Divorce Law and Inherited Money: Non-Marital Property
If a person receives an inheritance, it is not considered part of the couple's huaren.usl property. The law states that the inherited money belongs to the person who received it. As long as the recipient keeps it separate, it is not included when the time comes to divide the couple's assets in a divorce settlement.
A future inheritance that a person is expecting to receive is not included in calculations of huaren.usl property. The Court has determined that since a person who is competent has the right to change his or her will at any time, the expectation of receiving an inheritance cannot be considered an asset that a person owns. Keep Inherited Money Separate
The thing to keep in mind here is that if you want to keep an inheritance from being considered huaren.usl property, it must be kept separate from huaren.usl property. To do this, you would need to deposit the funds into a bank account in your name only. Adding other money to it that would normally be considered huaren.usl property (such as a pay check) may mean that the entire balance in the account would be considered a huaren.usl asset. Divorce law and inherited money also considers that if you use some or all the funds you received as an inheritance to pay down huaren.usl debt or expenses, that portion becomes huaren.usl property. Depending on the state in question, even if you replaced the money you used to pay the debt or expenses after the fact, the entire amount of funds in the account becomes huaren.usl property. In other parts of the United States, the fact that you withdrew a portion of the inherited money to pay for something that would normally be considered huaren.usl property means that all the money becomes huaren.usl property.
The non-community property states or separate property states characterize property earned by a wife or husband as her or his individual separate property. Separate property refers to the property that one brings to the marriage remains the separate property of that individual and does not get divided should the marriage fail. If spouses move from a separate property state, all property acquired in that state and all property acquired with that property is the separate property of the spouse who earned it. There are special rules that apply at the death of a spouse, to assure an equitable result. Laws governing separate property vary in each state.
Separate property in a community property state includes:
• All property owned by a spouse prior to marriage.
• Any property obtained by a spouse after a legal separation.
• Any property received as a gift or inheritance during the marriage from a third party such as joint banking accounts.
• Any pre-marriage debts.共产州全美只有九个啊,大部分非共产州可能适用于这一个。那么,婚前财产,婚前负债和遗产赠与都很好理解,肯定是个人的。唯独第二条,ANY PROPERTY OBTAINED BY A SPOUSE AFTER A LEGAL SEPARATION 指得是什么呢。
The non-community property states or separate property states characterize property earned by a wife or husband as her or his individual separate property. Separate property refers to the property that one brings to the marriage remains the separate property of that individual and does not get divided should the marriage fail. If spouses move from a separate property state, all property acquired in that state and all property acquired with that property is the separate property of the spouse who earned it. There are special rules that apply at the death of a spouse, to assure an equitable result. Laws governing separate property vary in each state.
Separate property in a community property state includes:
• All property owned by a spouse prior to marriage.
• Any property obtained by a spouse after a legal separation.
• Any property received as a gift or inheritance during the marriage from a third party such as joint banking accounts.
• Any pre-marriage debts.共产州全美只有九个啊,大部分非共产州可能适用于这一个。那么,婚前财产,婚前负债和遗产赠与都很好理解,肯定是个人的。唯独第二条,ANY PROPERTY OBTAINED BY A SPOUSE AFTER A LEGAL SEPARATION 指得是什么呢。
I think as long as it is 父母赠送 to you, no matter if it is in the US or China, no matter if it is before or after getting married, it belongs to you?
If a person receives an inheritance, it is not considered part of the couple's huaren.usl property. The law states that the inherited money belongs to the person who received it. As long as the recipient keeps it separate, it is not included when the time comes to divide the couple's assets in a divorce settlement.
A future inheritance that a person is expecting to receive is not included in calculations of huaren.usl property. The Court has determined that since a person who is competent has the right to change his or her will at any time, the expectation of receiving an inheritance cannot be considered an asset that a person owns.
Keep Inherited Money Separate
The thing to keep in mind here is that if you want to keep an inheritance from being considered huaren.usl property, it must be kept separate from huaren.usl property. To do this, you would need to deposit the funds into a bank account in your name only. Adding other money to it that would normally be considered huaren.usl property (such as a pay check) may mean that the entire balance in the account would be considered a huaren.usl asset. Divorce law and inherited money also considers that if you use some or all the funds you received as an inheritance to pay down huaren.usl debt or expenses, that portion becomes huaren.usl property. Depending on the state in question, even if you replaced the money you used to pay the debt or expenses after the fact, the entire amount of funds in the account becomes huaren.usl property. In other parts of the United States, the fact that you withdrew a portion of the inherited money to pay for something that would normally be considered huaren.usl property means that all the money becomes huaren.usl property.
贷款上写一个人的名字,但是title上还是可以写夫妻俩的名字的。如果离婚,还是可以申请把贷款当作共同债务处理的,至少在community property states是这样。
Separate property in a community property state includes:
• All property owned by a spouse prior to marriage.
• Any property obtained by a spouse after a legal separation.
• Any property received as a gift or inheritance during the marriage from a third party such as joint banking accounts.
• Any pre-marriage debts.共产州全美只有九个啊,大部分非共产州可能适用于这一个。那么,婚前财产,婚前负债和遗产赠与都很好理解,肯定是个人的。唯独第二条,ANY PROPERTY OBTAINED BY A SPOUSE AFTER A LEGAL SEPARATION 指得是什么呢。
建个公共账户,收入绝大部分都打进去,不存在分不分的事情了,好好过日子,不离婚,就happy forever了
这个具体的,每个州的州法略有不同。基本上是case by case, 考虑各种因素,财产来源,㛰姻长短,双方对家庭的贡献,等等,以达到一个equitable的分割。所以就算不能分一半也能分一部分。大多数情况下接近一半。