Paul Ryan's team has been in contact with Republican presidential front- runner Donald Trump’s campaign to discuss the party’s agenda going into the November elections, the House Speaker's office says.
Ryan (R-Wis.) is expected to communicate with the rest of the presidential field as well, as the GOP prepares to unveil an official policy platform this spring.
Donald Trump's campaign reached out Monday to Speaker Paul Ryan's operation to chat.
Ryan responded by saying he will reach out to all of the candidates — including Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich — to discuss the House Republican policy agenda, and how he wants it to fit into the 2016 presidential campaign.
I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.
No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.
Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:
My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.
Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you’re not like the people around you.
There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.
Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear I had at the time.
As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not resolute…
Not a leader. Not a winner.
My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning. No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.
Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.
Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country. Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one , not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re doomed to failure…
Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure” …you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…
Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.
Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.
Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon, intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…
You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING thing to watch.
Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in others…that leads to victory.
Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down,never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.
You taught me how to Win.
I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long, cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.
That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.
I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.
No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.
Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned: My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.
Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you’re not like the people around you.
There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.
Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear I had at the time.
As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not resolute…
Not a leader. Not a winner.
My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning.No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.
Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.
Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country.Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one, not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re doomed to failure…Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure”…you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…
Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.
Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.
Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon, intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…
You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING thing to watch.
Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in others…that leads to victory.
Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down, never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.
You taught me how to Win.
I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long, cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.
That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.
大家要特别记住,trump是对中国人很友好的,孙女会中文,本人也说过Chinese are great people.他的确对中美贸易逆差有意见,站在美国角度这个无可厚非。最重要的 是,他说中国有任何负面的,都是china,而提到Chinese基本全都是正面的。
同时希望大家客观看待自己,我们亚裔,特别是中场,在美国相对富裕,因为我们现在 是一生中最好的年龄,同时因为绿卡筛选,从事的行业也相对好,但是美国在普遍衰落 。如果持续下去,社会矛盾增加,亚裔普遍文弱,不拥枪,不尚武,体格弱小,没有话 语权。现在被好莱坞语言羞辱,等社会矛盾激化,我们就会被暴力欺负。有史为鉴!所 以Make America Great Again是符合我们和我们后代长远利益的。
大家要特别记住,trump是对中国人很友好的,孙女会中文,本人也说过Chinese are great people.他的确对中美贸易逆差有意见,站在美国角度这个无可厚非。最重要的 是,他说中国有任何负面的,都是china,而提到Chinese基本全都是正面的。
同时希望大家客观看待自己,我们亚裔,特别是中场,在美国相对富裕,因为我们现在 是一生中最好的年龄,同时因为绿卡筛选,从事的行业也相对好,但是美国在普遍衰落 。如果持续下去,社会矛盾增加,亚裔普遍文弱,不拥枪,不尚武,体格弱小,没有话 语权。现在被好莱坞语言羞辱,等社会矛盾激化,我们就会被暴力欺负。有史为鉴!所 以Make America Great Again是符合我们和我们后代长远利益的。
I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.
No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.
Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:
My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.
That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.
麻省博后都喜欢Trump Trump won GOP voters with postgraduate degrees in Massachusetts, the crown jewel of American higher education 民主党和左媒说都是低学历的人支持TRUMP ,我怎么看周围很多高学历的都支持TRUMP 。而支持民主党的学历高?
麻省博后都喜欢Trump Trump won GOP voters with postgraduate degrees in Massachusetts, the crown jewel of American higher education 民主党和左媒说都是低学历的人支持TRUMP ,我怎么看周围很多高学历的都支持TRUMP 。而支持民主党的学历高?
麻省博后都喜欢Trump Trump won GOP voters with postgraduate degrees in Massachusetts, the crown jewel of American higher education 民主党和左媒说都是低学历的人支持TRUMP ,我怎么看周围很多高学历的都支持TRUMP 。而支持民主党的学历高?
人嘛 都是自私的,不愿打破心理定势
Romney 不会成功了,这人品暴露得太明显了
Paul Ryan 才40多,他是老大就怪了。
Paul Ryan's team has been in contact with Republican presidential front-
runner Donald Trump’s campaign to discuss the party’s agenda going into
the November elections, the House Speaker's office says.
Ryan (R-Wis.) is expected to communicate with the rest of the presidential field as well, as the GOP prepares to unveil an official policy platform
this spring.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Ryan responded by saying he will reach out to all of the candidates —
including Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich — to discuss the House
Republican policy agenda, and how he wants it to fit into the 2016
presidential campaign.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
To: President Trump
From: Just a simple man
I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and
speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.
No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.
Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share
with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t
want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:
My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.
Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”,
when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was
also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when
you’re not like the people around you.
There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My
mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I
was a boy, and needed a Man.
Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear
and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my
weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear
I had at the time.
As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally
signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I
have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and
important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not
reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not
Not a leader. Not a winner.
My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning.
No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the
erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.
Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.
Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an
exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every
time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country.
Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one
, not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re
doomed to failure…
Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure”
…you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they
are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…
Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the
crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet
another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.
Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the
vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in
the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.
Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is
impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure
victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon,
intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…
You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING
thing to watch.
Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the
path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the
enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined
in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in
others…that leads to victory.
Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down,never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.
You taught me how to Win.
I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait
for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long,
cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your
election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and
love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new
generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.
That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
To: President Trump
From: Just a simple man
I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.
No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.
Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned: My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.
Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you’re not like the people around you.
There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I
was a boy, and needed a Man.
Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear I had at the time.
As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I
have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not resolute…
Not a leader. Not a winner.
My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning.No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.
Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.
Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country.Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one, not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re doomed to failure…Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure”…you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…
Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet
another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.
Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in
the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.
Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents
weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon, intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…
You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING thing to watch.
Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in others…that leads to victory.
Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down, never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.
You taught me how to Win.
I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long, cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.
That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
我觉得现在支持TRUMP最重要 3月5日几个州选举很险恶对TRUMP 来说
转MITBBS 的一篇文
发信人: bostontennis (bostontennis), 信区: USANews
标 题: 号召一下 [请版主置顶至3/15]
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 2 14:32:43 2016, 美东)
我希望大家每天在微信群或者Facebook, Tweeter发几个帖子,帮助Trump宣传,特别是微
大家要特别记住,trump是对中国人很友好的,孙女会中文,本人也说过Chinese are
great people.他的确对中美贸易逆差有意见,站在美国角度这个无可厚非。最重要的
以Make America Great Again是符合我们和我们后代长远利益的。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Can gop, for once after Reagan, do the right thing for the country?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
现在老巫婆email丑闻都没人跟进了,全都在内战,republican自己说自己人和支持者是racist, 本来在liberal眼里整个GOP都是racists。说句实话,这样打到夏天,老巫婆就进白宫了, Trump即使出线也赢不了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump won GOP voters with postgraduate degrees in Massachusetts, the crown
jewel of American higher education
民主党和左媒说都是低学历的人支持TRUMP ,我怎么看周围很多高学历的都支持TRUMP 。而支持民主党的学历高?
Kasich的exit polls 显示相反的 trend:
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
共和党的投票人里,60% 有大学或更高的文凭。民主党的投票人里,67%有大学或更高的文凭
共和党的投票人里,44% 有大学或更高的文凭。民主党的投票人里,51%有大学或更高的文凭。
共和党的投票人里,60% 有大学或更高的文凭。民主党的投票人里,64%有大学或更高的文凭。
共和党的投票人里,48% 有大学或更高的文凭。民主党的投票人里,46%有大学或更高的文凭。
没把大量H1B 和绿卡没有投票权的老中算进去。而且这个其实伯仲之间相差不大。但是低学历更多的肯定是民主党。
明州不是好几个teenage girl去投奔isis,不过这些看着像非洲穆斯林
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
话里话外你是歧视教育程度低的人吗?说实话,教育程度低,导致这些年过得的确不好,才迫切希望trump来make american great again,当年o8不也是这一套:"change~~~~~~~~~~~"
我不是歧视教育程度低的人,前面有人拿学历说话,所以我只是指出exit polls的调查结果。
像小布什搞的No Child Left Behind这种糊弄人的改革就算了。
Lindsay Graham绝对是个疯子。看来过会也没统一意见。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06