路透社的报道 Earlier on Tuesday, Malaysia's Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 metres (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/11/malaysia-airlines-military-idUSL3N0M835C20140311
路透社的报道 Earlier on Tuesday, Malaysia's Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 metres (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/11/malaysia-airlines-military-idUSL3N0M835C20140311
小花lu 发表于 3/11/2014 7:09:05 PM
艾玛,原话 plane was last detected at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca.。。。。。现在说飞机没到过那儿,记者误会了?真想把马来这群人揍一顿。
Fact: The plane had stopped sending identifying transponder codes before it disappeared.
Analysis: "Given that this airplane has so many redundant electrical systems on it, my first reaction would be that somebody...purposely turned it off," said John Goglia, a former U.S. National Transportation Safety Board member. "A pilot would not do that. Somebody that didn't want to be seen very well would do that."
John Ransom, a retired commercial pilot and safety consultant, said the situation sounds fishy. "This was a fairly modern airplane with a bunch of capability to communicate with the outside world. A lot of data transmissions from the airplane," he said. "For them to all stop at the same time would take the work of somebody who has actually studied the systems in some detail to know how to turn off all of the systems at the same time."
Turning off a transponder is a "deliberate process," said Peter Goelz, a former NTSB managing director. "If someone did that in the cockpit," he said, "they were doing it to disguise the route of the plane." Was someone unauthorized inside the cockpit, ordering the transponders to be turned off and the plane to be turned around? Or, he said, "Did one of the pilots do it themselves?"
Fact: The plane had stopped sending identifying transponder codes before it disappeared.
Analysis: "Given that this airplane has so many redundant electrical systems on it, my first reaction would be that somebody...purposely turned it off," said John Goglia, a former U.S. National Transportation Safety Board member. "A pilot would not do that. Somebody that didn't want to be seen very well would do that."
John Ransom, a retired commercial pilot and safety consultant, said the situation sounds fishy. "This was a fairly modern airplane with a bunch of capability to communicate with the outside world. A lot of data transmissions from the airplane," he said. "For them to all stop at the same time would take the work of somebody who has actually studied the systems in some detail to know how to turn off all of the systems at the same time."
Turning off a transponder is a "deliberate process," said Peter Goelz, a former NTSB managing director. "If someone did that in the cockpit," he said, "they were doing it to disguise the route of the plane." Was someone unauthorized inside the cockpit, ordering the transponders to be turned off and the plane to be turned around? Or, he said, "Did one of the pilots do it themselves?" melody2k 发表于 3/11/2014 7:23:46 PM
Earlier on Tuesday, Malaysia's Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 metres (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying.
搜了下Pulau Perak,很小很小的一个岛,ms就是昨天一个MM发的各国搜索图,美军在搜的那附近。
Fact: The plane had stopped sending identifying transponder codes before it disappeared.
Analysis: "Given that this airplane has so many redundant electrical systems on it, my first reaction would be that somebody...purposely turned it off," said John Goglia, a former U.S. National Transportation Safety Board member. "A pilot would not do that. Somebody that didn't want to be seen very well would do that."
John Ransom, a retired commercial pilot and safety consultant, said the situation sounds fishy. "This was a fairly modern airplane with a bunch of capability to communicate with the outside world. A lot of data transmissions from the airplane," he said. "For them to all stop at the same time would take the work of somebody who has actually studied the systems in some detail to know how to turn off all of the systems at the same time."
Turning off a transponder is a "deliberate process," said Peter Goelz, a former NTSB managing director. "If someone did that in the cockpit," he said, "they were doing it to disguise the route of the plane." Was someone unauthorized inside the cockpit, ordering the transponders to be turned off and the plane to be turned around? Or, he said, "Did one of the pilots do it themselves?"
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
虽然cnn也很精分 但是估计在马来西亚政府面前还是徒子徒孙的级别。马来西亚军方还写了书面说我们真的没说转向哦
抹茶红豆包 发表于 3/11/2014 7:44:52 PM
这个太有用了 , 不用去印度洋抓瞎了。 6个多小时的油 ,可以飞3000多迈。