NYT: Gen. Rodzali Daud, the Malaysian air force chief, said Wednesday that the military was not certain that its radar had detected the jetliner heading west across the peninsula. He declined to offer another explanation for the coincidence of an unidentified blip suddenly appearing on military radar screens after Flight 370 stopped transmitting its identification signal to civilian ground controllers 40 minutes into its flight. “Today we are still not sure that it is the same aircraft,” Hishammuddin Hussein, the country’s defense minister, told reporters. “That is why we are searching in two areas.” Malaysia is sharing the radar data with officials from American agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board. Spokesmen for those agencies declined to comment on Wednesday, referring inquiries to the Malaysian authorities. If experts determine that the radar signals probably did reflect the movements of Flight 370, the search for the plane is likely to be expanded to vast new areas of the Indian Ocean. The final blip came from about 200 miles northwest of Penang at 2:15 a.m. local time on Saturday, General Rodzali said, adding that the data showed the aircraft at an altitude of 29,500 feet. That is near the missing plane’s usual cruising altitude: When its pilots were last heard from around 1:30 a.m., it was cruising at 35,000 feet. The jet, a Boeing 777, was fueled for a six-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, a journey of more than 2,500 miles. “I have no feeling for what happened to this plane,” said David Learmount, operations and safety editor at Flightglobal, a Britain-based aviation news and data service. “The number of possibilities is so massive that it’s completely pointless.” The existence of the radar data suggests that the Malaysian authorities may have missed a chance to send military jets to intercept, identify and track the plane as it passed over the country. General Rodzali said interceptors were not scrambled because the unidentified plane appeared to be a civilian aircraft and was not seen as hostile. For days, official statements had put the last known contact with Flight 370 almost an hour earlier, at about 1:30 a.m. The aircraft’s transponders, which automatically transmit identifying information and some other data about the plane, including altitude, apparently ceased to function at 1:21 a.m.; after that, radar screens would show the plane only as an unidentified blip. Certain weather conditions, and even flocks of birds, can occasionally cause radar blips that may be mistaken for aircraft. An American aviation official noted that the statement from Malaysian officials on Wednesday indicated that they were still searching for the plane on both sides of the peninsula. If the plane did turn west as the radar blips suggest, the official said, there would be no reason to keep searching on the eastern side. 现已有第二楼,喜欢讨论吐槽马来西亚的可以去那里,本楼将继续update,以便读者了解官方发布的最新消息。
An unconfirmed report from a flight tracking website said the plane had plunged more than 200 metres and changed course in the last minute that it had transmitted data.
【最新消息】亚洲航空CEO Tony Fernandes发推特说未经证实马航飞机是无线电故障。
【背景资料】民航飞机失联一般有两类,一是通讯失联,也就是飞机上呼叫不到地面,或者地面无法呼叫到飞机。民航空管一专家介绍,这种情况不能说非常多,但也屡有发生。多是飞行员调错频道或者设备故障,但一般30分钟内就会恢复,或采用应急编码联系。 第二类是雷达信号失去联系,这类失联问题较大。民航采用的是二次雷达,也就说飞机主动发出信号,地面雷达可以搜索到。 该航班最后一次与地面联系距此刻已超过8个小时,飞机失事可能性很大。
【名单中的意大利人来电:我还活着!】外媒最新报道,今天凌晨失去联系的马来西亚航空MH370航班名单上的意大利人Luigi Maraldi打电话给母亲说:“我还活着”。原因是,去年八月这位老兄护照在泰国被偷,而今晨不知是谁拿着他护照冒充意大利人登上这班飞往北京的航班。 (难道有恐怖分子用假护照上机?)
【背景资料】[持假护照登机的可能] 其次,如对边检验护照感到担心,也有办法。如微博上有人分析的,登机者“拿着一真一假两个护照,买两张差不多时间从吉隆坡出发的机票,用假护照在马航自助值机的机器上出一次登机牌,然后另一机票再出一张。用后者和真护照过边检。然后用前者上了马航的飞机。”这需要的条件是过边检后自己在登机牌盖个边检章(这个不难做到),并且在登机口不需要再次验护照(有去过的乘客证实就是这样)。知名旅行实务专家刘朔廷表示这种做法完全可行,他自己就实验过带两张登机牌过关,想去哪都行。
【背景资料】[持假护照登机的可能] 首先,持假护照硬闯过安检。意大利人和奥地利人丢失的护照都是真护照,上面的个人信息、防伪识别都是真的,只要数据不接入国际刑警的数据库就不会有问题。并且,护照持有者很可能是在黑市买的护照,会挑选外形跟自己尽量相似的,配合一定程度的打扮,在边检不严的情况下,就容易闯关登上飞机。
【背景资料】[持假护照登机的可能] 再次,吉隆坡是国际知名的转机枢纽,到达和出发在一个平层。乘客从别的地方到达下机后,可以直接去要转机的登机口,如前所述,在登机口的安检不需要重新验护照,有登机牌就行。即便目的地是北京,只要再备一张北京出发至第三国的机票,在中国已对欧洲多数国家实行72小时过境免签政策的情形下,签证也不需要。
一、为何失去联系近7小时候,马航才公布? 一架飞机不可能凭空消失,它配有无线电、应答机、发射器等设备与地面保持联系。马航公布的失联时间,应该是飞机起飞2消失后进入巡航时,也正是一架飞机最平稳的时候。它忽然从二次雷达屏幕上消失,这种情况并不能说代表它出了危险,因为遭遇烟雾也可能忽然消失。 此时,空管员会在各个频道呼叫该机长。如果都没有应答,那么就需要排除这个航班是否飞到了下一个管制区。因此马航需要做的就是一个个排查,直到凌晨6点追溯到中国,而中国空管局回应说该航班没有进入管制区,此时才能确定失去联络,否则航空公司不可能贸然发布信息引起不必要恐慌。 此外,马航该航班携带了7个小时航油也是一个考虑因素。 二、航班已经失联长达39个小时,为何还不能定位? 这里面有很多可能,比如人为关掉应答机、比如发生坠毁调入海域等。航空公司宣告坠毁是一件非常严谨的工作,在没有确认看到飞机残骸后,它是不会宣布的,这也是为何马航至今都表示“没有证据表示MH370坠毁”。 而如果真的发生坠毁,残骸的搜寻可能持续非常长的时间。在大海里搜寻一架飞机的难度不亚于海底捞针,尤其夜间搜救的难度会加大。 注:民航历史上法航447就是在飞跃大西洋的上空时忽然失踪,6月1日宣布失踪,直到6月7日巴西军方找到了飞机垂尾并根据编号确认是法航447航班,航空公司才正式宣布飞机坠毁。此时已经过去了超过140小时。 三、为何飞行员没有发出求救信号及时与地面联络? 原则上,飞行员发出危险信号非常容易,比如在无线电中呼叫MAY DAY,或者用应答机发射代码,7500代表劫机、7700代表故障。 不过911之后FAA提高了飞机的适航标准,飞机的驾驶舱门即使凭借手枪也无法突破,因此飞行员在没有发出求救信号后飞机就失踪,代表着该航班遇见了不可控的突发问题。机组人员忙于去应付这种状况,乃至没有发出求救信号的时间,甚至不排除飞机爆炸空中解体的可能。 但看到事发时间的卫星云图,尽管地处热带,但该海域天气比较“干净”,至少现在可以排除遭遇热带风暴的可能。
Gen. Rodzali Daud, the Malaysian air force chief, said Wednesday that the military was not certain that its radar had detected the jetliner heading west across the peninsula. He declined to offer another explanation for the coincidence of an unidentified blip suddenly appearing on military radar screens after Flight 370 stopped transmitting its identification signal to civilian ground controllers 40 minutes into its flight.
“Today we are still not sure that it is the same aircraft,” Hishammuddin Hussein, the country’s defense minister, told reporters. “That is why we are searching in two areas.”
Malaysia is sharing the radar data with officials from American agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board. Spokesmen for those agencies declined to comment on Wednesday, referring inquiries to the Malaysian authorities.
If experts determine that the radar signals probably did reflect the movements of Flight 370, the search for the plane is likely to be expanded to vast new areas of the Indian Ocean. The final blip came from about 200 miles northwest of Penang at 2:15 a.m. local time on Saturday, General Rodzali said, adding that the data showed the aircraft at an altitude of 29,500 feet. That is near the missing plane’s usual cruising altitude: When its pilots were last heard from around 1:30 a.m., it was cruising at 35,000 feet. The jet, a Boeing 777, was fueled for a six-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, a journey of more than 2,500 miles.
“I have no feeling for what happened to this plane,” said David Learmount, operations and safety editor at Flightglobal, a Britain-based aviation news and data service. “The number of possibilities is so massive that it’s completely pointless.”
The existence of the radar data suggests that the Malaysian authorities may have missed a chance to send military jets to intercept, identify and track the plane as it passed over the country. General Rodzali said interceptors were not scrambled because the unidentified plane appeared to be a civilian aircraft and was not seen as hostile.
For days, official statements had put the last known contact with Flight 370 almost an hour earlier, at about 1:30 a.m. The aircraft’s transponders, which automatically transmit identifying information and some other data about the plane, including altitude, apparently ceased to function at 1:21 a.m.; after that, radar screens would show the plane only as an unidentified blip. Certain weather conditions, and even flocks of birds, can occasionally cause radar blips that may be mistaken for aircraft.
An American aviation official noted that the statement from Malaysian officials on Wednesday indicated that they were still searching for the plane on both sides of the peninsula. If the plane did turn west as the radar blips suggest, the official said, there would be no reason to keep searching on the eastern side.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.0
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
完全可能啊 坠机的话一瞬间 就失去联系了
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2