hopeless... 真的很悲哀,美国变成了现在这个样子
Hannity说的真是一阵见血,since when the victims whose right of free speech are deprived are the ones to blame? This is ridiculous ... 还有就是他说今晚的事情之后people start to feel hopeless... 真的很悲哀,美国变成了现在这个样子 turtlezhu 发表于 3/11/2016 10:47:51 PM
In 2016, MoveOn endorsed U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States after holding online elections in which 340,665 members reportedly cast their ballot. 78.6% of these supported the junior Senator from Vermont, while 14.6% and 0.9% threw themselves behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, respectively.[8] [9]
Contributors to during the 2004 election cycle included financier George Soros who gave $1.46 million to Voter Fund; Peter B. Lewis, chief executive of the Progressive Corp., who gave $500,000 to MoveOn .org Voter Fund; and Linda Pritzker, of the Hyatt hotel family, who gave $4 million to the joint fundraising committee.[15]
What happened tonight at Donald Trump's rally in Chicago is very disheartening. We as a nation can not allow our political differences to divide us and lead to acts of aggression and strife. We must always be respectful of one another and take the time to listen to alternative perspectives. If we do so, I believe that we will discover that things that unite us far outweighs the things that divide us. As President Abraham Lincoln famously said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand". I pray that God will work in the lives of the American people to heal our land and bring us to a place of peace.
What happened tonight at Donald Trump's rally in Chicago is very disheartening. We as a nation can not allow our political differences to divide us and lead to acts of aggression and strife. We must always be respectful of one another and take the time to listen to alternative perspectives. If we do so, I believe that we will discover that things that unite us far outweighs the things that divide us. As President Abraham Lincoln famously said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand". I pray that God will work in the lives of the American people to heal our land and bring us to a place of peace. goldengate 发表于 3/11/2016 11:35:48 PM
Michael Lancet: Its obama's city. He said he would fix it. Thing is, he has divided this country more. Ben Carson was right just now, protesters interviewed just now did not give one solid reason why they're protesting. Imbeciles.
他谴责Trump什么了?how ridiculous! 他的宝贝儿子们跑去搞事,他说人家不对?
Jimmy Kimmel怎么还没被解雇呢
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
"Free Speech. The protesters are hollering free Speech yet they deprive Trump's group of their free speech. Trump is on national news, all cable stations, now for hours with millions of viewers more than would have watched any of the rally. The protesters did him a favor."
worst president ever!
因为奥巴马是穆斯林。Trump说的没错,muslim hate 美国是事实。这个不分什么温和极端的。极端的直接恐怖袭击了,温和的就是恨你,没胆袭击,人多的时候就有胆了。
在Hannity show的电话连线里讲话了
John Kasich是who啊?
自从苏联解体之后,世界只有一个超级大国,美国接手的世界警察职务,享受了造币 利益,向全世界输出价值观,与其他文明抗衡,它就是罗马帝国。
United States after holding online elections in which 340,665 members
reportedly cast their ballot. 78.6% of these supported the junior Senator
from Vermont, while 14.6% and 0.9% threw themselves behind former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley,
respectively.[8] [9]
Contributors to during the 2004 election cycle included financier
George Soros who gave $1.46 million to Voter Fund; Peter B.
Lewis, chief executive of the Progressive Corp., who gave $500,000 to MoveOn
.org Voter Fund; and Linda Pritzker, of the Hyatt hotel family, who gave $4
million to the joint fundraising committee.[15]
他真是听劝,be presidential了
disheartening. We as a nation can not allow our political differences to
divide us and lead to acts of aggression and strife. We must always be
respectful of one another and take the time to listen to alternative
perspectives. If we do so, I believe that we will discover that things that
unite us far outweighs the things that divide us. As President Abraham
Lincoln famously said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand". I pray
that God will work in the lives of the American people to heal our land and
bring us to a place of peace.