Boston Herald: Amid Trump Surge, 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Left Party, Became Independents or Republicans:
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats have fled the party this winter, with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks, according to the state’s top elections official.
Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 16,300 Democrats have shed their party affiliation and become independent voters since Jan. 1, while nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP ahead of tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primary.
Boston Herald: Amid Trump Surge, 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Left Party, Became Independents or Republicans:
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats have fled the party this winter, with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks, according to the state’s top elections official.
Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 16,300 Democrats have shed their party affiliation and become independent voters since Jan. 1, while nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP ahead of tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primary.
Boston Herald: Amid Trump Surge, 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Left Party, Became Independents or Republicans:
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats have fled the party this winter, with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks, according to the state’s top elections official.
Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 16,300 Democrats have shed their party affiliation and become independent voters since Jan. 1, while nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP ahead of tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primary.
[p=26, null, left]But while significant, it doesn’t necessary signal a change in the political power structure in Massachusetts, where Democrats have long dominated with heavy majorities in the legislature and across constitutional offices. [p=26, null, left]The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled.
[p=26, null, left]But while significant, it doesn’t necessary signal a change in the political power structure in Massachusetts, where Democrats have long dominated with heavy majorities in the legislature and across constitutional offices. [p=26, null, left]The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled.
她要是能说清楚就绝了。 According to court records: A team of Trump attorneys filed a motion to dismiss both of the class action lawsuits but lost. A motion filed to dismiss Donald Trump from the case was rejected by the court. The Trump legal team fought but lost their effort to fight the certification of the class action lawsuits, which let the class action lawsuit begin. The attorneys then asked the court to reconsider the earlier decision and decertify the lawsuit but the court turned them down. Trump’s attorneys attempted to appeal this decision to the 9th Circuit in California but the court denied their request for permission to appeal. Trump’s attorneys did win one court battle: they asked and the court agreed that the liability for each student’s case could be determined separately. The Trump team filed a defamation claim against a Trump University attendee, Tarla Makaeff, who represented all the former Trump clients in one case. The claim was dismissed.
她要是能说清楚就绝了。 According to court records: A team of Trump attorneys filed a motion to dismiss both of the class action lawsuits but lost. A motion filed to dismiss Donald Trump from the case was rejected by the court. The Trump legal team fought but lost their effort to fight the certification of the class action lawsuits, which let the class action lawsuit begin. The attorneys then asked the court to reconsider the earlier decision and decertify the lawsuit but the court turned them down. Trump’s attorneys attempted to appeal this decision to the 9th Circuit in California but the court denied their request for permission to appeal. Trump’s attorneys did win one court battle: they asked and the court agreed that the liability for each student’s case could be determined separately. The Trump team filed a defamation claim against a Trump University attendee, Tarla Makaeff, who represented all the former Trump clients in one case. The claim was dismissed.
Boston Herald: Amid Trump Surge, 20,000 Massachusetts Democrats Left Party, Became Independents or Republicans:
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats have fled the party this winter, with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks, according to the state’s top elections official.
Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 16,300 Democrats have shed their party affiliation and become independent voters since Jan. 1, while nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP ahead of tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primary.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
机器人真是干啥啥不行,这才几天攻击Trump, 今天在rally他就失声说不出话,必须由阿三州长帮他说。连机器人都是个质量不合格的
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
总的说来是有利的! 对于现在只是党内提名,新闻最后也总结了,数量上还是不能撼动Dem在麻州的大票仓,所以大选想要麻州一下翻红,可能没有那么容易。只是个开头,如果趋势持续,到时候要是有得一拼的!!!
[p=26, null, left]But while significant, it doesn’t necessary signal a change in the political power structure in Massachusetts, where Democrats have long dominated with heavy majorities in the legislature and across constitutional offices.
[p=26, null, left]The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled.
明天应该所有的媒体全天都是super tuesday, 下次辩论我提前改题目哈,谢谢mm建议
Trump 追赶Cruz 希望临门一脚能胜出。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Session 为啥不高兴?
CNN的koper 在访问trump时,问道David duke美国著名白人种族主义组织头,trump的2回答不是很明确,觉得他可能最近太累,也特别小心媒体的提问,他说不知道这人,他需要调查一下。事实是他在星期五的press conference有人问道这个问题,他直接说他disavow了,结果CNN又来问
They are all desperate and mad..
至于说问题听得不是很清楚: 整个采访9分钟,其他问题他听都没问题,就这个问题连问了几次都听不清楚?连他自己还重复说了好几次David Duke的名字。你愿不愿意信Trump的解释就随你了。
FB的人说, Rubio是个gay,当然care size了Lol
这KKK的没啥事啊,我看媒体又开始炒作那个secret service的事了。。。话说KKK和BLM是一样的性质啊,BLM天天明目张胆,KKK disavow一次都不够,某一次disavow慢了都能炒作。。。
就是class action不被支持,法官认为damage没有构成,不是fraud,他们要求全部refund不合理,这样就必须个人诉讼,估计这帮人就没劲了,也就一起起哄来劲,毕竟人家trump这边也提供了人证物证,说明课程对人家帮助很大的,自己不满意的去自己诉讼
According to court records:
A team of Trump attorneys filed a motion to dismiss both of the class action lawsuits but lost.
A motion filed to dismiss Donald Trump from the case was rejected by the court.
The Trump legal team fought but lost their effort to fight the certification of the class action lawsuits, which let the class action lawsuit begin. The attorneys then asked the court to reconsider the earlier decision and decertify the lawsuit but the court turned them down. Trump’s attorneys attempted to appeal this decision to the 9th Circuit in California but the court denied their request for permission to appeal.
Trump’s attorneys did win one court battle: they asked and the court agreed that the liability for each student’s case could be determined separately.
The Trump team filed a defamation claim against a Trump University attendee, Tarla Makaeff, who represented all the former Trump clients in one case. The claim was dismissed.
Rubio这样一条疯狗似的咬Trump, 估计也知道自己当nominee没戏,不如给大佬们做个狗仔把Trump的票拉下来。等brokered convention时大佬们正式推出Romney or McCain做候选人, Rubio也算是大功臣了。
刑事案要求 beyond reasonable doubt。民事案要求 more likely than not。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06