Denis Giles, Editor of the Andaman Chronicle, says the missing Malaysian Airlines flight is not on the island. 你说阿三国一个杂志社编辑怎么能确定飞机在不在一个naval机场? 是不是胡说啊?
The radar data doesn't show the plane over the Andaman Islands, but only on a known route that would take it there, Reuters cited its sources as saying.
之前说的都没有被雷达探测到是不全面的,还是有被雷达捕捉到,更重要的是on route to Andaman Islands
Malaysia Airlines said it hadn't received any such data. According to Boeing, the plane's manufacturer, the airline didn't purchase a package through Boeing to monitor its airplanes' data through the satellite system.
Malaysia Airlines said Friday that it has the required maintenance program in place for its Boeing 777, without elaborating.
Malaysia Airlines said it hadn't received any such data. According to Boeing, the plane's manufacturer, the airline didn't purchase a package through Boeing to monitor its airplanes' data through the satellite system.
Malaysia Airlines said Friday that it has the required maintenance program in place for its Boeing 777, without elaborating. lingling7 发表于 3/14/2014 10:04:00 AM
Malaysia Airlines said it hadn't received any such data. According to Boeing, the plane's manufacturer, the airline didn't purchase a package through Boeing to monitor its airplanes' data through the satellite system.
Malaysia Airlines said Friday that it has the required maintenance program in place for its Boeing 777, without elaborating. lingling7 发表于 3/14/2014 10:04:00 AM
The satellites also received speed and altitude information about the plane from its intermittent "pings," the people said. The final ping was sent from over water, at what one of these people called a normal cruising altitude. They added that it was unclear why the pings stopped. One of the people, an industry official, said it was possible that the system sending them had been disabled by someone on board.
They added that it was unclear why the pings stopped. One of the people, an industry official, said it was possible that the system sending them had been disabled by someone on board.
这篇把目前所有信息梳理的很清楚 推荐一下
吉隆坡民调机构默迪卡中心(Merdeka Centre)的本•苏费安(Ben Suffian)说:“在关于政府如何运作的问题上,他们抱持着缄默的传统。他们从不真正解释任何事情,从不涉及细节,而且常把国家安全挂在嘴边。”
上世纪70年代,马来西亚为占其人口多数的民族——马来人——设立了“扶弱政策”(affirmative action),该政策后来延伸至公共部门,目前身居政府高位的大多是马来人。马来人占总人口的60%。
纳吉布•拉扎克(Najib Razak)内阁的31名成员中,仅有一名华人和一名印度人。
你说阿三国一个杂志社编辑怎么能确定飞机在不在一个naval机场? 是不是胡说啊?
天哪 万一真的是劫机 坏人难道不会想办法monitor外面的消息吗
看到有人打亲人手机联络 坏人难道不会没收手机甚至采取更坏的手段吗
bless 飞机上的宝宝,乘客,家属们
The radar data doesn't show the plane over the Andaman Islands, but only on a known route that would take it there, Reuters cited its sources as saying.
之前说的都没有被雷达探测到是不全面的,还是有被雷达捕捉到,更重要的是on route to Andaman Islands
Malaysia Airlines said it hadn't received any such data. According to Boeing, the plane's manufacturer, the airline didn't purchase a package through Boeing to monitor its airplanes' data through the satellite system.
Malaysia Airlines said Friday that it has the required maintenance program in place for its Boeing 777, without elaborating.
收到最后的ping的时候还是在cruising altitude,那也很难说最后降落在那里了。。。。。。。。。。。。。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
nono, 这个已经澄清了,根本不是发动机的信号,是播音的卫星信号,马航没有买,所以收不到,我之前贴了wsj的原文了
They added that it was unclear why the pings stopped. One of the people, an industry official, said it was possible that the system sending them had been disabled by someone on board.
我不相信有人向外面打电话。如果是不让外人接通,那么家人应该是一接就听到被掐掉的,又不是这种情况。而且,现在哪个手机能七天不用充电的? 而且现在也没在谈判,也没恐怖分子出来说话。