20天pto,10天sick day,正常么?另外10天holiday 大家说说自己的benefit以及单位性质吧 吃饭有餐补 。non profit research organization.. 爆料的筒子们尽量说一下公司信息,最起码也要有个行业,大家好参考。 [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 10:53:03编辑过] this is BSO
产假我知道最好的是3个月paid,其实是12周,我以前的公司,IC业里算比较好的老公司了,是6周short term disability, 这个有钱,然后还有6周family leave action,这个其实是有12周,但是修short term disability的6周算和这个concurrent,所以这个unpaid就只有6周。所以我这里实际上是6周paid, 6周unpaid。我听到的麻州基本上都是这个policy。
产假我知道最好的是3个月paid,其实是12周,我以前的公司,IC业里算比较好的老公司周short term disability, 这个有钱,然后还有6周family leave action,这个其实是有12周,但是修short term disability的6周算和这个concurrent,所以这个unpaid就只有6周。所以我这里实际上是6周paid, 6周unpaid。我听到的麻州基本上都是这个policy。
对于pension,一直不是很明白 比如现在加入一个公司,有pension计划。但是这个应该是有可能会变化的吧? 那退休需要拿pension的时候,是按照入职的时候的terms来算,还是按照退休那个时候的terms为准? of course based on the date of join, not date of retirement, you cannot change the terms and conditions retroactively, only prospectively to the future employee.
以下是引用nadolly在8/21/2012 12:08:00 PM的发言: My work offers pretty good benefits, 20天pto after 5 years, unlimited sick day, 10天公共假期, 7.5% 401K unlimited sick leave, I guess it is discretionary, but I'd rather specified number of sick leave days, even with that, my mean boss always called to check to make sure I am sick to leave. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 13:11:27编辑过]
At first 5 years: 22 pto / 2 floating holidays/ 10 holidays/ no sick days/ increase 5 days PTO more 5 years No more than 37 PTO. No 401 match. But have ESOP.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 2:17:32编辑过] it is reimbursement of college tuition,but no guarantee the small IT company still exists when the kids go to college, you cannot go after a company that goes bell up, right?
以下是引用梨窝浅笑在8/21/2012 10:09:00 AM的发言: 10 pto, 3 personal days,6 sickdays,9 holidays。太少了,泪。不过sickdays 年底会退钱,不知道别的公司是不是 ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56 our unused sick leave is gone when you resign, but may be converted to service credit when you retire.
其实假期好的不一定是大公司,我哥在小公司,pto30天,明年就35天, 关键schedule很flexible, 每天9点到10点上班,过了下午5点就算加班时间,他base14万,每年加班费能拿2万左右,因为他时不时5点半下班。行业也是电路设计。不过他医保可能不是很好,他们家医保用我嫂子的 这个真是bso,严重羡慕。flexible working time, high salary, what else can you expect?
以下是引用bodysoul在8/21/2012 11:02:00 AM的发言: 看来我很粗心,竟然不知道公司的sick leave policy。我怎么记得是unlimited,但是肯定不能一直修,超过1周估计就该申请short term disability了吧。 ours is not unlimited sick leave, 12 days per year, but more than 2 days straight may need doctor's note, depends on the boss, nice boss won't ask for that, mean ones will.
startup IT 小公司, 8天holiday,10天vacation, 2天personal day,1天floating holiday,少得可怜。但是唯一让我不舍得离开这个公司的是,我可以work from home。自从怀孕后,我基本不去办公室了。supervisor也比较照顾我,不给我派stress的活,就是做一些testing。
能源部的国家实验室,假期跟你一样多, 403B只存2%, 唯一的好处是在这里干满30年pension能有最高工资时的50%. 干满20年有30%. 30 year for 50% is not a lot, is it standard for federal employees? well, but their base salaries are much higher I guess. I know our state is 2% for each year of service when you retire at 55, if you don't retire until after 63, the factor raises to 2.5%. Some county or city is 2.5% at 55, I saw 3% at 55 in some cases. But state salaries is much lower than federal, so it is even I guess.
My experience is that unless you have zero to 3 years working experience, you can always negotiated for PTO day from 12-15 as a starting point. It is negotiable. Many new hires were taken advantage by so -called HR standard practice. If you have several years of experience and have 12 or more PTO days, you can negotiate for at least a match.
22 days PTO days, 8 sick days, 6 holidays, 6 floating holidays, add another 2 PTO days at the end of each working year. Can pick any two days of the week working from home.
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
以下是引用baobao557在8/21/2012 2:11:00 PM的发言: 22 days PTO days, 8 sick days, 6 holidays, 6 floating holidays, add another 2 PTO days at the end of each working year. Can pick any two days of the week working from home.
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
-------non-profit health organization. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 14:26:55编辑过] 非常好的福利,羡慕。 工资呢?
just started..., I still like my previous company better, they have about 19 to 20 PTO and less than 10 national holiday, but PTO can roll over to next year if not used up this year.
it is reimbursement of college tuition,but no guarantee the small IT company still exists when the kids go to college, you cannot go after a company that goes bell up, right?
22 days PTO days, 8 sick days, 6 holidays, 6 floating holidays, add another 2 PTO days at the end of each working year. Can pick any two days of the week working from home.
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
一年19天vacation leave, no sick leave. :(
20天pto,10天sick day,正常么?另外10天holiday 大家说说自己的benefit以及单位性质吧 吃饭有餐补 。non profit research organization..
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 10:53:03编辑过]
this is BSO
我在州政府工作。25天年假,13天病假,10天公众假期,2天floater. 哪个州?爽阿
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.2
以下是引用GothicPrincess在8/20/2012 10:20:00 PM的发言:
林肯生日是哪天啊?我们是所有的federal holiday都放,有10天。圣诞1天,感恩节1天,新年1天,马丁路德金1天,劳动节1天,独立日1天,哥伦布1天,老兵节1天,华盛顿生日1天,memorial1天
以下是引用dododdd在8/21/2012 11:54:00 AM的发言:
25天pto,15天sick day,17天public holiday。
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
in a bank
产假我知道最好的是3个月paid,其实是12周,我以前的公司,IC业里算比较好的老公司了,是6周short term disability, 这个有钱,然后还有6周family leave action,这个其实是有12周,但是修short term disability的6周算和这个concurrent,所以这个unpaid就只有6周。所以我这里实际上是6周paid, 6周unpaid。我听到的麻州基本上都是这个policy。
以下是引用油菜花在8/21/2012 11:27:00 AM的发言:
产假我知道最好的是3个月paid,其实是12周,我以前的公司,IC业里算比较好的老公司周short term disability, 这个有钱,然后还有6周family leave action,这个其实是有12周,但是修short term disability的6周算和这个concurrent,所以这个unpaid就只有6周。所以我这里实际上是6周paid, 6周unpaid。我听到的麻州基本上都是这个policy。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 13:39:17编辑过]
of course based on the date of join, not date of retirement, you cannot change the terms and conditions retroactively, only prospectively to the future employee.
22 pto, 1 floating, 10 holidays
in a bank
no sick leave? I guess it is all converted to PTO, that is more flexible.
手机的事情,除非是business position,technical的给不给看具体group。我原来也是做ic 设计的,但是我们组的老板就不给我们,后来有个同事换了一个组,他们那里从application, design,到verification, testing,人手一个手机。其实做technical的真不需要,9-5在公司,不是cube就是机台上,回家了除非是你的片子在机台上让operator给你跑,人家有问题问你,不然谁找你啊。
My work offers pretty good benefits, 20天pto after 5 years, unlimited sick day, 10天公共假期, 7.5% 401K
unlimited sick leave, I guess it is discretionary, but I'd rather specified number of sick leave days, even with that, my mean boss always called to check to make sure I am sick to leave.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 13:11:27编辑过]
这个是什么行业啊 太爽了
其实假期好的不一定是大公司,我哥在小公司,pto30天,明年就35天, 关键schedule很flexible, 每天9点到10点上班,过了下午5点就算加班时间,他base14万,每年加班费能拿2万左右,因为他时不时5点半下班。行业也是电路设计。不过他医保可能不是很好,他们家医保用我嫂子的
i guess you must have accumulated many years of services to earn 25 days PTO, entry level (0-3 years) probably only have 10 days?
手机的事情,除非是business position,technical的给不给看具体group。我原来也是做ic 设计的,但是我们组的老板就不给我们,后来有个同事换了一个组,他们那里从application, design,到verification, testing,人手一个手机。其实做technical的真不需要,9-5在公司,不是cube就是机台上,回家了除非是你的片子在机台上让operator给你跑,人家有问题问你,不然谁找你啊。
其实做设计的也没人给你打电话,反正是没人给我打电话,下班时间。有话上班就说了,手机基本上就是私人用途。。。我们整个公司是designer以上smart phone,techinician是free phone,但是每个月月费都是全部cover的
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 13:15:55编辑过]
以下是引用bodysoul在8/21/2012 1:12:00 PM的发言:
increase 5 days PTO more 5 years No more than 37 PTO.
No 401 match. But have ESOP.
我听过最好的福利(我觉得最好的)是我朋友公司, 报销小孩所有大学学费, 无论几个娃, 是IT小公司。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 2:17:32编辑过]
it is reimbursement of college tuition,but no guarantee the small IT company still exists when the kids go to college, you cannot go after a company that goes bell up, right?
no,new offer for me
10 pto, 3 personal days,6 sickdays,9 holidays。太少了,泪。不过sickdays 年底会退钱,不知道别的公司是不是
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
our unused sick leave is gone when you resign, but may be converted to service credit when you retire.
22 pto, 1 floating, 10 holidays
in a bank
very good ...how long have you worked?
same here...
其实假期好的不一定是大公司,我哥在小公司,pto30天,明年就35天, 关键schedule很flexible, 每天9点到10点上班,过了下午5点就算加班时间,他base14万,每年加班费能拿2万左右,因为他时不时5点半下班。行业也是电路设计。不过他医保可能不是很好,他们家医保用我嫂子的
这个真是bso,严重羡慕。flexible working time, high salary, what else can you expect?
以下是引用 cpgmqdd 的发言:
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
看来我很粗心,竟然不知道公司的sick leave policy。我怎么记得是unlimited,但是肯定不能一直修,超过1周估计就该申请short term disability了吧。
ours is not unlimited sick leave, 12 days per year, but more than 2 days straight may need doctor's note, depends on the boss, nice boss won't ask for that, mean ones will.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 13:32:49编辑过]
i hate unions, I saw no benefits of keeping those people, I'd rather use those monthly union dues to do something else, it is a lot of money there.
能源部的国家实验室,假期跟你一样多, 403B只存2%, 唯一的好处是在这里干满30年pension能有最高工资时的50%. 干满20年有30%.
30 year for 50% is not a lot, is it standard for federal employees? well, but their base salaries are much higher I guess. I know our state is 2% for each year of service when you retire at 55, if you don't retire until after 63, the factor raises to 2.5%. Some county or city is 2.5% at 55, I saw 3% at 55 in some cases. But state salaries is much lower than federal, so it is even I guess.
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
以下是引用SouthMiss在8/21/2012 1:57:00 PM的发言:
sick day 和 PTO 有什么区别呀
21 Annual leave, 17 sick leave, 10 holidays, 1 floating, 无食堂,无饭补,工资比较低,医疗保险比较贵,University Staff
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
-------non-profit health organization.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 14:26:55编辑过]
22 days PTO days, 8 sick days, 6 holidays, 6 floating holidays, add another 2 PTO days at the end of each working year. Can pick any two days of the week working from home.
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
-------non-profit health organization.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 14:26:55编辑过]
以下是引用yiyiyiyi在8/21/2012 1:23:00 PM的发言:
very good ...how long have you worked?
我们公司ENTRY LEVEL是15天PTO,8天SICK,10天公共假期
Unlimited PTO and sick days. One official WFH day company-wide.
以下是引用潜水龙在8/21/2012 1:20:00 PM的发言:
it is reimbursement of college tuition,but no guarantee the small IT company still exists when the kids go to college, you cannot go after a company that goes bell up, right?
而且还可以拿多份, 就是你做两份工, 退休两份收入。
以下是引用BigMama在8/21/2012 2:50:00 PM的发言:
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
我听说政府部门的退休金按最后一年收入算, 所以有的腐败地方政府快退休的时候拼命给自己涨工资。
而且还可以拿多份, 就是你做两份工, 退休两份收入。
我听说政府部门的退休金按最后一年收入算, 所以有的腐败地方政府快退休的时候拼命给自己涨工资。
而且还可以拿多份, 就是你做两份工, 退休两份收入。
年假15天,公共假期13还是15忘了,special leave 10天, sick day 10天, General sickday(需要医生证明的)80天,
产假1年,头17周full pay or 70%(如果你之前休了那80天)
年假15天,公共假期13还是15忘了,special leave 10天, sick day 10天, General sickday(需要医生证明的)80天,
产假1年,头17周full pay or 70%(如果你之前休了那80天)
以下是引用edelweisskitty在8/21/2012 3:07:00 PM的发言:
sick day 和 PTO 有什么区别呀
PTO is more flexible than sick leave, sick leave only when you or family member sick, not for vacation purposes.
我记得好像是OAKLAND的一个小市政府, 地方还比较穷的, 我也记不清了。
以下是引用Ilovelucy在8/21/2012 3:33:00 PM的发言:
哪儿? 就是说一辈子都不要去办公室上班,直接在家领工资?
我们公司新来的vacation 15天, 病假无限, 假期10天。 5年以上, vacation 18天。 10年以上, 23天。
这个太高了,还不如自己从外边的公司买呢。我生完小孩那会儿在家休息了一年,就是自己买保险,我自己的医疗加上dental再加上宝宝的总共一个月才200多,比用我老公单位的family plan都便宜好多。
以下是引用baobao557在8/21/2012 2:11:00 PM的发言:
22 days PTO days, 8 sick days, 6 holidays, 6 floating holidays, add another 2 PTO days at the end of each working year. Can pick any two days of the week working from home.
health insurance coverage(medical+dental+optometry)for employee and the whole family(spouse and all kids, including significant others and their kids). Life-time health insurance coverage for the employee at the end of the 15 working year.
Pension starts from the end of the second working year.
-------non-profit health organization.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/21 14:26:55编辑过]
24 PTO, 14 Holiday, 9 Sick Day
almost same
10 vacation days, 5 personal days( including sick ) , even dare not to be sick, not mention back to China
哪儿? 就是说一辈子都不要去办公室上班,直接在家领工资?
259楼,unlimited PTO
259楼,unlimited PTO