The Chinese agency gave coordinates of 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam.
cnn改了文章可能,现在是which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam. humuhumu 发表于 3/12/2014 5:37:19 PM
明明说是在马六甲啊(CNN) -- A Chinese satellite looking into the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said -- a potentially pivotal lead into what has been a frustrating search for the Boeing 777. China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense announced the discovery, including images of what it said were "three suspected floating objects and their sizes." The images in the Strait of Malacca were captured on March 9 -- which was the day after the plane went missing -- but weren't released until Wednesday. 翠儿原来是男孩 发表于 3/12/2014 5:28:32 PM
(CNN) -- A Chinese satellite looking into the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said -- a potentially pivotal lead into what has been a frustrating search for the Boeing 777. China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense announced the discovery, including images of what it said were "three suspected floating objects and their sizes." The objects aren't small at 13 by 18 meters (43 by 59 feet), 14 by 19 meters and 24 by 22 meters. The images were captured on March 9 -- which was the day after the plane went missing -- but weren't released until Wednesday. The Chinese agency gave coordinates of 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam. 福婆 发表于 3/12/2014 5:34:58 PM
我这儿看的还是这个呢,应该是CNN搞错了The images in the Strait of Malacca were captured on March 9 -- which was the day after the plane went missing -- but weren't released until Wednesday.
(CNN) -- A Chinese satellite looking into the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said -- a potentially pivotal lead into what has been a frustrating search for the Boeing 777.
China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense announced the discovery, including images of what it said were "three suspected floating objects and their sizes." The objects aren't small at 13 by 18 meters (43 by 59 feet), 14 by 19 meters and 24 by 22 meters.
The images were captured on March 9 -- which was the day after the plane went missing -- but weren't released until Wednesday.
The Chinese agency gave coordinates of 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam.
China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense announced the discovery, including images of what it said were "three suspected floating objects and their sizes." The objects aren't small at 13 by 18 meters (43 by 59 feet), 14 by 19 meters and 24 by 22 meters.
The images were captured on March 9 -- which was the day after the plane went missing -- but weren't released until Wednesday.
The Chinese agency gave coordinates of 105.63 east longitude, 6.7 north latitude, which would put it in waters northeast of where it took off in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and south of Vietnam.
这样就make sense了。该洋流专家出来估计下漂哪儿了吧。
对东南亚那些小国没什么好感,尤其是印度尼西亚 马来西亚
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 7.2
1.美军在马六甲的搜索其实是幌子吗? 飞机并不在马六甲落下的。
这几天不断有渔民或近海居民透露,他们在8日马航客机失联当天,曾经目睹类似飞机低飞或物体在高空爆炸的火光。登嘉楼马江周二也有8位居民声称,他们在事发当天也曾听到棉花岛东北方的海上传来类似爆炸声的巨响,可能和马航MH370班机有关。登州马江居民:“我从咖啡店回来,当时喝些饮料,之后就在咖啡店内闲聊,共7、8人。过后在大约凌晨1时20分听到吱吱声作响,响了2分钟左右,好像爆炸声,但又不是爆炸声,如果是爆炸声会很响亮,它咚一声。我几乎跌坐下来,吓了一跳,其他朋友也受到惊吓。我们于是开摩托车出去看,那个声响是朝着棉花岛东北方传来。” 这些自称听到类似爆炸声的马江甘榜班台居民总共8人,他们已经在星期二上午10点30分,到马江县警局报案。他们声称,周六凌晨他们听到类似爆炸声后就开着摩托车赶到鲁慕达海滩打算看个究竟,他们起初以为和海啸有关,但是最后却没有发现任何可疑物体。询及他为何在事发后4天才报警,他说,由于客机在第4天还没有找到,因此他认为有责任向当局投报。
[color=#999999]littlepea 发表于 3/12/2014 6:18:52 PM [/color][/quote]时间越久这些消息汇总就越不可靠越难鉴别了。唉。
又糊涂了,不是说去马六甲海峡了么?为什么这个报道说在normal flight path上?希望快点确认这三片碎片