Q7. What if a student’s post-completion OPT has expired and the student is in a valid grace period when an H-1B cap-subject petition is filed on their behalf? It appears that F-1 status would be extended, but would OPT also be extended?
A7. F-1 students who have entered the 60-day grace period are not employment-authorized. Consequently, if an H-1B cap-subject petition is filed on the behalf of a student who has entered the 60-day grace period, the student will receive the automatic cap-gap extension of his or her F-1 status, but will not become employment-authorized (since the student was not employment-authorized at the time H-1B petition was filed, there is no employment authorization to be extended).
Q3. Which petitions and beneficiaries qualify for a cap-gap extension? A3. H-1B petitions that are timely filed on behalf of an eligible F-1 student and request a change of status to H-1B on October 1, 2012 qualify for a cap-gap extension. Timely filed means that the H-1B petition (indicating change of status rather than consular processing) was filed during the H-1B acceptance period, which begins Monday April 2, 2012, while the student's authorized F-1 duration of status (D/S) admission was still in effect (including any period of time during the academic course of study, any authorized periods of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), and the 60-day departure preparation period, commonly known as the “grace period”). Once a timely filed request to change status to H-1B on October 1, 2012 has been made, the automatic cap-gap extension will begin and will continue until the H-1B petition adjudication process has been completed. If the student’s H-1B petition is selected and approved, the student’s extension will continue through September 30, 2012 unless the petition is denied, withdrawn, or revoked. If the student’s H-1B petition is not selected, the student will have the standard 60-day grace period from the date of the rejection notice or their program end date, whichever is later, to prepare for and depart the United States. Students are strongly encouraged to stay in close communication with their petitioning employer during the cap-gap extension period for status updates on the H-1B petition processing. 请大家看看highlight部分就晓得timely filed h1b是撒子意思。。。
Q4. How does a student covered under the cap-gap extension obtain proof of continuing status? A4. The student should go to their Designated School Official (DSO) with evidence of a timely filed H-1B petition (indicating a request for change of status rather than for consular processing), such as a copy of the petition and a FedEx, UPS, or USPS Express/certified mail receipt. The student’s DSO will issue a preliminary cap-gap I-20 showing an extension until June 1, 2012. If the H-1B petition is selected for adjudication, the student should return to his or her DSO with a copy of the petitioning employer’s Form I-797, Notice of Action, with a valid receipt number, indicating that the petition was filed and accepted. The student’s DSO will issue a new cap-gap I-20 indicating the continued extension of F-1 status.
2.6毕业,2.6是我们学校winter session final grade due date;
如果不幸真的不给办,就开始积极找下家,因为一年OPT到2014年4.7才结束,所以只要找到下家愿意在2014年4.2给我file H1B,我的OPT就可以自动延期到2014年十月份工作签证生效;
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/22 11:38:19编辑过]
就是有一点, OPT开始日期是你指定的. 不需要等到毕业再申请, 一月份就可以申请OPT了. 早点申请可以保证你指定的日期前拿到EAD CARD.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.5
而volunteer应该是要去non profit的地方,我去的明明是一个盈利的公司,
就是有一点, OPT开始日期是你指定的. 不需要等到毕业再申请, 一月份就可以申请OPT了. 早点申请可以保证你指定的日期前拿到EAD CARD.
re, bless mm
而volunteer应该是要去non profit的地方,我去的明明是一个盈利的公司,
以下是引用bigloser在12/22/2012 2:53:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用bigloser在12/22/2012 2:54:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用xlzero在12/22/2012 3:44:00 PM的发言:
我查过了,不用等到批准,只要file,也就是把材料寄出去在4月2,也就是只要有UPS或者FedEx的receipt上面的日期是在你opt结束之前,就可以自动cap gap。
cap gap是可以,合法居住在美国,但是不能工作....OPT延期必须在OPT截止日期之前,有H1B批准
以下是引用xlzero在12/22/2012 3:59:00 PM的发言:
不是,opt结束以后有60天grace period,在那期间也可以申请h1b,但是那样的话就只能居留不能工作;我说的是在opt结束以前申请,那么工作许可可以一直延期到你的h1b生效或者被拒。
你自己去看h1b approved, if u r on opt status,如果H1B批准,你在OPT状态下,你可以延期,不是说H1B申请,你在cap gap状态下可以延期
i-20 cap gap延期和OPT工作时间延期是两个不同的概念
你OPT4月7日过期,也就是F1身份过期,之前提交了H1B申请,可以申请cap gap的F1 status延期,到6月1日,接着如果H1B批准了,你可以延期到9月30日的cap gap,但是你的OPT工作许可在4月7日就已经过期了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/22 16:36:48编辑过]
我Unpaid intern还不行嘛,都有好多这样的例子了
unpaid inetrn例子是多的很,但是也不是说不和规矩的事情所有人都肯为你做。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
以下是引用bigloser在12/22/2012 5:27:00 PM的发言:
你尽可以去试,但是不是说所有的事情都是按照你想的进行。unpaid inetrn例子是多的很,但是也不是说不和规矩的事情所有人都肯为你做。
以下是引用sausau在12/22/2012 5:31:00 PM的发言:
2.6毕业,2.6是我们学校winter session final grade due date;
如果不幸真的不给办,就开始积极找下家,因为一年OPT到2014年4.7才结束,所以只要找到下家愿意在2014年4.2给我file H1B,我的OPT就可以自动延期到2014年十月份工作签证生效;
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/22 11:38:19编辑过]
Q7. What if a student’s post-completion OPT has expired and the student is in a valid grace period when an H-1B cap-subject petition is filed on their behalf? It appears that F-1 status would be extended, but would OPT also be extended?
A7. F-1 students who have entered the 60-day grace period are not employment-authorized. Consequently, if an H-1B cap-subject petition is filed on the behalf of a student who has entered the 60-day grace period, the student will receive the automatic cap-gap extension of his or her F-1 status, but will not become employment-authorized (since the student was not employment-authorized at the time H-1B petition was filed, there is no employment authorization to be extended).
我有点混乱 lz的情况是opt美国期file了 应该就可以的吧
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/22 17:42:39编辑过]
mm你说的这个是我提到过的情况,就是OPT结束以后进入60天的grace period在那期间再去申请h1b,这个是不能工作的,只能合法居留,等着
但是lz的opt 4月2号不是没过期吗
我的意思:USCIS官网上写得清楚,只要在OPT最后一天以前"timely filed h1b" OPT可以自动延期
如果在OPT结束以后的grace period 60天以内filed h1b,OPT不能延期,F1可以延期,只能呆着,等着
H-1B petitions that are timely filed on behalf of an eligible F-1
student and request a change of status to H-1B on October 1, 2012
qualify for a cap-gap extension. Timely
filed means that the H-1B petition (indicating change of status rather
than consular processing) was filed during the H-1B acceptance period,
which begins Monday April 2, 2012, while the student's authorized F-1
duration of status (D/S) admission was still in effect (including any
period of time during the academic course of study, any authorized
periods of post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), and the
60-day departure preparation period, commonly known as the “grace
period”). Once a timely
filed request to change status to H-1B on October 1, 2012 has been
made, the automatic cap-gap extension will begin and will continue until
the H-1B petition adjudication process has been completed. If the
student’s H-1B petition is selected and approved, the student’s
extension will continue through September 30, 2012 unless the petition
is denied, withdrawn, or revoked. If the student’s H-1B petition is not
selected, the student will have the standard 60-day grace period from
the date of the rejection notice or their program end date, whichever is
later, to prepare for and depart the United States. Students
are strongly encouraged to stay in close communication with their
petitioning employer during the cap-gap extension period for status
updates on the H-1B petition processing.
请大家看看highlight部分就晓得timely filed h1b是撒子意思。。。
我的意思:USCIS官网上写得清楚,只要在OPT最后一天以前"timely filed h1b" OPT可以自动延期
如果在OPT结束以后的grace period 60天以内filed h1b,OPT不能延期,F1可以延期,只能呆着,等着
那lz你的方法真的不错 我也有想法 但是我们学校冬天的课程很少有专业课 对我这种只剩下专业课修的人不太有用 唉唉唉
就像我们项目本身不开CPT,可我暑期实习也开了,另外两个妞也开了,其中一个还延续到了2011 fall继续这样,这还是有据可查的,都没什么问题;
以下是引用daisyzq在12/22/2012 5:32:00 PM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
The student should go to their Designated School Official (DSO) with
evidence of a timely filed H-1B petition (indicating a request for
change of status rather than for consular processing), such as a copy of
the petition and a FedEx, UPS, or USPS Express/certified mail
receipt. The student’s DSO will issue a preliminary cap-gap I-20
showing an extension until June 1, 2012. If
the H-1B petition is selected for adjudication, the student should
return to his or her DSO with a copy of the petitioning employer’s Form
I-797, Notice of Action, with a valid receipt number, indicating that
the petition was filed and accepted. The student’s DSO will issue a new
cap-gap I-20 indicating the continued extension of F-1 status.
这个来自官方,我的理解是只要OPT结束以前,寄出材料,有邮寄的receipt或者材料的复印件,就可以自动cap gap工作许可,因为寄件的时候受益人仍有工作许可。
我的理解是cap gap是说f1 status,不是说工作许可吧?
如果在grace period之后的cap gap是f1 status,在OPT结束之前的cap gap是工作许可。。。我说了N多遍了