我同事说,he is not exactly presidential material plus i think the odds of him being the nominee are pretty slim its going to a brokered convention and the republican party is not going to allow him to be the candidate for very good reasons 5555
我同事说,he is not exactly presidential material plus i think the odds of him being the nominee are pretty slim its going to a brokered convention and the republican party is not going to allow him to be the candidate for very good reasons 5555 tuer 发表于 3/7/2016 1:10:38 PM
Sen. Ted Cruz has cancelled his visit to Mississippi, according to state Sen. Chris McDaniel.
“Unfortunately, I just received a call from the national campaign chairman,” McDaniel wrote on his Facebook page. “The event at JCJC has been cancelled. Ted Cruz will not be in Mississippi tomorrow, as he evidently does not feel well. This is difficult news to deliver, but we trust that God has a plan for the campaign and for Mississippi.”
Cruz was scheduled to campaign at Jones County Community College ahead of Mississippi’s Tuesday primary.
luckyso 发表于 3/7/2016 12:42:01 PM
Ok,我们借此机会也去社交网站散布一下Cruz announced drop out吧 按照他上次对付Carson的思路,这个结论很容易得出的,我们又不是trump的工作人员,不会给他带来什么影响
我同事说,he is not exactly presidential material plus i think the odds of him being the nominee are pretty slim its going to a brokered convention and the republican party is not going to allow him to be the candidate for very good reasons 5555 tuer 发表于 3/7/2016 1:10:38 PM
Rubio 就是个好战分子,他会把美国代入另一场战争,这家伙绝对的是这帮军火大佬的PUPPET Marco Rubio isn't just the final, fading hope of the GOP establishment. He's also the last torch-bearer of neoconservative foreign policy left in the 2016 race. So it's no surprise that Rubio's just-announced foreign policy team features some of the big-name neocons who have shaped his hawkish views for years.
Among the 18 members of Rubio's new "National Security Advisory Council," which his campaign announced on Monday, are Elliott Abrams, a former special assistant to President George W. Bush who's best known for lying to Congress about the Reagan administration's role in the Iran-Contra scandal; Eliot Cohen, a historian, Iraq war supporter, and lawyer at the State Department during the Bush administration; Michael Chertoff, the secretary of homeland security during Bush's second term; and Michael Mukasey, a Bush administration attorney general.
Abrams and Cohen were members of the Project for a New American Century, an early-2000s group of neconservatives who pushed for big increases in defense spending, more American military intervention abroad, regime change in Iraq, and other policies that became Bush administration staples. Rubio's foreign policy vision is basically ripped from the group's platform: He wants to pour money into expanding the military, ramp up missile defense, get aggressive with both Iran and China, and expand the US role in Syria. He also adds modern touches, including beefing up the country's ability to conduct cyberattacks and rolling back reforms to the Patriot Act in order to reinstate the mass surveillance program that Congress ended last year.
Rubio has reached out to leading neocons ever since his campaign began last year, and even asked visitors to his website to "Join Marco's Fight For A New American Century!"
Rubio 就是个好战分子,他会把美国代入另一场战争,这家伙绝对的是这帮军火大佬的PUPPET Marco Rubio isn't just the final, fading hope of the GOP establishment. He's also the last torch-bearer of neoconservative foreign policy left in the 2016 race. So it's no surprise that Rubio's just-announced foreign policy team features some of the big-name neocons who have shaped his hawkish views for years.
Among the 18 members of Rubio's new "National Security Advisory Council," which his campaign announced on Monday, are Elliott Abrams, a former special assistant to President George W. Bush who's best known for lying to Congress about the Reagan administration's role in the Iran-Contra scandal; Eliot Cohen, a historian, Iraq war supporter, and lawyer at the State Department during the Bush administration; Michael Chertoff, the secretary of homeland security during Bush's second term; and Michael Mukasey, a Bush administration attorney general.
Abrams and Cohen were members of the Project for a New American Century, an early-2000s group of neconservatives who pushed for big increases in defense spending, more American military intervention abroad, regime change in Iraq, and other policies that became Bush administration staples. Rubio's foreign policy vision is basically ripped from the group's platform: He wants to pour money into expanding the military, ramp up missile defense, get aggressive with both Iran and China, and expand the US role in Syria. He also adds modern touches, including beefing up the country's ability to conduct cyberattacks and rolling back reforms to the Patriot Act in order to reinstate the mass surveillance program that Congress ended last year.
Rubio has reached out to leading neocons ever since his campaign began last year, and even asked visitors to his website to "Join Marco's Fight For A New American Century!" cindy2012 发表于 3/7/2016 2:55:58 PM
原帖我说了“别人付出、抛头颅洒热血”,either 付出 or 抛头颅洒热血,我交了比你多的多的税、也捐款给我觉得值得捐的人和机构,不是付出是什么,光赤膊上战场就是付出么?充分说明你等断章取义的能耐和思维狭隘。
up up 谁能通知他
its going to a brokered convention and the republican party is not going to allow him to be the candidate for very good reasons
媒体已经被收买了,铺天盖地都是反对Trump的,真是无力反驳啊。他自己要是能保持在SC这些rally上的表现就好了。他总是提自己赢了多少个primary,这样不是key 呀,5555,我多么希望能多听他提提American dream American value,给支持他的人打气。
不知道common sense的你跟他叫什么劲,我看这个相亲对象比其他两个喜欢希老太三德子的更可怕,早点跟他断了联系
说实话, 我希望看到Trump的改进,特别是在辩论上。如果他不改进,大选也很难赢,整个选举就是一个game, 某些选民就是容易被忽悠,有些规则还是要遵守。
Ok,我们借此机会也去社交网站散布一下Cruz announced drop out吧
关键是debate 和负面广告
超级星期二之前那场他也被围攻,但hold住了,上次感觉是有点累,上午还rally, 现在看他的schedule 10号没活动,希望他好好准备
Rubio这个祸水,他没drop out么,其实留着他拖选票没用,他会拉trump一起下水的,不值得。早点下去好。
川普上次就是underperformed 一下下,也没全输,要有信心
暗搓搓希望克鲁茨病得debate rally,小动作啥都搞不了,不明退也算暗退了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
他上次rally提到过,他周围很多人,包括老婆都让他be presidential, 他说但是在别人攻击时他必须反击,这是他的性格,他当总统,对自己的国家也会这样
我觉得这点他抓的不错 ,debate 也可以提到。这个个人攻击问题必须谈开,否则没完没了。明确指出个人攻击不予回答,所有答案他的网站有,但是如果国家遇到攻击他绝对会反击
good point. 哎他们累我们也好心累,亲妈粉们操碎了心。
大家别急,trump应该是最积极的,他上周在那做了两场rally,有office 在那,有hundreds volunteers work for him.
Cruz和rubio好像在Idaho 下的功夫比较多,那也是个挺怪的地方
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Marco Rubio isn't just the final, fading hope of the GOP establishment. He's also the last torch-bearer of neoconservative foreign policy left in the 2016 race. So it's no surprise that Rubio's just-announced foreign policy team features some of the big-name neocons who have shaped his hawkish views for years.
Among the 18 members of Rubio's new "National Security Advisory Council," which his campaign announced on Monday, are Elliott Abrams, a former special assistant to President George W. Bush who's best known for lying to Congress about the Reagan administration's role in the Iran-Contra scandal; Eliot Cohen, a historian, Iraq war supporter, and lawyer at the State Department during the Bush administration; Michael Chertoff, the secretary of homeland security during Bush's second term; and Michael Mukasey, a Bush administration attorney general.
Abrams and Cohen were members of the Project for a New American Century, an early-2000s group of neconservatives who pushed for big increases in defense spending, more American military intervention abroad, regime change in Iraq, and other policies that became Bush administration staples. Rubio's foreign policy vision is basically ripped from the group's platform: He wants to pour money into expanding the military, ramp up missile defense, get aggressive with both Iran and China, and expand the US role in Syria. He also adds modern touches, including beefing up the country's ability to conduct cyberattacks and rolling back reforms to the Patriot Act in order to reinstate the mass surveillance program that Congress ended last year.
Rubio has reached out to leading neocons ever since his campaign began last year, and even asked visitors to his website to "Join Marco's Fight For A New American Century!"
弱弱的说,昨天在油管子上看视频,报道trump第二任老婆说,和trump那啥是啥best ever。。。我滚了。。。
Trump Sir 要放大招么?
TRUMP看来 是把精力放在大的州
人家Mealani很淡定地回答: 他只是respond了Rubio的攻击而已。