If the federal tax rate on $250k incomes is going to 58% plus the 6.2% employer tax, that is a 64.2% combined rate. Add in California’s 10.3 to 13.3% rate and the government will take 74% or more of each extra dollar in income tax, leaving the taxpayer only 26 cents on the marginal dollar. Currently these taxpayers keep about 50 cents on the marginal dollar. - See more at: http://taxvox.taxpolicycenter.org/2016/01/19/bernie-sanders-is-proposing-really-big-tax-increases/#sthash.l3NfBgDH.dpuf
恩 我facebook里政治话题大多都是sanders,反复刷屏,烦死了, 然后就是post很多anti trump的图片取笑trump,看着都恶心, 最近才看到张图,说是make American great again的帽子,然后里面拍了张标签写着made in china,讽刺trump, 这些po 图的人也想得出来, ebay上卖帽子的人多了去了, 难道要trump每个每个去劝说别卖made in china的? 这个又不是trump在卖。。。。
Ivanka Trump interviewed me and hired me to work for Trump Org last year. My work was there was only 8 months, and it was project-based and not in New York. I met and interacted with Donald Trump several times during this period last year, before the announcement.
Donald Trump was very much "hands-on" during the construction process. He relied on Ivanka for interior design and delegated that to her about like any exec would delegate to a trusted department head - almost completely but with touch points at critical points.
As far as construction, he left that to us, as we were on schedule with our part, and concentrated entirely on the golf experience (which was his passion on this project). Also, he had greatly expanded the scope of part of the project (the Clubhouse) and spent a lot of his on-site time on that. I have personal knowledge that he paid all his bills, though for sure he negotiated And did not pay carte blanche. I know the construction execs for the company that went out of scope, at risk, and they got paid and are still working for the Trump Org. I dwell on this only because another Quoran reports that Trump behaves dIfferently In business.
He was the visionary for the project and strong about his vision, but I witnessed several instances, some of which were no small matters, where he listened to advice from others and changed his direction.
As to hotel operations, he left that almost completely to others, whom he trusted. I never saw anyone "fired", and certainly not by him. More on that below.
People who worked with him for a long time adored him and many had good storlies about him. He's very loyal to people on his team. He's busy all the time and all the information about not drinking is absolutely true. He's a fan of regular working people and came to the employee cantina to thank everyone. He regularly took time to talk one-on-one with staff, especially if he recognized them from previous visits.
Trump is not a blue blood and had detractors among the Palm Beach and Manhattan old money elite for all his life. He's been kept out of clubs and made fun of by elitist money-people who make fun of him in some of the ways the media makes fun of him now. I mention this because I saw something develop that might be relevant to the question.
The five-star hotel business is run by people who have been around these blue bloods and make their careers managing the hospitality needs of these types. (The rest of us are just there to make RevPAR). Meaning that there are people who know for sure that they know more about managing a five star resort than Trump does. The caricature of Trump would have him firing such people in a board room. But that isn't what happened. Trump worked with him and his team and made changes to support the expert. All was done quietly and professionally behind the scenes.
If the federal tax rate on $250k incomes is going to 58% plus the 6.2% employer tax, that is a 64.2% combined rate. Add in California’s 10.3 to 13.3% rate and the government will take 74% or more of each extra dollar in income tax, leaving the taxpayer only 26 cents on the marginal dollar. Currently these taxpayers keep about 50 cents on the marginal dollar. - See more at: http://taxvox.taxpolicycenter.org/2016/01/19/bernie-sanders-is-proposing-really-big-tax-increases/#sthash.l3NfBgDH.dpuf
re就比如说sanders,号称免费医疗免费学费,从华尔街那1%出钱,多诱人啊!我去他网站一看,原来超过25万的tax 58%!25万湾区双职工很容易达到了,这算哪门子1%,不还是中产买单么!
据统计基本上每个tax bracket都要多收15%,具体实行起来还不知道要加多少税呢,这不第二个欧洲么,中产阶级脑袋进水了才会支持。
If the federal tax rate on $250k incomes is going to 58% plus the 6.2% employer tax, that is a 64.2% combined rate. Add in California’s 10.3 to 13.3% rate and the government will take 74% or more of each extra dollar in income tax, leaving the taxpayer only 26 cents on the marginal dollar. Currently these taxpayers keep about 50 cents on the marginal dollar. - See more at: http://taxvox.taxpolicycenter.org/2016/01/19/bernie-sanders-is-proposing-really-big-tax-increases/#sthash.l3NfBgDH.dpuf
是的是的, 我给他们解释了美国选举人人参与 应该有投票意识才有可能发出声音, 不过他们最后还是那句话 搞好自己工作别的别管。。。不过这种事以后不会和他们说了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
恩 我facebook里政治话题大多都是sanders,反复刷屏,烦死了, 然后就是post很多anti trump的图片取笑trump,看着都恶心, 最近才看到张图,说是make American great again的帽子,然后里面拍了张标签写着made in china,讽刺trump, 这些po 图的人也想得出来, ebay上卖帽子的人多了去了, 难道要trump每个每个去劝说别卖made in china的? 这个又不是trump在卖。。。。
Trump n女儿为他做的竞选广告,挺感人的
If you are voting today, especially in Texas, check, double-check and triple check your vote to make sure the machine has not changed it.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Donald Trump secured his fourth congressional endorsement on Monday from Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.)
Rep. Tom Marino, a Republican from the northeastern corner of Pennsylvania, is huaren.using on the Trump train.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Folks, from what I've read, only 4 reports of votes switched from Trump to Rubio. That sounds like simple machine error to me.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
真的 ? 假的? positive vibe mm 呢?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
我就想知道为什么从来没有从别的人被switch 到Trump的。之前是弄到jeb那里去,现在弄到rubio.还要脸么?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Impulsetoday.com搜 今天的Report
Danald Trump's Votes Switched To Rubio
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
rubio 这人脑子不怎么好使的样子。
其他陆续7,8,9点就结束了 东部时间
其实我不明白的是,cruz为什么不支持Trump, 他那所谓的true conservative那伙人根本赢不了大选,为了对抗establishment要联合。这帮人真是一点大局观也没有,天天猛攻Trump, 最后大家都拿不到足够多的票,convention大佬就会推Rubio。到时得有一半的选民翻脸不出来投票,共和党到时大选必输。Cruz天天痛批希拉里,到最后其实是她的enabler
What is it like to do business with Donald Trump?
Eifel Platt, Worked at Trump Org
Ivanka Trump interviewed me and hired me to work for Trump Org last year. My work was there was only 8 months, and it was project-based and not in New York. I met and interacted with Donald Trump several times during this period last year, before the announcement.
Donald Trump was very much "hands-on" during the construction process. He relied on Ivanka for interior design and delegated that to her about like any exec would delegate to a trusted department head - almost completely but with touch points at critical points.
As far as construction, he left that to us, as we were on schedule with our part, and concentrated entirely on the golf experience (which was his passion on this project). Also, he had greatly expanded the scope of part of the project (the Clubhouse) and spent a lot of his on-site time on that. I have personal knowledge that he paid all his bills, though for sure he negotiated And did not pay carte blanche. I know the construction execs for the company that went out of scope, at risk, and they got paid and are still working for the Trump Org. I dwell on this only because another Quoran reports that Trump behaves dIfferently In business.
He was the visionary for the project and strong about his vision, but I witnessed several instances, some of which were no small matters, where he listened to advice from others and changed his direction.
As to hotel operations, he left that almost completely to others, whom he trusted. I never saw anyone "fired", and certainly not by him. More on that below.
People who worked with him for a long time adored him and many had good storlies about him. He's very loyal to people on his team. He's busy all the time and all the information about not drinking is absolutely true. He's a fan of regular working people and came to the employee cantina to thank everyone. He regularly took time to talk one-on-one with staff, especially if he recognized them from previous visits.
Trump is not a blue blood and had detractors among the Palm Beach and Manhattan old money elite for all his life. He's been kept out of clubs and made fun of by elitist money-people who make fun of him in some of the ways the media makes fun of him now. I mention this because I saw something develop that might be relevant to the question.
The five-star hotel business is run by people who have been around these blue bloods and make their careers managing the hospitality needs of these types. (The rest of us are just there to make RevPAR). Meaning that there are people who know for sure that they know more about managing a five star resort than Trump does. The caricature of Trump would have him firing such people in a board room. But that isn't what happened. Trump worked with him and his team and made changes to support the expert. All was done quietly and professionally behind the scenes.
[color=#999999]含笑的猫 发表于 3/1/2016 1:18:06 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=70946377#70946377][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quot
请告诉大家如何小心? 投票时好注意 !
鼓励大家现在给Trump投票!Trump估计会在近期给民主党一个惊喜。Trump 太逗了。早就知道有他在就有乐子。
和党真是no zuo no die
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
今天他们house的发言人Ryan 出来说,要成为共和党提名者必须不能有任何不利团结的偏见,意指现在媒体热炒的trump的3K党事件,估计因为house里面一些民主党少数民族代表挖啦挖啦叫了。觉得共和党真太软了,一个明显的子虚乌有,媒体夸张的事件他们都顶不住,出面批评自己人,真操蛋!完全可以说不欢迎夸大渲染此事件,影响大局团结之类的话嘛
@mitchellvii r y in contact with the campaign there are many tweets now about radio station in Austin getting calls about fraud. R u aware!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06