It is recommended that a person experiencing a heart attack chew 160 to 325 mg of ASA – either two low-dose (81mg) tablets or one regular strength (325 mg) tablet. Taking ASA is not advised during a stroke, because not all strokes are caused by blood clots. Most strokes are caused by clots, but some are caused by ruptured blood vessels. Taking ASA could potentially make these bleeding strokes more severe. Nitroglycerin “Nitro” is a symptom relief medication and does not target the underlying cause of the heart attack. First Aiders should focus on helping the person take ASA over nitroglycerin, as long as there is no contraindication. Remember to ask “Are you allergic to aspirin?”
Nitroglycerin is used to relax/open the coronary artery to improve coronary artery perfusion in the setting of myocardial ischemia (MI), therefore relief chest pain. Aspirin is antiplatelet to help stop clotting in the setting of MI. when you have chest pain suspecting from acute MI, you should take aspirin 325mg orally (non coated), nitro sublingual if available, and call 911. tell MD you take aspirin at ED.
So do you recommend aspirin more than Nitroglycerin to MI patients?
Nitroglycerin is used to relax/open the coronary artery to improve coronary artery perfusion in the setting of myocardial ischemia (MI), therefore relief chest pain. Aspirin is antiplatelet to help stop clotting in the setting of MI. when you have chest pain suspecting from acute MI, you should take aspirin 325mg orally (non coated), nitro sublingual if available, and call 911. tell MD you take aspirin at ED.
#1 recommendation is to CALL 911 whenever suspecting MI, then ED will take care of the rest. lab and EKG will tell if it is true MI The definitive therapy of MI is early cath lab nowadays. nitro is not for everyone, for those with heart failure, nitro could be contraindicated. everyone should take aspirin if available.
#1 recommendation is to CALL 911 whenever suspecting MI, then ED will take care of the rest. lab and EKG will tell if it is true MI The definitive therapy of MI is early cath lab nowadays. nitro is not for everyone, for those with heart failure, nitro could be contraindicated. everyone should take aspirin if available.
#1 recommendation is to CALL 911 whenever suspecting MI, then ED will take care of the rest. lab and EKG will tell if it is true MI The definitive therapy of MI is early cath lab nowadays. nitro is not for everyone, for those with heart failure, nitro could be contraindicated. everyone should take aspirin if available. 百磅大米 发表于 12/28/2018 12:38:22 PM
It is recommended that a person experiencing a heart attack chew 160 to 325 mg of ASA – either two low-dose (81mg) tablets or one regular strength (325 mg) tablet. Taking ASA is not advised during a stroke, because not all strokes are caused by blood clots. Most strokes are caused by clots, but some are caused by ruptured blood vessels. Taking ASA could potentially make these bleeding strokes more severe. Nitroglycerin “Nitro” is a symptom relief medication and does not target the underlying cause of the heart attack. First Aiders should focus on helping the person take ASA over nitroglycerin, as long as there is no contraindication. Remember to ask “Are you allergic to aspirin?”
For coronary vasospasm, CCB is the drug of choice for chronic management. Nitroglycerin is useful for acute episodes to shorten the spasm and prevent prolonged ischemia. 你说的完全没错。
你反过来了吧Aspirin 在没有过敏的前提下因为aspirin有溶血性作用所以 对blood clotting 引起的心脏病有帮助。nitroglycerin 的作用在缓慢症状更加有效。这是我上急救课时学到的
如果不是血凝固的原因引起的中风吃Asprin的确会提高风险 所以中风者很多时候不会给吃这个 但是心脏病发我学到的还是aspirin不过我们这些普通人MI vs stroke 很难分得开,幸运的没有用到过这些急救
你可以搜索一下First aid 的指引
可是那是我们上课时学的 哈哈 回去找老师要请咯 你可以去教 这样就不会有这种误差了 不过这里这么多年上过的所有的急救课程都是这样教的
It is recommended that a person experiencing a heart attack chew 160 to 325 mg of ASA – either two low-dose (81mg) tablets or one regular strength (325 mg) tablet. Taking ASA is not advised during a stroke, because not all strokes are caused by blood clots. Most strokes are caused by clots, but some are caused by ruptured blood vessels. Taking ASA could potentially make these bleeding strokes more severe. Nitroglycerin “Nitro” is a symptom relief medication and does not target the underlying cause of the heart attack. First Aiders should focus on helping the person take ASA over nitroglycerin, as long as there is no contraindication. Remember to ask “Are you allergic to aspirin?”
急性心梗的时候,吃aspirin可以降低死亡率。nitroglycerin 可能缓解症状,但对死亡率没有改善。所以aspirin 才是救命的。有冠状动脉疾病的,没有过敏史或者其他contraindication, 应该每天吃aspirin
when you have chest pain suspecting from acute MI, you should take aspirin 325mg orally (non coated), nitro sublingual if available, and call 911. tell MD you take aspirin at ED.
The definitive therapy of MI is early cath lab nowadays.
nitro is not for everyone, for those with heart failure, nitro could be contraindicated.
everyone should take aspirin if available.
2. 在美国,心脏病患者应该常备nitroglycerin和aspirin 81mg,前者心绞痛发作的时候服用可以扩张心血管,暂时缓解症状,减小心血管压力。后者每天服用,预防冠状动脉血栓形成。
3. 心脏病发作的时候服用aspirin是必须的,也是救命的啊,这个完全临床数据支持,即便每天服用aspirin 81mg,发作的时候也可以服用四片 immediately released aspirin。你自己不吃,到了ED 也会给你吃,这都是急性心脏病的standard care 啊。
她说的是对的。325mg chewable aspirin(实际上4x81mg更好)能降低死亡率。nitro不能乱用,nitro主要作用是venodilatation,对冠状动脉舒张作用很有限。万一是rca infarct导致病人preload dependent的话用nitro会导致血压降的太低,病人可能马上就倒下了。总之遇上心梗,aspirin一定是要给的,除非有contraindications。nitro看情况而定
维生素有时会含vitamin k,可能怕它有促进凝血作用
coronary vasospasm用nitroglycerin完全不对症的,你对各种心绞痛的认识很有偏差
平时吃beta-blocker or CCB to prevent,发作时用nitro不对么?