想到去年trump说他的支持者是silent majority,被好多家媒体反驳。没专门找trump的新闻跟,有时候会瞥见有关他的新闻,都是耸人听闻的负面标题配个风中凌乱的图片。常看reddit,新闻评论里,一说到trump就是拿修墙和make america great again取笑。 可是看目前这投票的形势,silent majority还真不是吹的。
Carson said he's not planning on formal suspending his presidential campaign and will go into more detail during an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Committee Conference on Friday.明天 debate 不参加了
看最后 Carson 选择哪边。 转 “I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
希望Carson说到做到啊,倒不是他有多大power, 只是他同流合污的话我实在心里受不了啊。。。 “I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
看最后 Carson 选择哪边。 转 “I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
看最后 Carson 选择哪边。 转 “I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
保守有 fiscal conservatism and social conservatism. 共和党的 fiscal conservatism 在很多方面比民主党要合理些,但历来在军费开支方面我不敢苟同,他们军费开支也体现了他们在国际扮演什么角色的理念,在教育,环境上,共和党就根本不考虑整体社会。在Social conservatism 方面,共和党就被茶党绑架了,象这种认为妇女被强奸怀孕都不能堕胎的荒谬的理论在 21 世纪的今天还想强加于人,变为主流,共和党一定想自毁才推崇这些。这些保守价值观不能在 liberal 环境下生存,也是人心所象, 你可以在wxc 里 说什么都行,但改变不了 在过去 一二十年美国整体向 liberal 变迁 的趋势(有兴趣可以去google surveys)。反观西方文明变迁史,一直都是由 conservative and liberal 相斗向前推进,几百年最终都是 liberal 胜出,这就是人心所向,social conservatism 也许能阻止几年的变化,但改变不了趋势. 这和谁控制媒体没有太大关系,在保守势力占主流的时期,他们不也控制媒体,但也没由控制住人心向往 liberal 的趋势
保守有 fiscal conservatism and social conservatism. 共和党的 fiscal conservatism 在很多方面比民主党要合理些,但历来在军费开支方面我不敢苟同,他们军费开支也体现了他们在国际扮演什么角色的理念,在教育,环境上,共和党就根本不考虑整体社会。在Social conservatism 方面,共和党就被茶党绑架了,象这种认为妇女被强奸怀孕都不能堕胎的荒谬的理论在 21 世纪的今天还想强加于人,变为主流,共和党一定想自毁才推崇这些。这些保守价值观不能在 liberal 环境下生存,也是人心所象, 你可以在wxc 里 说什么都行,但改变不了 在过去 一二十年美国整体向 liberal 变迁 的趋势(有兴趣可以去google surveys)。反观西方文明变迁史,一直都是由 conservative and liberal 相斗向前推进,几百年最终都是 liberal 胜出,这就是人心所向,social conservatism 也许能阻止几年的变化,但改变不了趋势. 这和谁控制媒体没有太大关系,在保守势力占主流的时期,他们不也控制媒体,但也没由控制住人心向往 liberal 的趋势
看最后 Carson 选择哪边。 转 “I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
我也抄一段WSJ上的, Mr. Williams said Mr. Carson won’t endorse a candidate for president before the GOP has picked its nominee. “He won’t endorse before there’s a nominee,” Mr. Williams said. “To him, that’s unfair. He thinks people should decide for themselves.”
Dr. Carson was an awesome candidate. He is a man of great integrity and character. He is a student of U.S. history and gets it. Dr. Carson has been warning us, just as General Douglas McArthur did years ago with his words .....
"In this day of gathering storms, as moral deterioration of political power spreads its growing infection, it is essential that every spiritual force be mobilized to defend and preserve the religious base upon which this nation is founded; for it has been that base which has been the motivating impulse to our moral and national growth. History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to a moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual re-awakening to overcome moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
我也抄一段WSJ上的, Mr. Williams said Mr. Carson won’t endorse a candidate for president before the GOP has picked its nominee. “He won’t endorse before there’s a nominee,” Mr. Williams said. “To him, that’s unfair. He thinks people should decide for themselves.”
Dr. Carson was an awesome candidate. He is a man of great integrity and character. He is a student of U.S. history and gets it. Dr. Carson has been warning us, just as General Douglas McArthur did years ago with his words .....
"In this day of gathering storms, as moral deterioration of political power spreads its growing infection, it is essential that every spiritual force be mobilized to defend and preserve the religious base upon which this nation is founded; for it has been that base which has been the motivating impulse to our moral and national growth. History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to a moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual re-awakening to overcome moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
apple利润高的很,定价要看市场, 看竞争。
可是看目前这投票的形势,silent majority还真不是吹的。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
NJ是深兰州,他能当选就不错了, veto了很多民主党的脑残bill, 那些左媒当然看他不顺眼。
chris 在NJ的执政名声怎么样?
这两周非常关键。看似风平浪静,其实内里波涛汹涌。 Trump已经拿下了第一个关键点(Super Tue),3/15的Ohio和Florida是第二个关键点。
若不是trump这次站出来选,我们根本看不出来美国special interest在竞选的分量有多大。
我写Trump了啊, 再改改做到无歧义
3/5 - Kansas 40, Kentucky 43, Louisiana 43, Maine 23。
3/6 Puetro Rico 20。
3/8 -Hawaii 16,Idaho 32,Michigan 59,Mississippi 37。
3/12 -DC 19,
3/15 - Florida 99,Illinois 69,Missouri 52,North Carolina 52,Ohio 66
看来到现在没宣布不参加,trump 是一定要参加了
美国现在很好,只是需要我们有更多的Love and kindness...
写的很好的文章, cruz people need to think
我真心希望Cruz能支持Trump, 不打败establishment, nothing will happen for the "true conservatives"
我也没想到Dr Carson真会接受establishment的offer啊,我以为都到了他那个年纪了,而且他那种性格,怎么会在意一个参议院位子,我以为他表达完自己的意见坚持到了最后就回家享受退休生活了,哎
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Carson endorse Trump回事最有力的trump是种族主义的反击,Caraon你不要让大家失望!
我今天在观察那几个conservative radio show hosts, 感觉Ingraham和Limbaugh已经换了调子,站到Trump这一边来了, Hannity一直是挺Trump多于Cruz。只有Levin还死硬,Beck就是个疯子可以忽略
“I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or
did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll
give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'”
Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This
is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/carson-ive-been-offered-money-political-support-to-drop-out/#QK7zC3R935cGKSFM.99
希望Carson说到做到啊,倒不是他有多大power, 只是他同流合污的话我实在心里受不了啊。。。
“I’ve got unanswered calls on my phone right now, ‘Oh, if you did this or did this, and did this, or if you drop out and support this guy, we’ll give you all this money and we’ll make sure you’re a senator here,'” Carson said. “What a bunch of crap. This is about saving our nation. This is not about horse-trading and making deals.”
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Berserk 发表评论于 2016-03-02 10:25:19
就像一个保守评论说的:保守势力为什么面对左派处于下风,因为当你提出基于事实的观点的时候,他们不会和你摆事实讲道理,而是直接叫你Racist。而保守势力的回应往往是:让我们来认真讨论一下。结果自然不会好,因为你已经被打上了标签。其实在这种情况下正确的回应应该是:Fxxk You。
2016-03-02 11:11:16 by iceage2012
保守有 fiscal conservatism and social conservatism. 共和党的 fiscal conservatism 在很多方面比民主党要合理些,但历来在军费开支方面我不敢苟同,他们军费开支也体现了他们在国际扮演什么角色的理念,在教育,环境上,共和党就根本不考虑整体社会。在Social conservatism 方面,共和党就被茶党绑架了,象这种认为妇女被强奸怀孕都不能堕胎的荒谬的理论在 21 世纪的今天还想强加于人,变为主流,共和党一定想自毁才推崇这些。这些保守价值观不能在 liberal 环境下生存,也是人心所象, 你可以在wxc 里 说什么都行,但改变不了 在过去 一二十年美国整体向 liberal 变迁 的趋势(有兴趣可以去google surveys)。反观西方文明变迁史,一直都是由 conservative and liberal 相斗向前推进,几百年最终都是 liberal 胜出,这就是人心所向,social conservatism 也许能阻止几年的变化,但改变不了趋势. 这和谁控制媒体没有太大关系,在保守势力占主流的时期,他们不也控制媒体,但也没由控制住人心向往 liberal 的趋势
2016-03-02 10:46:56 by 看风景
退一步,即便数据不准确,那也是我的责任转之前没确认, 扯 Trump 干嘛。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
establishment 要放弃复读机,帮罗姆尼造势了。
Mr. Williams said Mr. Carson won’t endorse a candidate for president before the GOP has picked its nominee. “He won’t endorse before there’s a nominee,” Mr. Williams said. “To him, that’s unfair. He thinks people should decide for themselves.”
Ben Bowen 5ptssubscriberFeatured
2 minutes ago
Dr. Carson was an awesome candidate. He is a man of great integrity and character. He is a student of U.S. history and gets it. Dr. Carson has been warning us, just as General Douglas McArthur did years ago with his words .....
"In this day of gathering storms, as moral deterioration of political power spreads its growing infection, it is essential that every spiritual force be mobilized to defend and preserve the religious base upon which this nation is founded; for it has been that base which has been the motivating impulse to our moral and national growth. History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to a moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual re-awakening to overcome moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
Dr Carson is a true patriot!