Rubio也太不靠谱了,初选里面说什么systemic racism in America’s police departments is victimizing black Americans,他芯片装错了? Rubio said that he has personally “seen” minorities targeted by American law enforcement: “In this country [there is] a significant number particularly of young African-American males who feel as if they are treated differently than the rest of society. And here’s the bottom line: Whether you agree with them or not–I happen to have seen this happen–but whether you agree or not, if a significant percentage of the American family believes that they are being treated differently than everyone else, we have a problem, and we have to address it as a society and as a country… I do not believe we can fulfill our potential as a nation unless we address that.” Rubio’s comments prompted Black Lives Matter’s DeRay McKesson to reach out via twitter to Sen. Rubio and request a meeting.
Political Insider发了封邮件,说号召大家签字stop Ted's dirty tricks.
Dear Friend,
This 2016 presidential race is getting ugly and thousands of Republicans across the country are getting angry about it.
President Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, which declares that "thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican," has inspired a spirit of unity and respectfulness within intra-party contests for decades, a spirit that reflects our beliefs about the way our party should operate.
But the 2016 presidential cycle has so far demonstrated a disturbing break from President Reagan's wise words, featuring dishonest tactics and outright lies about fellow candidates, specifically (but not limited to) the convenient lie Ted Cruz told to Iowa voters that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race just before voting in caucuses began.
Now, Ted and his partners are up to their shady tricks again in South Carolina. Voters across the nation are exhausTED by these games. It is time to raise your voice to make sure Cruz is defeaTED, and put an end to Ted Cruz's dishonest tactics.
The Nevada GOP caucus takes place on Feb. 23. This caucus is much more straightforward in terms of how many delegates go to each candidate. There are a total of 30 delegates at stake for the GOP in Nevada and they are proportionally rewarded to each candidate, as long as they get 3.3 percent of the vote. On Feb. 23, candidates Donald Trump, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Ben Carson will be fighting for these delegates. Carson might not even make it to Nevada — on Feb. 20, South Carolina could be the end for Carson, who received only 2.3 percent of votes in New Hampshire.
The Nevada GOP caucus takes place on Feb. 23. This caucus is much more straightforward in terms of how many delegates go to each candidate. There are a total of 30 delegates at stake for the GOP in Nevada and they are proportionally rewarded to each candidate, as long as they get 3.3 percent of the vote. On Feb. 23, candidates Donald Trump, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Ben Carson will be fighting for these delegates. Carson might not even make it to Nevada — on Feb. 20, South Carolina could be the end for Carson, who received only 2.3 percent of votes in New Hampshire. goldengate 发表于 2/19/2016 1:53:47 PM
“We’ve had ups and downs before in our history, but this feels different. This is an effort by Barack Obama to change America." Tonight on “Hannity,” Marco Rubio said that Pres. Obama is trying to “make America more like another country.” Do you agree?
Austria's daily cap on the number of migrants and refugees allowed into the country has come into force. Just 80 asylum applications will be accepted each day at Austria's southern border, after which it will shut. The European migration commissioner has described the measure as "plainly incompatible" with European Union law.
Trump tweet: I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go! 就是,总统不去大法官葬礼太说不过去了,丫今天有什么重要事宜啊?!
Trump tweet: I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go! 就是,总统不去大法官葬礼太说不过去了,丫今天有什么重要事宜啊?! PositiveVibe 发表于 2/20/2016 2:37:35 PM
Trump tweet: I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go! 就是,总统不去大法官葬礼太说不过去了,丫今天有什么重要事宜啊?! PositiveVibe 发表于 2/20/2016 2:37:35 PM
Rubio said that he has personally “seen” minorities targeted by American law enforcement: “In this country [there is] a significant number particularly of young African-American males who feel as if they are treated differently than the rest of society. And here’s the bottom line: Whether you agree with them or not–I happen to have seen this happen–but whether you agree or not, if a significant percentage of the American family believes that they are being treated differently than everyone else, we have a problem, and we have to address it as a society and as a country… I do not believe we can fulfill our potential as a nation unless we address that.”
Rubio’s comments prompted Black Lives Matter’s DeRay McKesson to reach out via twitter to Sen. Rubio and request a meeting.
Dear Friend,
This 2016 presidential race is getting ugly and thousands of Republicans across the country are getting angry about it.
President Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, which declares that "thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican," has inspired a spirit of unity and respectfulness within intra-party contests for decades, a spirit that reflects our beliefs about the way our party should operate.
But the 2016 presidential cycle has so far demonstrated a disturbing break from President Reagan's wise words, featuring dishonest tactics and outright lies about fellow candidates, specifically (but not limited to) the convenient lie Ted Cruz told to Iowa voters that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race just before voting in caucuses began.
Now, Ted and his partners are up to their shady tricks again in South Carolina. Voters across the nation are exhausTED by these games. It is time to raise your voice to make sure Cruz is defeaTED, and put an end to Ted Cruz's dishonest tactics.
The GOP needs to rise above these dirty games.
Sign Now
The 2016 Committee
那个最不利Trump的NBC/WSJ的南卡poll Trump 28, Cruz 23, 放心了,实际差距肯定10++。接下来就看turn out了
Congress要找cook和FBI来听证了, apple这是为了上头条吗?好好生意不做折腾这个,好久都没出啥创新的产品了。
Google肯定在暗笑呢,别看劈柴出来支持作秀,人家comply with warrant一点不含糊,然后说你要fight啊你要fight啊,我们支持你!
这。。。明天是open primary, 希望民主党蓝领都来支持Trump!
苹果不知天高地厚, FBI想整他方法很多,且不说阴暗的,明面上的,下次FBI再抓获恐怖分子,如果用的是iphone, 发新闻时就特意提到一下, apple就够喝一壶。开公司不是搞政治, 主次拎不清
估计会,Android本来就好破解。FBI肯定是私下找了apple, 不同意,于是去court拿来判决,结果竟然还不同意,还发声明。三星估计私下第一阶段就解决了。
今年apple业绩不好,股票很惨,应该把精力放在提高业务上。现在早上看sqauk alley, 都快变成政治show了,很烦人。其实Apple搞政治也是新手,我估计他们发声明也没想好怎么收场吧?
对啊,FBI下次自己搞砸啥就有托词了,推给apple呗,说自己有啥破解不了,blahblah ,这种责任推都来不及,apple还主动往自己身上揽。cook如果准备打到高院,没几年完不了,他就天天祈祷没有恐袭吧
小扎精多了,一有warrant马上交出数据,还天天跑去中国抱大腿。他虽然是liberal, 但有犹太人天生的精明,cook这种,给顶高帽子就忘了自己本来是干什么吃的了。。。
还有 诺基亚。
Tonight on “Hannity,” Marco Rubio said that Pres. Obama is trying to “make America more like another country.” Do you agree?
这样还不解, 那 他就是 IS 的漏。
原来FBI也没要代码。大家都不看court order。现在看apple怎么说吧
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
trump 开了个好头
没错,希望他第三,而且bush, kasich不退