衍生事件,在泰国查获200多维族人冒充土耳其at secret camp, 都带着个人物品,准备偷渡。 (Reuters) - Police rescued about 200 suspected Muslim Uighurs from a human smuggling camp in southern Thailand, police sources said on Friday, in the latest crackdown on a burgeoning trafficking network in Southeast Asia. The rescue of the Uighurs, believed to be from China's troubled far-western region of Xinjiang, brings the total number of people freed from human traffickers to well over 800 since Reuters exposed the whereabouts of the illegal camps in a December 5 investigation.
If properly maintained, the ELT is designed to have sufficient power to transmit the signal (which is a wailing sound similar to a siren) for 48 hours at -20°C. An 406 ELT signal is detected by the satellites within minutes. As well, high altitude commercial and military aircraft normally monitor 121.5 MHz and can typically detect the 121.5 ELT signals within 100 miles of crash site. All aircraft should monitor 121.5 MHz when able, especially in sparsely settled areas.
衍生事件,在泰国查获200多维族人冒充土耳其at secret camp, 都带着个人物品,准备偷渡。 (Reuters) - Police rescued about 200 suspected Muslim Uighurs from a human smuggling camp in southern Thailand, police sources said on Friday, in the latest crackdown on a burgeoning trafficking network in Southeast Asia. The rescue of the Uighurs, believed to be from China's troubled far-western region of Xinjiang, brings the total number of people freed from human traffickers to well over 800 since Reuters exposed the whereabouts of the illegal camps in a December 5 investigation. humuhumu 发表于 3/14/2014 1:35:49 PM
If properly maintained, the ELT is designed to have sufficient power to transmit the signal (which is a wailing sound similar to a siren) for 48 hours at -20°C. An 406 ELT signal is detected by the satellites within minutes. As well, high altitude commercial and military aircraft normally monitor 121.5 MHz and can typically detect the 121.5 ELT signals within 100 miles of crash site. All aircraft should monitor 121.5 MHz when able, especially in sparsely settled areas. baodidi 发表于 3/14/2014 1:36:15 PM
要说事后美国为了彰显老大地位要占住马六甲和印度洋协助搜索,防止中国通过这件事事后得利扩大区域影响,这个是肯定有的。 中国也要彰显存在啊,至少南海家门口守住了。
只要人还活着 随便他们怎么折腾吧
刚微波看一个心理公知说 什么事情都说是美国干的 是被迫害妄想症
(Reuters) - Police rescued about 200 suspected Muslim Uighurs from a human smuggling camp in southern Thailand, police sources said on Friday, in the latest crackdown on a burgeoning trafficking network in Southeast Asia.
The rescue of the Uighurs, believed to be from China's troubled far-western region of Xinjiang, brings the total number of people freed from human traffickers to well over 800 since Reuters exposed the whereabouts of the illegal camps in a December 5 investigation.
If properly maintained, the ELT is designed to have sufficient power to transmit the signal (which is a wailing sound similar to a siren) for 48 hours at -20°C. An 406 ELT signal is detected by the satellites within minutes. As well, high altitude commercial and military aircraft normally monitor 121.5 MHz and can typically detect the 121.5 ELT signals within 100 miles of crash site. All aircraft should monitor 121.5 MHz when able, especially in sparsely settled areas.
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