能截屏,有备份的同学赶紧给大媒体发信,twitter, Facebook, YouTube,能想到的方式都上,让世界人民看看这些所谓讲究文明自由科学的垃圾们的嘴脸,搞臭他们!他们不道歉我们不罢休,还当中国人好欺负呢?真恶心!! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
We have not been deleting comments, except those that violated our community guidelines. The volume of comments overwhelmed our commenting system, causing some to disappear temporarily.
We have not been deleting comments, except those that violated our community guidelines. The volume of comments overwhelmed our commenting system, causing some to disappear temporarily.
The original article purposefully (or idiotically?) forgets to mention the "7" second improvement was made compared to a "major meet in July" of LAST YEAR, and just says "a major meet in July", which then lead some idiots to think the improvement was made in weeks, not over a year (notably Noah Gray, which I later found out also works for Nature, unless the comment is written under a pseudo name).
The article now says it's a major meet in July 2011. They altered the original article without even bothering to note the edits. ----- Edit: Oh wait. I saw their Notes at the bottom. " Corrected: This article originally said that Ye’s time in the 400 IM was more than 7 seconds faster than in July 2012. It should have said July 2011. This has now been corrected." [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/3 9:38:23编辑过]
It was not deliberately removed, the volume of posts meant some earlier comments were deleted by mistake. Lai Jiang's comment has been reposted by a number of other users. Apologies for this glitch. You will see that an Editor's note has now been added under the article. Thanks.
Subject: Nature and Mr. Ewen Callaway own an apology to Ye Shiwen!? Dear Sir or Madam,
It is a shame to see Nature, such a reputable professional magazine, post such a biased and gossip type of article on your website (Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions by Ewen Callaway http://www.nature.com/news/why-great-olympic-feats-raise-suspicions-1.11109). If Nature is publishing this article to raise recognition, you did it, but in a bad way that only brings shame to your name!
We strongly request Nature to delete this article from the website and apologize to Ye Shiwen. We will keep on monitoring the progress until we see an effort be made by Nature.
Nature is DELETING COMMENTS. I think this calls for further action against racial discrimination. I have found some addresses to contact and numbers to call. I urge readers here to do so IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE and FREEDOM OF SPEECH. 1.Nature Offices NatureLondon, UK The Macmillan Building 4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW United Kingdom T: +44 (0)20 7833 4000 F: +44 (0)20 7843 4640 New York, USA 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor New York NY 10013-1917 USA T: +1 212 726 9200 F: +1 212 696 9006 2. Also, you can write letters to other media [email protected] [email protected] 3. From previous comment of Matt Cai Please send the complains to the following peoples: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/2 19:58:29编辑过]
现在觉得,欧美人真的是最最虚伪和无耻的!比赛项目劣势了,改规则;改规则不顶用,想法儿挑刺说你犯规;实在不顶用了,说你嗑药;连嗑药这种借口都被权威否了,只有借助媒体泼脏水、给自己“贴金”了。 什么最自由、民主的社会,全是狗屁。到哪儿都一样。
嗯。我有 所谓删帖前的 网页。 现在网页的回复的确能和之前 的 对上! 时间是连续
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/3 1:15:25编辑过]
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
以下是引用hohokam在8/2/2012 9:17:00 PM的发言:
有没有人能把截图发到他们网上去呀?那个senior editor Noah Gray 在twitter上说,指责他们删贴要拿出截图证据,但我不会在twitter发图。他还@了好多支持他的人,有人说是technical trouble。 这是那人的帐号,https://twitter.com/noahWG/
以下是引用BHappy在8/2/2012 11:32:00 PM的发言:
现在觉得,欧美人真的是最最虚伪和无耻的!比赛项目劣势了,改规则;改规则不顶用,想法儿挑刺说你犯规;实在不顶用了,说你嗑药;连嗑药这种借口都被权威否了,只有借助媒体泼脏水、给自己“贴金”了。 什么最自由、民主的社会,全是狗屁。到哪儿都一样。
以下是引用BHappy在8/2/2012 11:32:00 PM的发言:
现在觉得,欧美人真的是最最虚伪和无耻的!比赛项目劣势了,改规则;改规则不顶用,想法儿挑刺说你犯规;实在不顶用了,说你嗑药;连嗑药这种借口都被权威否了,只有借助媒体泼脏水、给自己“贴金”了。 什么最自由、民主的社会,全是狗屁。到哪儿都一样。
奥运也这样, 赢了说你吃药, 输了说你故意的, 平了就直接给把国旗挂下面
以下是引用jarjar在8/3/2012 2:57:00 AM的发言:
这人长得真猪头 http://prorev.com/2009/07/brevitas_390.html
We have not been deleting
comments, except those that violated our community guidelines. The
volume of comments overwhelmed our commenting system, causing some to
disappear temporarily.
希望Lai Jiang的帖子不是算在所谓违反规则的里面的!要是如此nature趁早关门算了。
We have not been deleting comments, except those that violated our community guidelines. The volume of comments overwhelmed our commenting system, causing some to disappear temporarily.
希望Lai Jiang的帖子不是算在所谓违反规则的里面的!要是如此nature趁早关门算了。
以下是引用scxt在8/3/2012 9:01:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用jarjar在8/3/2012 2:57:00 AM的发言:
这人长得真猪头 http://prorev.com/2009/07/brevitas_390.html
晚上回来就发现下午看到的好多评论都不见了。。。。。ca。。。。各位phd时候的梦想就是发个nature、science神马的,现在觉得好**,事实证明,现在只有够脑残才可以发nature,太睿智的paper nature的脑残编辑们hold不住啊
这个是NATURE ONLINE和nature 还是不一样的,这个是没有peer review的,nature虽然也有一些politics,但总体来讲还是有很多牛文章的
The article now says it's a major meet in July 2011.
They altered the original article without even bothering to note the edits. ----- Edit: Oh wait. I saw their Notes at the bottom. " Corrected: This article originally said that Ye’s time in the 400 IM was more than 7 seconds faster than in July 2012. It should have said July 2011. This has now been corrected."
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/3 9:38:23编辑过]
我要骂人了,nature这样的杂志,还technical difficulty,改科幻杂志算了,怎么不说这篇文章是编辑被外星人脑控了才发出来的?
It was not deliberately removed, the volume of posts
meant some earlier comments were deleted by mistake. Lai Jiang's comment
has been reposted by a number of other users. Apologies for this
glitch. You will see that an Editor's note has now been added under the
article. Thanks.
([email protected]); [email protected] ([email protected]);
[email protected] ([email protected]); [email protected]
([email protected])
Nature and Mr. Ewen Callaway own an apology to Ye Shiwen!? Dear Sir or Madam,
It is a shame to see Nature, such a
reputable professional magazine, post such a biased and gossip type of
article on your website (Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions by
Ewen Callaway
If Nature is publishing this article to raise recognition, you did it,
but in a bad way that only brings shame to your name!
strongly request Nature to delete this article from the website and
apologize to Ye Shiwen. We will keep on monitoring the progress until we
see an effort be made by Nature.
Below is the most highly
rated reponse posted by Buckus Toothnail,
from a news on National post, regarding the similar insinuating subject
matter on Ye Shiwen's success.
Hopefully it will shed light on Nature and Mr. Ewen Callaway how the
rest word think about your ridiculous article.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/2 20:43:59编辑过]
我觉得白人还是挺多hidden racist的。白人破了纪录,正常,光荣,亚裔破了纪录,肯定是吃药啦。Fuck racists.
有没有能人,做个ppt? 把他们的恶性,如删贴和推特上的恶语都用上,当然还有liang 的有力证词都用上。我们去那捧场!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/3 17:47:29编辑过]
我中午看的时候还有昨天的评论,包括最前面的Zhenxi Zhang和Lai Jiang,他们两个应该是最先发的评论。
而且最前面那个叫Brian Owens的编辑还跟别人争论的部分也全都不见了。
Tob Autumn said:
Nature is DELETING COMMENTS. I think this calls for further action against racial discrimination. I have found some addresses to contact and numbers to call. I urge readers here to do so IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE and FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
1.Nature Offices
NatureLondon, UK
The Macmillan Building
4 Crinan Street
London N1 9XW
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7833 4000
F: +44 (0)20 7843 4640
New York, USA
75 Varick Street, 9th Floor
New York NY 10013-1917
T: +1 212 726 9200
F: +1 212 696 9006
2. Also, you can write letters to other media
[email protected]
[email protected]
3. From previous comment of Matt Cai
Please send the complains to the following peoples:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected],
[email protected]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/8/2 19:58:29编辑过]
omg, 赤裸裸地不要脸
"Nature and Mr. Ewen Callaway own an apology to Ye Shiwen!?"
4年前传圣火时候youtube就搞过啊, 还删浏览数