Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) Ben Sasse (Neb.) Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.) Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.) Philip Anschutz Democratic Rep. John Delaney of Maryland Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times
I just read something really disturbing and I would like to alert you guys. The title said it all, "GOP leaders, tech execs plot against Trump at secret NeoCon Island meeting." The execs include Tim Cook from Apple and Larry Page from Google. Does it mean I will get a distorted search results on my iPhone and Google website.
I just read something really disturbing and I would like to alert you guys. The title said it all, "GOP leaders, tech execs plot against Trump at secret NeoCon Island meeting." The execs include Tim Cook from Apple and Larry Page from Google. Does it mean I will get a distorted search results on my iPhone and Google website.
I just read something really disturbing and I would like to alert you guys. The title said it all, "GOP leaders, tech execs plot against Trump at secret NeoCon Island meeting." The execs include Tim Cook from Apple and Larry Page from Google. Does it mean I will get a distorted search results on my iPhone and Google website.
It's happening again. Supporters of Ted Cruz are now doing to Marco what his campaign did to Ben Carson: circulating false rumors about the state of our campaign. In fact, now that they've been caught, they're even using the same excuse as last time!
Remember: this was the scandal that completely undermined the credibility of Ted Cruz and his campaign. He even had to fire a top aide after he was caught spreading disinformation about Marco's Christian faith. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
That's why Marco is counting on all of our supporters to help us fight back with an immediate donation to our Emergency Response Fund by clicking here and giving $15, $25, $50, or more.
Just like in the case of the Cruz campaign's disinformation campaign against Ben Carson, we've got hard evidence tying this back to the Cruz campaign. Take a look for yourself at the public registration info for the Cruz campaign website spreading the disinformation to voters:
Marco Rubio
There you have it: undeniable proof that the Cruz campaign is, yet again, involved in dirty, election day tricks.
And just like with Ben Carson, guess where they're pinning the blame: a false CNN report! Unfortunately, it's become par for the course from a campaign led by a candidate who will say and do anything to get elected.
Click here to donate now to our emergency response fund to help us stop this nonsense.
March 08, 2016, 02:22 pm Jeb Bush's brother joins Cruz finance team Neil Bush and his wife, Maria, were among the 13 new additions to the team the campaign announced in a news release. “We are seeing incredible momentum around our campaign,” Cruz says in the release, which notes that he has raised $1.5 million in the past seven days.
“I am thrilled to welcome these new members to our outstanding team. This race is winnowing down between two candidates and this is further testament that conservatives are continuing to unite behind this campaign.” Neil Bush is a Houston-area businessman and philanthropist who has never waded into electoral politics as a candidate. Jeb Bush ran against Cruz for the GOP nomination this year but ended his campaign last month after a poor showing in South Carolina's primary.
March 08, 2016, 02:22 pm Jeb Bush's brother joins Cruz finance team Neil Bush and his wife, Maria, were among the 13 new additions to the team the campaign announced in a news release. “We are seeing incredible momentum around our campaign,” Cruz says in the release, which notes that he has raised $1.5 million in the past seven days.
“I am thrilled to welcome these new members to our outstanding team. This race is winnowing down between two candidates and this is further testament that conservatives are continuing to unite behind this campaign.” Neil Bush is a Houston-area businessman and philanthropist who has never waded into electoral politics as a candidate. Jeb Bush ran against Cruz for the GOP nomination this year but ended his campaign last month after a poor showing in South Carolina's primary. tuer 发表于 3/8/2016 3:03:29 PM
这样啊,怕就怕debate的时候Rubio继续当董存锐,然后around 03/15 Drop out,替Cruz站台。 God consolidated behind Cruz.
BTW,我们州的政治真是乱啊,接不当州长就不咋地,然后Charlie Christ先当了共和党州长,再选共和党参议员党内没有选中,败给了如彼欧,独立选参议员又输给了如彼欧,然后改当民主党候选人去选州长败给了Rick Scott (差距感觉小于2%?)
对啊,我一直以为华人上基本都是高收入不会自虐选极左又极度反华的希拉里,其实不然啊,瞧瞧每天的新楼。 华人上都是这样,更何况其它地方。尽人事听天命吧。
可能是误会,我看她那句话以为是让你放个照片她去改, 最好以后句子后加个:)啥的,我发现我有的时候不带任何感情色彩的回贴人家还觉得我不nice,呵呵
外面成天开新楼的也表明Trump Hot,不然怎么不贴别的Candidate,我们要Positive Vibe!!
Be Positive!!!
Apple CEO Tim Cook,
Google co-founder Larry Page,
Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker,
Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
political guru Karl Rove,
House Speaker Paul Ryan,
GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.),
Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.),
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.)
Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas)
Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.),
Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.),
Financial Services Committee Chairman
Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.)
Philip Anschutz
Democratic Rep. John Delaney of Maryland
Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times
Remember these traitors to the Republic!
centerr16 也很可能是,按惯例他不会只注册一个新的。
[color=#999999]xiang2010 发表于 3/8/2016 1:14:17 PM [/color][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote]
其实TRUMP搞这么个选举干嘛,自己虽说没有自己吹的超过10 billion, 福布斯不是也说有4.5 billion嘛, 还有个年轻模特老婆,温柔如水。还可以继续请非法劳工继续帮他造楼。 再加上儿女成群。他这就算能上台,估计民主党还没有碰,就给共和党自己搞死了。就算没搞死,日子也不见得好过。
肯定的啊,你没看你搜老川普,谷歌给你个插件改他的last name,很多都懒得说。我现在最烦就是库克,他真是不把苹果搞死不罢休啊,都快把乔帮主留下来的遗产吃光了,还不够,还要继续折腾有的没有
ipad iphone这些对小孩子损伤蛮大的,现在小孩的童年就是打各种游戏和social network吧。
据说这家伙在密歇根和密西西比都做了robocalls,播放trumpl的坏话, 真下功夫啊
campaign did to Ben Carson: circulating false rumors about the state of our
campaign. In fact, now that they've been caught, they're even using the
same excuse as last time!
Remember: this was the scandal that completely undermined the credibility of
Ted Cruz and his campaign. He even had to fire a top aide after he was
caught spreading disinformation about Marco's Christian faith. And this is
just the tip of the iceberg.
That's why Marco is counting on all of our supporters to help us fight back
with an immediate donation to our Emergency Response Fund by clicking here
and giving $15, $25, $50, or more.
Just like in the case of the Cruz campaign's disinformation campaign against
Ben Carson, we've got hard evidence tying this back to the Cruz campaign.
Take a look for yourself at the public registration info for the Cruz
campaign website spreading the disinformation to voters:
Marco Rubio
There you have it: undeniable proof that the Cruz campaign is, yet again,
involved in dirty, election day tricks.
And just like with Ben Carson, guess where they're pinning the blame: a
false CNN report! Unfortunately, it's become par for the course from a
campaign led by a candidate who will say and do anything to get elected.
Click here to donate now to our emergency response fund to help us stop this
我还觉得比大多的pc好,现在主要是做的好的pc 不多了。
Cruz 连董存瑞这中英雄都咬,可见人品
自己早就不用pc了,但是在家就是把笔记本和以前老DELL pc的大屏幕和键盘连着,出去就带本本,哈哈特别好用!而且便宜啊。反正不会买新产品了,手机我到现在还是用5呢。
Jeb Bush's brother joins Cruz finance team
Neil Bush and his wife, Maria, were among the 13 new additions to the team the campaign announced in a news release.
“We are seeing incredible momentum around our campaign,” Cruz says in the release, which notes that he has raised $1.5 million in the past seven days.
“I am thrilled to welcome these new members to our outstanding team. This race is winnowing down between two candidates and this is further testament that conservatives are continuing to unite behind this campaign.”
Neil Bush is a Houston-area businessman and philanthropist who has never waded into electoral politics as a candidate.
Jeb Bush ran against Cruz for the GOP nomination this year but ended his campaign last month after a poor showing in South Carolina's primary.
God consolidated behind Cruz.
同觉得,最好bush endorse cruz
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Cruz根本就不是anti-establishment,他在fool people
没计票前按last name的开头字母排序的而且只显示三个,得点开>才有全部名单。。。也相当于只隐藏了Trump的名字,CNN这一手也真够阴的