SF被非移杀死的女士的家人开始sue local and federal officials了: The Steinle family is suing the San Francisco sheriff, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Bureau of Land Management. They claim that the sheriff circumnavigated federal law on immigration and that ICE should have removed the suspect from the country. They also allege that the Bureau of Land Management improperly took care of the handgun that killed Steinle. "We're doing this ... for Kate, to get justice for Kate," Jim said. "We don't want another parent to have to go through this ... This is unimaginable, it's indescribable, it's brutally sad."
The new form will ask students to pick one gender from six different choices. [ /b]Prospective students will be asked to choose between male, female, trans male, trans female, gender queer/gender non-conforming and different identity.
Middlesex --1st floor: lockable gender-inclusive bathroom with multiple stalls --3rd floor: gender-inclusive bathroom without locks with four urinals on one side and three stalls on the other (there are two separate doors, but the sides are connected)
$10 billion initiative released by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign today is also aimed at fighting alcohol addiction and changing criminal justice practices to reduce penalties on non-violent drug offenders. ”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.” 尽管有各种诱因,但很多addict自己都觉得是moral failing, Hilary却认为这只是一种disease,好无辜啊好无辜。
$10 billion initiative released by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign today is also aimed at fighting alcohol addiction and changing criminal justice practices to reduce penalties on non-violent drug offenders. ”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.” 尽管有各种诱因,但很多addict自己都觉得是moral failing, Hilary却认为这只是一种disease,好无辜啊好无辜。
更troubling的是,希拉里认为什么都是“plain and simple", ”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.” 她对自己的邮件门也是满不在乎。But the fact is, nothing is plain and simple.
更troubling的是,希拉里认为什么都是“plain and simple", ”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.” 她对自己的邮件门也是满不在乎。But the fact is, nothing is plain and simple.
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., called on President Barack Obama to encourage nonviolence in the wake of recent police deaths. http://huaren.us/1NXNZVm 如果马丁路德金博士还在的话,我想他也不会同意现在O8的做法的。
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., called on President Barack Obama to encourage nonviolence in the wake of recent police deaths. http://huaren.us/1NXNZVm 如果马丁路德金博士还在的话,我想他也不会同意现在O8的做法的。
说老莫威力的同时, 请不要miss other other side of the coin, 比如你提到的FL:In the past six presidential elections, Florida voters, casting more than 41 million votes, sided with Democrats three times and Republicans three times. Crunching the numbers, Schale found the result was so close – 47.8 percent to 47.5 percent – a recount would have been required if it was one election.
Blacks and Hispanics are increasingly voting Democratic and whites are increasingly trending Republican, the numbers show. Over the long term, that represents a shrinking base for the Republican Party.
But for 2016, declines in support among white voters is a major problem for Democrats, said Florida Atlantic University political scientist Kevin Wagner.
"A lot of the focus is on the fact that Republicans have done — especially in presidential years — very poorly among minority groups, especially blacks and Hispanics," Wagner said. "Sometimes the analysis misses the other side of that coin: that Democrats are doing increasingly poorly with white Americans, especially working-class white Americans."
Source: Trump likely to rule out independent bid Donald Trump will meet with Republican National Commitee chairman Reince Priebus Thursday in New York City, one day after party officials began circulating a loyalty pledge that looked squarely aimed at the Republican front-runner.
马上又得涨上去,为了对抗ISIS,奥巴马已经提交了2016的plan. President Obama is asking to suspend sequestration so he can boost military spending thanks to a resurgence of ISIS that occurred after the official end of the War in Iraq in 2011.
Trump ruled out third part run: "The RNC has been absolutely terrific over the last two month period and as you know, that's what I've wanted," Trump said. "I don't want to be treated any differently." Asked what he got in return for signing the paper, Trump responded: "assurance that I will be treated fairly." http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/03/politics/donald-trump-2016-rnc-pledge-meeting/index.html
2016 General Election Match Ups Close PPP's newest national poll finds that Hillary Clinton generally holds modest leads over the Republican field for President, with Ben Carson faring the strongest among the GOP hopefuls. Carson earns a tie with Clinton at 44%, and he actually leads Bernie Sanders 42/36 in a head to head. Trump is down just 2 points with Hilary at 46/44, and he leads Sanders 43/42. It used to be that nominating Trump looked like it would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP but as he's gotten stronger in Republican polls, he's also gotten stronger in general election polling and is now doing better against Clinton than the perceived 'electable' candidate trio of Bush, Rubio, and Walker. http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2015/09/2016-general-election-match-ups-close.html
In the first national Monmouth University poll out since the first Republican presidential debate, released Thursday, the real estate mogul is showing a commanding lead at 30% support. But Carson, a neurosurgeon, posted the biggest gain in support since August, huaren.using 13 points to second place. He is holding down 18% support now among Republicans. That continues a trend of recent polls that show him moving up the list.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fell out of second place, dropping from 12% support in August to 8% now, though that fall is within the margin of error. That tied him for third place with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
Some liberals say a Trump administration may not be so terrible.
“Take, for example, his defense of Planned Parenthood. In the midst of the hit job on the women’s health organization, as every other candidate was huaren.using on the bandwagon to defund the entire organization, Trump correctly said that the abortion services were a very small part of Planned Parenthood, and that they do undeniably important work for women…
“When it comes to economic issues, Trump is also very different than his GOP competitors, and is more or less running against the GOP orthodoxy when it comes to taxes. Last week he almost sounded like a progressive when talking about the tax code…Beyond these issues, Trump has opposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.”
“The fact that Trump is the most progressive of GOP candidates, at least when it comes to certain policies, simply shows how very backwards the GOP actually is.” Trump除了immigration以外,其他政策不少偏liberal, 如果出线的话,general election还是很有希望的。
Carson这么聪明,是不会攻击Trump的,他俩作为GOP outsider还要抱团取暖呢。
UMass 就有 gender neutral 的厕所。也没有因此比其它学校多的性骚扰啊。
至少 trans male应该并到male里面去,trans female应该并到female里面。transgender最大的诉求不就是这个吗?这才是真正的尊重不是?
The Steinle family is suing the San Francisco sheriff, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Bureau of Land Management. They claim that the sheriff circumnavigated federal law on immigration and that ICE should have removed the suspect from the country. They also allege that the Bureau of Land Management improperly took care of the handgun that killed Steinle.
"We're doing this ... for Kate, to get justice for Kate," Jim said. "We don't want another parent to have to go through this ... This is unimaginable, it's indescribable, it's brutally sad."
那个女的立马换了个角度问,那你不endorse Jeb Bush么,为什么啊
cheney说,嗯,还在观望 (这不就是相当于说他对Jeb Bush没啥寄托么)
然后那个女的又换个角度继续问,那你对donald trump是怎么看的呢
cheney说,他认为trump确实是个factor,可以moving forward,说谁最后被gop提名,他就选谁
HIDDEN CAM: Hillary's National Marketing Director Illegally Accepting Foreign Contribution
UMASS GENDER NEUTRAL的难道是几个人同时可以同时上厕所的?
Trump 与 西班牙裔商务部的官员见面 。
It is irrelevant. The damage has been done.
Need to Win: 270
DEM 蓝州 - 247
GOP 红州 - 206
Toss Up - 85 (OH 18, FL 29)
--1st floor: lockable gender-inclusive bathroom with multiple stalls
--3rd floor: gender-inclusive bathroom without locks with four urinals on one side and three stalls on the other (there are two separate doors, but the sides are connected)
"He listened a lot more than he spoke," Palomarez told CNN, which first reported the meeting. "He never once interrupted me." 看来他还是能listen的
$10 billion initiative released by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign today is also aimed at fighting alcohol addiction and changing criminal justice practices to reduce penalties on non-violent drug offenders.
”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.”
尽管有各种诱因,但很多addict自己都觉得是moral failing, Hilary却认为这只是一种disease,好无辜啊好无辜。
Jeb Bush选这个时候暴trump以前亲dem,挺好的
更troubling的是,希拉里认为什么都是“plain and simple", ”Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.” 她对自己的邮件门也是满不在乎。But the fact is, nothing is plain and simple.
而且她事后cover up的做法,然后就是不以为然的态度,都让人觉得她没有可信度
我看Pew Research Center 调查的数据显示$75,000以上的基本平均。30% 共和党,29%民主党,38%独立。
Toss Up州GOP和部分Dem选他,well, 60-70%劳模不选他,他就赢不了。下面几个有大量劳模的Toss Up州他都悬:
不要忘了,上一次选举只有60%几的participation rate, 如果更多的slient majority出来,也许真的不需要很多Hispanic的票就可以赢。上次选举一些GOP支持者顾虑是摩门教,他们不会去投democrats, 所以干脆就不出来投票。
还是不要太低估劳模的威力。也不要太高估Trump所谓的silent majority。
看问题要看的再透一点,现实是Dem只要拿下OH和FL,GOP基本上就game over了。GOP推小Bush和Rubio不是乱来的,他们两个一个曾经是FL的州长,口碑还不错,能争取很多劳模的选票,一个是能争取古巴裔的劳模的现任Senate,对GOP来说,这是个双保险,FL的29张选票对GOP太重要了。这下好了,Trump大嘴一张,这29张选举人票很大可能要漂到Dem那里了。
我觉得GOP最初的打算是 Bush和Rubio搭档。
既然你要按历史规律,至少前两届总统选举OH是选民主党的,不就说明OH lean Dem多一点吗?
2011年的时候,Herman Cain直到10月25号还领先所有共和党的选手呢。
说老莫威力的同时, 请不要miss other other side of the coin, 比如你提到的FL:In the past six presidential elections, Florida voters, casting more than 41 million votes, sided with Democrats three times and Republicans three times. Crunching the numbers, Schale found the result was so close – 47.8 percent to 47.5 percent – a recount would have been required if it was one election.
Blacks and Hispanics are increasingly voting Democratic and whites are increasingly trending Republican, the numbers show. Over the long term, that represents a shrinking base for the Republican Party.
But for 2016, declines in support among white voters is a major problem for Democrats, said Florida Atlantic University political scientist Kevin Wagner.
"A lot of the focus is on the fact that Republicans have done — especially in presidential years — very poorly among minority groups, especially blacks and Hispanics," Wagner said. "Sometimes the analysis misses the other side of that coin: that Democrats are doing increasingly poorly with white Americans, especially working-class white Americans."
还有这次Dem的候选人不是black, 黑人里的得票率不会那么高。
consistent不容易被抓住把柄。移民他不是出了具体计划了,一个一个来呗。这样他每出一个计划,其他候选人和媒体都狂讨论这个问题一通。按照这个pace, 差不多到明年初正好把主要话题都cover了。
巴马当年靠change, hope都能搞定,选民更多是凭着感觉走。
Obama 当年有挺多计划的。全民医疗,从中东退兵,都一一实现了。
Donald Trump will meet with Republican National Commitee chairman Reince Priebus Thursday in New York City, one day after party officials began circulating a loyalty pledge that looked squarely aimed at the Republican front-runner.
Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed the meeting to CNN. Trump also announced that he will have a 2 p.m. news conference at Trump Towers Thursday.
哈哈, 前两天看到的一个片花是他说, 你们要是喜欢NICE的那类, 就是选BUSH。。。。。。
Nice的应该选Carson, 喜欢冒傻气类型的选Bush
说树丛nice? 不象他的风格呀,以他的风格应该直说stupid.
Asked what he got in return for signing the paper, Trump responded: "assurance that I will be treated fairly."
PPP's newest national poll finds that Hillary Clinton generally holds modest leads over the Republican field for President, with Ben Carson faring the strongest among the GOP hopefuls.
Carson earns a tie with Clinton at 44%, and he actually leads Bernie Sanders 42/36 in a head to head.
Trump is down just 2 points with Hilary at 46/44, and he leads Sanders 43/42. It used to be that nominating Trump looked like it would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP but as he's gotten stronger in Republican polls, he's also gotten stronger in general election polling and is now doing better against Clinton than the perceived 'electable' candidate trio of Bush, Rubio, and Walker.
But Carson, a neurosurgeon, posted the biggest gain in support since August, huaren.using 13 points to second place. He is holding down 18% support now among Republicans. That continues a trend of recent polls that show him moving up the list.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush fell out of second place, dropping from 12% support in August to 8% now, though that fall is within the margin of error. That tied him for third place with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
Some liberals say a Trump administration may not be so terrible.
“Take, for example, his defense of Planned Parenthood. In the midst of the hit job on the women’s health organization, as every other candidate was huaren.using on the bandwagon to defund the entire organization, Trump correctly said that the abortion services were a very small part of Planned Parenthood, and that they do undeniably important work for women…
“When it comes to economic issues, Trump is also very different than his GOP competitors, and is more or less running against the GOP orthodoxy when it comes to taxes. Last week he almost sounded like a progressive when talking about the tax code…Beyond these issues, Trump has opposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.”
“The fact that Trump is the most progressive of GOP candidates, at least when it comes to certain policies, simply shows how very backwards the GOP actually is.”
Trump除了immigration以外,其他政策不少偏liberal, 如果出线的话,general election还是很有希望的。
More specifically, the Black Lives Matter Network is clear that a resolution from the Democratic National Committee won’t bring the changes we seek.