为什么之前一直说证据不足都否认,这次也还没打捞出来啊,怎么就确定了呢 孔雀翎 发表于 3/24/2014 10:48:07 AM
The Malaysian leader said that he was briefed by Britain's Air Accident Investigations Branch on data from Inmarsat, ISAT.LN +0.84% the satellite company that had provided data that has led to a massive search for the aircraft. Analysis showed the BoeingBA -0.02% 777-200's last position was in the Indian Ocean west of the Australian city of Perth.
The sightings followed an earlier report by China's state-run Xinhua news agency that crew on one of the IL-76 planes in the area spotted two large, white items and several smaller objects floating several kilometers away.
“What evidence does Malaysia Airlines have to prove that the plane crashed?” said one relative, who would only give her surname, Zhang. “So they said everybody died. Then everybody just died? How? Why? Where? They showed us nothing to prove anything. Just one stupid text message to end the whole thing? I couldn’t believe this. This is total nonsense.”
re,跟我想的一抹一样,pilots肯定是提出过什么条件,马来猪没答应,他们一早就知道飞机crash在哪了,就是拖着,掩盖真相有好几个目的,其中之一就是和保险公司把保险的钱搞定,赔偿家属肯定是得赔偿,上周五的新闻就是马行和德国再保险等几家保险公司携手进行赔偿而且已经结束和德国再保险的协商什么的,我当时就有gut feeling 他们是把保险搞定了就close这个事,然后就以深海打捞没设备,打捞不上来为借口,从此就out of this了。
On Monday, a spokesman for the Pacific-based U.S. Seventh Fleet said the Navy was bringing a black-box locator to the region. The system could help locate Flight 370's flight recorders, containing crucial digital flight information and the final two hours of cockpit voice recordings, if the plane crashed into the ocean where depths can reach 13,000 feet.
The TPL-25 Towed Pinger Locator System has been able to locate black boxes on downed Navy and commercial aircraft to a maximum depth of 20,000 feet anywhere in the world, the U.S. Navy said. Commercial aircraft pincers are mounted directly on to the flight recorder, the recovery of which is critical to an accident investigation. lingling7 发表于 3/24/2014 9:50:44 AM
The mathematics-based process used by Inmarsat and the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) to reveal the definitive path was described by McLaughlin as "groundbreaking."
Here's how the process works in a nutshell: Inmarsat officials and engineers were able to determine whether the plane was flying away or toward the satellite's location by expansion or compression of the satellite's signal.
What does expansion or compression mean? You may have heard about something called the Doppler effect.
"If you sit at a train station and you listen to the train whistle -- the pitch of the whistle changes as it moves past. That's exactly what we have," explained CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers, who has studied Doppler technology. "It's the Doppler effect that they're using on this ping or handshake back from the airplane. They know by nanoseconds whether that signal was compressed a little -- or expanded -- by whether the plane was moving closer or away from 64.5 degrees -- which is the latitude of the orbiting satellite."
Each ping was analyzed for its direction of travel, Myers said. The new calculations, McLaughlin said, underwent a peer review process with space agency experts and contributions by Boeing.
It's possible to use this analysis to determine more specifically the area where the plane went down, Myers said. "Using trigonometry, engineers are capable of finding angles of flight."
Satellite transmission data analyzed by U.S. investigators showed that the Malaysian Airline (MAS) System Bhd. jetliner’s most likely last-known position was in a zone about 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) west of Perth, Australia, said two people in the U.S. government who are familiar with the readings. Najib was told that is the most promising lead on locating the plane, one of the people said.
最新消息说雪龙号已经到了可疑海域附近,希望今天的搜索能有结果! PS,马来政府宣称的所谓从未采用的新技术,据Inmarsat公司的解释来看就是猜测。。。。。。原话是some guesswork had to be involved,感觉就是在现有数据基础上做了一些模拟运算。。。ruix 发表于 2014-03-24 19:46 PM
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
不知道这个analysis为什么要take so long
不知道,说得最多的是,一个green circular object和一个orange rectangle object,这个是澳大利亚看到了
The sightings followed an earlier report by China's state-run Xinhua news agency that crew on one of the IL-76 planes in the area spotted two large, white items and several smaller objects floating several kilometers away.
re, 当时法航打捞可能最后出了3000万英镑,这对于一个国家来说不是大钱了,随便抓一个贪官都有这么多了。但是,这既不是中国的飞机,也不掉在中国的领土范围内,中国怎么可能领衔调查啊。
TMD 兔子就不能当次狼把马灭了么!
神婆完胜啊 让谁不服来跟神婆pk试试
re,跟我想的一抹一样,pilots肯定是提出过什么条件,马来猪没答应,他们一早就知道飞机crash在哪了,就是拖着,掩盖真相有好几个目的,其中之一就是和保险公司把保险的钱搞定,赔偿家属肯定是得赔偿,上周五的新闻就是马行和德国再保险等几家保险公司携手进行赔偿而且已经结束和德国再保险的协商什么的,我当时就有gut feeling 他们是把保险搞定了就close这个事,然后就以深海打捞没设备,打捞不上来为借口,从此就out of this了。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.1
Here's how the process works in a nutshell: Inmarsat officials and engineers were able to determine whether the plane was flying away or toward the satellite's location by expansion or compression of the satellite's signal.
What does expansion or compression mean? You may have heard about something called the Doppler effect.
"If you sit at a train station and you listen to the train whistle -- the pitch of the whistle changes as it moves past. That's exactly what we have," explained CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers, who has studied Doppler technology. "It's the Doppler effect that they're using on this ping or handshake back from the airplane. They know by nanoseconds whether that signal was compressed a little -- or expanded -- by whether the plane was moving closer or away from 64.5 degrees -- which is the latitude of the orbiting satellite."
Each ping was analyzed for its direction of travel, Myers said. The new calculations, McLaughlin said, underwent a peer review process with space agency experts and contributions by Boeing.
It's possible to use this analysis to determine more specifically the area where the plane went down, Myers said. "Using trigonometry, engineers are capable of finding angles of flight."
pululu 发表于 3/24/2014 1:17:42 PM
同意你说的! 好好的飞机不往中国飞往印度洋飞个屁! 东南亚国家那么密集哪不能落非要落在不可知的海域. 神经病啊!
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
PS,马来政府宣称的所谓从未采用的新技术,据Inmarsat公司的解释来看就是猜测。。。。。。原话是some guesswork had to be involved,感觉就是在现有数据基础上做了一些模拟运算。。。
Satellite transmission data analyzed by U.S. investigators showed that the Malaysian Airline (MAS) System Bhd. jetliner’s most likely last-known position was in a zone about 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) west of Perth, Australia, said two people in the U.S. government who are familiar with the readings. Najib was told that is the most promising lead on locating the plane, one of the people said.