Unpaid "internships" are illegal. A common labor violation in California is the use of unpaid "interns," especially in the entertainment industry. The issue is that every employee must make the minimum wage, and employers cannot get around this by calling the work "volunteer" work or an "internship."
unpaid internship不要太多哦。 我觉得对于没有工作经验的普通学生是个很好的机会,饭钱和油钱补贴了,也算不错了。不是每个人都学的cs,实习工资都高过很多人的full time income的 claudiaz 发表于 9/26/2016 2:10:13 AM
能够在这个贴子跳出来支持楼主的, 肯定是马甲或相关的人。
本来以为楼主只是个被公司分配活的,现在发现原来是个蓄意压榨学生的, 太可恶了。
Google "unpaid internships california":
Unpaid "internships" are illegal. A common labor violation in California is the use of unpaid "interns," especially in the entertainment industry. The issue is that every employee must make the minimum wage, and employers cannot get around this by calling the work "volunteer" work or an "internship."
无薪实习违法。 Google "unpaid internships california":
Unpaid "internships" are illegal. A common labor violation in California is the use of unpaid "interns," especially in the entertainment industry. The issue is that every employee must make the minimum wage, and employers cannot get around this by calling the work "volunteer" work or an "internship."
一周至少两个全天都不发薪水,你们也太压榨劳动力了, 人家学生还不如用这个时间多学点东西,在网上多做点题。
恩,理解你的立场。 我也不是故意跟你作对,只是想提醒看贴的学生们,这实在不是个攒实习经验的好选择。 抱歉。
。。。 你原来学校是哪个学校? 我上学的时候真没听过不拿薪水的实习。
能够在这个贴子跳出来支持楼主的, 肯定是马甲或相关的人。
本来以为楼主只是个被公司分配活的,现在发现原来是个蓄意压榨学生的, 太可恶了。
Google "unpaid internships california":
Unpaid "internships" are illegal. A common labor violation in California is the use of unpaid "interns," especially in the entertainment industry. The issue is that every employee must make the minimum wage, and employers cannot get around this by calling the work "volunteer" work or an "internship."
这段话本来也是引用了一个律所网站的第一段. 后面有写只要符合劳工法列得所有条件 是可以unpaid的.
我不是给lz说好话,只是觉得这不是个什么坏事,尤其是修了一两门课的学生,能开始实习蛮好的 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
别以为我没看全。 符合劳工法的是什么? 是 if the intern receives more benefits than the employer, the employer can use the intern without pay.
f1 cpt是可以拿钱的! 我们学校以前考试季去当监考, 站那里都有9刀一小时呢~
不懂 给学分的unpaid intern 难道不是花钱去实习了?