另外你说H1B可以被轻易replace,那可是太瞧得起美国人了!现在美国的问题是基础教育不行,那怕是常春藤的学生,做presentation行,但是逻辑分析能力拿得出手的也不多!因为美国现在太注重leadership,和所谓的全面发展,例如体育什么的,而analytical skills逻辑思维是从数学,物理等学科中得到的。对中国人来说,If A then B -> if no B then no A的逻辑非常好理解,算是最简单的了,但美国人get不到为什么的太多了!
中国人哪怕是文科生数学也都是必须课,而美国的小学don't let one child behind,现在更开始提倡一周只上四天课,简直就是反智!
另外你说H1B可以被轻易replace,那可是太瞧得起美国人了!现在美国的问题是基础教育不行,那怕是常春藤的学生,做presentation行,但是逻辑分析能力拿得出手的也不多!因为美国现在太注重leadership,和所谓的全面发展,例如体育什么的,而analytical skills逻辑思维是从数学,物理等学科中得到的。对中国人来说,If A then B -> if no B then no A的逻辑非常好理解,算是最简单的了,但美国人get不到为什么的太多了!
中国人哪怕是文科生数学也都是必须课,而美国的小学don't let one child behind,现在更开始提倡一周只上四天课,简直就是反智!
It happened to Gandhi, it happened to Martin Luther King, and it could happen to Donald Trump. In his book “The America We Deserve,” printed in 2000, Donald Trump predicted that the Septemeber 11 attacks would happen 14 months before the event, accurately predicting the blame would fall on Osama bin Laden.
Now that Donald Trump has come so far as to seek Presidential office, the socialists in power want him stopped before he causes any more upset to the status quo. Their method: assassination.
A report written by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service says that there is an active plot to eliminate Donald Trump, and thereby his threat to the status quo.
According to this report. . . found in the possession of the 5 Saudi Arabian nationals detained by Lebanon’s intelligence services this past Monday after their private jet was forced to land by Federation Aerospace Forces was a “heavily encrypted” laptop computer device.
Upon Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security (GDGS) seizing of this laptop device, this report continues, they requested assistance from the SVR in “defeating” its encryption, which was immediately granted.
Once this laptop was in the possession of the SVR, this report notes, it was flown to Moscow where computer security analysts were able to unlock its “ secret information”, of which the most “startling/confusing” was a document listing the entire travel itinerary and private security plans of Donald Trump for the month of October.
我不同意,Carson说的,"There's the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences, and there's the Donald Trump behind the scenes," he said. "They're not the same person. One's very much an entertainer, and one is actually a thinking individual." 这人有毛病,明明是在说Trump是两面派,哪是夸他呢?! Carson脑子真的有病,不要委以重任。 Trump以前说的,"If you're a child molester, there's no cure, they can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure." 绝对没错。
我不同意,Carson说的,"There's the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences, and there's the Donald Trump behind the scenes," he said. "They're not the same person. One's very much an entertainer, and one is actually a thinking individual." 这人有毛病,明明是在说Trump是两面派,哪是夸他呢?! Carson脑子真的有病,不要委以重任。 Trump以前说的,"If you're a child molester, there's no cure, they can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure." 绝对没错。 PositiveVibe 发表于 3/11/2016 7:23:04 PM
我不是这样理解的,而是说Trump有他不为大众所知的一面。你要他怎么说,他现在要解释为什么support Trump,又不能违背以前说过的话。这东西,你怎么interprete都可以,看你站哪一边了。不喜欢trump的,他说什么都会有话说的。Carson endorsement 是好的。只是对选票多有用就不知道了。Trump自己就是最大的elephant in the room, 谁endorce 都盖不过他自己的风头的。
我不是这样理解的,而是说Trump有他不为大众所知的一面。你要他怎么说,他现在要解释为什么support Trump,又不能违背以前说过的话。这东西,你怎么interprete都可以,看你站哪一边了。不喜欢trump的,他说什么都会有话说的。Carson endorsement 是好的。只是对选票多有用就不知道了。Trump自己就是最大的elephant in the room, 谁endorce 都盖不过他自己的风头的。
FOX news just showed a white Trump supporter was just punched in the face by a black BLM protestor and the black guy yanked his American flag out of his hands and then threw it onto the floor. The white Trump supporter was fighting to keep the flag off the ground.
现在论坛上很多人故意混淆high skilled workers和那些H1b abuser的区别,因为high skilled和high pay本来就是个relative的问题,而不是有一个固定的标准说谁是high skilled多少是high pay!
不错,应该早点出来endorse,不过估计这些人都要看Trump有没有希望才肯出来。Ohio conservative多么?
It happened to Gandhi, it happened to Martin Luther King, and it could
happen to Donald Trump. In his book “The America We Deserve,” printed in
2000, Donald Trump predicted that the Septemeber 11 attacks would happen 14
months before the event, accurately predicting the blame would fall on Osama
bin Laden.
Now that Donald Trump has come so far as to seek Presidential office, the
socialists in power want him stopped before he causes any more upset to the
status quo. Their method: assassination.
A report written by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service says that there
is an active plot to eliminate Donald Trump, and thereby his threat to the
status quo.
According to this report. . . found in the possession of the 5 Saudi
Arabian nationals detained by Lebanon’s intelligence services this past
Monday after their private jet was forced to land by Federation Aerospace
Forces was a “heavily encrypted” laptop computer device.
Upon Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security (GDGS) seizing of
this laptop device, this report continues, they requested assistance from
the SVR in “defeating” its encryption, which was immediately granted.
Once this laptop was in the possession of the SVR, this report notes, it was
flown to Moscow where computer security analysts were able to unlock its “
secret information”, of which the most “startling/confusing” was a
document listing the entire travel itinerary and private security plans of
Donald Trump for the month of October.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
一个大型公司 当一个职位多余50人后, H1b 比例不可以超过N%.
比如如果公司只顾了两个 Chinese language advisor 那么都是 H1b 情有可原
如果雇了200个 QA,超过50%都是 H1b, 那就明显是 abuse 了。
如果连小型公司也算上的话,就会伤害真正的start up,看到过一个新闻,一个美国人拉着他同学成立了一个start up,两人都名校毕业,公司挺有发展,一年之后公司倒闭了,为什么呢?他同学是欧洲人,没抽中H1B,只能回国……
Rubio urges voters to back Kasich in Ohio to stop Trump
这个方法不治根本,应跟绿卡一样,按国家分配H1B, 这样谁也不能独大。
Trump以前说的,"If you're a child molester, there's no cure, they can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure." 绝对没错。
+1 其实只要规定H1B一定要从美国获得学位就行。
protester还一直高呼“bernie",这真是文革再现 啊......我要再去给trump捐点钱。这次民主党上台美国真是药丸。
chicago rally 取消了,太郁闷,大冷天等了2个小时竟然没有了
现场支持他的人也很多的 这帽子扣得
所以对64 我也持保留态度,初衷是好的,但架不住别有用心的人借机煽动,开始变质了
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: USANews
标 题: 我下午参加了芝加哥对Trump rally的抗议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 11 20:03:48 2016, 美东)