Moonlite Bunny Ranch: Brothel Workers Campaign for Hillary Clinton Ahead of Nevada Caucuses Workers at the brothel, owned by Dennis Hof, endorsed the presidential candidate and launched the "Hookers for Hillary" campaign in 2015. Nevada's Democratic caucuses are Saturday.
Gov. Haley, speaking at an unrelated news conference Tuesday, said doesn’t know which candidate, if any, she’d endorse, adding "it's probably safe to say that" she wouldn't endorse Trump.
Gov. Haley, speaking at an unrelated news conference Tuesday, said doesn’t know which candidate, if any, she’d endorse, adding "it's probably safe to say that" she wouldn't endorse Trump.
Gov. Haley, speaking at an unrelated news conference Tuesday, said doesn’t know which candidate, if any, she’d endorse, adding "it's probably safe to say that" she wouldn't endorse Trump.
Moonlite Bunny Ranch: Brothel Workers Campaign for Hillary Clinton Ahead of Nevada Caucuses Workers at the brothel, owned by Dennis Hof, endorsed the presidential candidate and launched the "Hookers for Hillary" campaign in 2015. Nevada's Democratic caucuses are Saturday. luckyso 发表于 2/16/2016 9:24:53 PM
please be a voice, not an echo. You can be very creative,dude.
xiang2010 发表于 2/16/2016 9:43:09 PM
An echo is a repeat of the original speech. My creativity allowed to expand on other people's speech. Please learn to appreciate different forms of creativity.
An echo is a repeat of the original speech. My creativity allowed to expand on other people's speech. Please learn to appreciate different forms of creativity.
BlueNDGold 发表于 2/16/2016 9:52:35 PM
Then you don't have originality, satisfied? You often criticize others' comments, but rarely make your own stance. It's easier to nitpick, harder to be constructive.
Trump to Obama:Donald J. Trump's Response: "This man has done such a bad job. He has set us back so far. And for him to say that is actually a great compliment, if you want to know the truth."
Then you don't have originality, satisfied? You often criticize others' comments, but rarely make your own stance. It's easier to nitpick, harder to be constructive.
luckyso 发表于 2/16/2016 10:35:38 PM
Aren't most of your own posts merely reposts of things written by other people? Do you feel more original when you are repeating stories written on Breitbart or other conservative news blogs? How many people here expressed any original thoughts? Go through the pages of this thread and tell me you don't a lot of people on the bandwagon and repeating less than original comments.
Aren't most of your own posts merely reposts of things written by other people? Do you feel more original when you are repeating stories written on Breitbart or other conservative news blogs? How many people here expressed any original thoughts? Go through the pages of this thread and tell me you don't a lot of people on the bandwagon and repeating less than original comments.
BlueNDGold 发表于 2/16/2016 11:31:45 PM
You're welcome to post news blogs, at least people learn new info. What you do is always to nitpick others' comments, it's so not interesting or enlightening. It's a friendly advice indeed in good faith. No need to be defensive.
You're welcome to post news blogs, at least people learn new info. What you do is always to nitpick others' comments, it's so not interesting or enlightening. It's a friendly advice indeed in good faith. No need to be defensive.
luckyso 发表于 2/16/2016 11:41:26 PM
I am pointing out fundamental flaws that dominate the conversation amongst conservative minded people. If you want to call that nitpicking, that's your prerogative. If you don't want to be ridiculed, then the simplest thing to do is stop posting things that are ridiculous.
I am pointing out fundamental flaws that dominate the conversation amongst conservative minded people. If you want to call that nitpicking, that's your prerogative. If you don't want to be ridiculed, then the simplest thing to do is stop posting things that are ridiculous.
BlueNDGold 发表于 2/17/2016 12:13:50 AM
Even if I don't agree with many of your comments, I never called you "ridiculous", did I? And It's not about me getting ridiculed, it's about you being not constructive. You still don't get it, do you? And you still think you're smarter than others, don't you? Then forget it.
Even if I don't agree with many of your comments, I never called you "ridiculous", did I? And It's not about me getting ridiculed, it's about you being not constructive. You still don't get it, do you? And you still think you're smarter than others, don't you? Then forget it.
luckyso 发表于 2/17/2016 12:21:54 AM
Please read what I wrote and don't put words in my mouth. I never called you ridiculous. I said the things you shared from conservative blogs are ridiculous. There's a difference.
As for your criticism of my comments not being constructive, I would agree with you that I could be more constructive in my comments. But let's be honest with each other, if you go back to the beginning of this thread and read it from the start, the tone was never set for a constructive back and forth dialogue between people with different ideologies. I didn't see the need to differentiate myself, so I decided it was more fun to play in the mud pond with everyone else.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — South Dakota is one signature away from becoming the first state in the country to enact a law that would bar transgender students from using bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities of the gender with which they identify if it doesn't correspond with their biological sex.
The host of the CBS late night broadcast started his show with a call from the GOP frontrunner. The call came via a bright orange phone with a blonde wig on it that Colbert called "The Trump Phone." 这个是今晚?
I find it dangerous not to issue cause of death by phone without looking at the body.
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a post on Facebook on Sunday, according to The Washington Post.
Ritchie also questioned how authorities could have ruled a cause of death without first conducting a post-mortem to make sure Scalia was not injected with a substance to induce a heart attack.
Confusion over Scalia’s death stirs sideshow debate, conspiracy theories , CNN也有报道了类似的theory。这事真是很奇怪
I find it dangerous not to issue cause of death by phone without looking at the body.
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a post on Facebook on Sunday, according to The Washington Post.
Ritchie also questioned how authorities could have ruled a cause of death without first conducting a post-mortem to make sure Scalia was not injected with a substance to induce a heart attack.
Confusion over Scalia’s death stirs sideshow debate, conspiracy theories , CNN也有报道了类似的theory。这事真是很奇怪 luckyso 发表于 2/17/2016 2:12:46 AM
Team Bush: $80.9 million Team Rubio: $50.4 million Team Sanders: $25 million Team Clinton: $20 million Team Cruz: $16.8 million Team Trump: $8.5 million
The biggest South Carolina ad spenders
Team Bush: $12.8 million Team Rubio: $11.1 million Team Cruz: $8.1 million Team Trump: $1.3 million Team Sanders: $878,000 Team Clinton: $712,000 Team Carson: $696,000
The biggest Nevada ad spenders
Team Clinton: $3.3 million Team Sanders: $3.2 million Team Rubio: $560,000
“If you thought more spending leads to better poll results, you might expect most of the candidates to form a line stretching from the bottom-left to upper-right corner. The reality is messier, and if anything, the line seems to point the other way. That might give pause to anyone considering writing the next $1 million check.‘
“If you thought more spending leads to better poll results, you might expect most of the candidates to form a line stretching from the bottom-left to upper-right corner. The reality is messier, and if anything, the line seems to point the other way. That might give pause to anyone considering writing the next $1 million check.‘ monmon 发表于 2/17/2016 4:11:15 PM
是很疑惑啊,texas警察, DA为什么不调查一下?
有没有 foul play 难道不是一般都用肉眼看么?那种forensic team只对有疑的案件才调查吧?
Moonlite Bunny Ranch: Brothel Workers Campaign for Hillary Clinton Ahead of Nevada Caucuses
Workers at the brothel, owned by Dennis Hof, endorsed the presidential candidate and launched the "Hookers for Hillary" campaign in 2015. Nevada's Democratic caucuses are Saturday.
我只是说这女的是,没说别人。这女的义正言辞的state of union不把火力对准O8, 假公济私,拐弯抹角的批评Trump,现在支持谁又不说出来,非常虚伪,典型三姐作风,所以称为“走狗”。
You can be very creative,dude.
How many people here expressed any original thoughts? Go through the pages of this thread and tell me you don't a lot of people on the bandwagon and repeating less than original comments.
Even if I don't agree with many of your comments, I never called you "ridiculous", did I? And It's not about me getting ridiculed, it's about you being not constructive. You still don't get it, do you? And you still think you're smarter than others, don't you? Then forget it.
Please read what I wrote and don't put words in my mouth. I never called you ridiculous. I said the things you shared from conservative blogs are ridiculous. There's a difference.
As for your criticism of my comments not being constructive, I would agree with you that I could be more constructive in my comments. But let's be honest with each other, if you go back to the beginning of this thread and read it from the start, the tone was never set for a constructive back and forth dialogue between people with different ideologies. I didn't see the need to differentiate myself, so I decided it was more fun to play in the mud pond with everyone else.
在大陪审团决定起诉梁彼得后不久,同为香港移民的纽约市议员Margaret Chin(陈倩雯)立刻表示对这个结果很满意,声称自己办公室收到雪花般来自中国移民的信件表示支持大陪审团的这一决定。
"I'm not afraid to speak out," Chin said, "and not everyone agrees with me in Chinatown."
Chin added: "I think [Liang] has to go through the judicial process and not make any excuse that it's an accident."
今天看到上面这个消息,Margaret Chin是猪党的,怎么感觉华人议员都是猪党的?怎么都是无耻下贱的出卖华人利益?猪党到底灌得啥汤让这些人都变成鬼?
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a post on Facebook on Sunday, according to The Washington Post.
Ritchie also questioned how authorities could have ruled a cause of death without first conducting a post-mortem to make sure Scalia was not injected with a substance to induce a heart attack.
Confusion over Scalia’s death stirs sideshow debate, conspiracy theories , CNN也有报道了类似的theory。这事真是很奇怪
今晚明晚有GOP的Town Hall,是CNN的AC360主持
Apple违抗California judge's order,不肯帮助FBI unlock加州恐袭案的iPhone,说是privacy issue,这FBI也够笨的,自己unlock不了,只能求助Apple
Wednesday, February 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
Nevada Republican Presidential Caucus CNN/ORC Trump 45, Cruz 17, Rubio 19, Carson 7, Bush 1, Kasich 5 Trump +26
Nevada Democratic Presidential Caucus CNN/ORC Clinton 48, Sanders 47 Clinton +1
South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary SC House GOP Trump 34, Cruz 16, Rubio 15, Bush 15, Kasich 8, Carson 7 Trump +18
South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary ARG Trump 33, Cruz 14, Rubio 16, Bush 9, Kasich 14, Carson 3 Trump +17
South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary ARG Clinton 61, Sanders 31 Clinton +30
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination Quinnipiac Trump 39, Rubio 19, Cruz 18, Carson 4, Kasich 6, Bush 4, Christie, Fiorina Trump +20
2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination Quinnipiac Clinton 44, Sanders 42 Clinton +2
FBI自己不能做是因为,如果你试了一定的次数,passcode还是不对的话,手机里的data会自动wipe off。
即使wipe out, 硬件上也还能恢复?不知道,也许只是电视里面行
是,目前好像破解的技术都是基于这个吧, 快速试
怎么看这个封面女郎还挺enjoy :s
又想起大法官了, 他没有家人吗????他的同事朋友不觉得他走得突然吗,没人关心他吗?????
住在南加州的华裔邵驰(Chi Shao,音译)15日清晨在核桃市La Puente大道上晨跑时,在自行车道上被人开车从后面撞飞,当场死亡。肇事者16日过堂时爆出惊人内幕:36岁的黎巴嫩籍凶嫌,疑似因非法逾期滞留美国马上面临递解出境,策画撞车杀人,宁愿坐牢,避免回国。
这宗车祸15日清晨5时50分左右发生在核桃市La Puente大道与Citadel路交口附近,警方在发案后一个小时即透露,本案并非一般的车祸致死案,而是涉及蓄意谋杀。
根据洛杉矶县警察局没有对外公布的内部消息,59岁的华裔晨跑者邵驰被36岁的西柯汶纳居民Haissam Massalkhy驾驶的1989年蓝色丰田撞飞,受害人反弹挂在汽车挡风玻璃前,肇事汽车随后失控,冲破附近街区的隔离砖墙,并冲进一家华裔民宅的后院,受害人当场死亡。
肇事者被警方当场逮捕后很快承认,他是有计画要撞倒受害人(intentionally ran over the victim)。他同时承认,与受害人并不认识。肇事者如此坦白,连办案人员都没有想到。
Then it's the FBI's job to apprehend those hackers and terrorists... Wait, the FBI can't because they can't access their phones...
对,apple 的意思就是说,门你打不开,想来爷这整一把万能钥匙,告诉你,爷能做,但不给你做,谁知道你拿了钥匙后,是开一家门,还是谁家门都开!为了我家防盗门的生意,我不会给你做万能钥匙的。
SC州长Nikki Haley endorse机器人了
Trump 45, Cruz 17, Rubio 19, Carson 7, Bush 1, Kasich 5
Team Bush: $80.9 million
Team Rubio: $50.4 million
Team Sanders: $25 million
Team Clinton: $20 million
Team Cruz: $16.8 million
Team Trump: $8.5 million
The biggest South Carolina ad spenders
Team Bush: $12.8 million
Team Rubio: $11.1 million
Team Cruz: $8.1 million
Team Trump: $1.3 million
Team Sanders: $878,000
Team Clinton: $712,000
Team Carson: $696,000
The biggest Nevada ad spenders
Team Clinton: $3.3 million
Team Sanders: $3.2 million
Team Rubio: $560,000
“If you thought more spending leads to better poll results, you might expect most of the candidates to form a line stretching from the bottom-left to upper-right corner. The reality is messier, and if anything, the line seems to point the other way. That might give pause to anyone considering writing the next $1 million check.‘
只要不自毁数据,按现在硬件的速度,解密没问题。用户密码据说apple自己也没有,只可能有个hash, 如果想通过hash算回去,可能比直接试密码还慢
尤其是现在Cruz在Poll里上升,显得他好像打不过Cruz, 所以要玩花样才行。时机非常不利。