Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
月书前言摘抄2 The practical side of his nature was tireless in the effort to introduce better methods in domestic and municipal life… he was never content until he had substituted intelligence for habit or custom. The police and fire departments, then in the most rudimentary stages, were systematized or reformed at his suggestion; he was instrumental in organizing the first militia, and in cleaning and lighting the streets. He founded the Philadelphia Library, which has been called “the mother of all the North American subscription libraries”; he was largely instrumental in founding the Academy and Charitable School of the Province of Pennsylvania, which … has now become the University of Pennsylvania.
Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin编辑印刷的年历), which brought him fame and fortune, was begun in 1732 and appeared annually for a quarter of a century. Almanacs were in every household and, in remote parts of the country, furnished the only reading matter… they were the journals and account books of the poor… They were sold for a sixpence, and when the sixpence was not forthcoming they were exchanged for produce, rum, stockings and old china. They furnished a calendar, a list of court and fair days, the traditional weather prediction which curiously anticipated in an unscientific fashion the modern prognostications of the bureau; they were rarely without a generous allowance of doggerel verse; and they aimed to guide the lives of their readers by proverbs and wise reflections on character and conduct… the almanac, … was, in a certain sense, the forerunner of the sensational newspaper.
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
月书前言摘抄3 The wisdom of Richard was distinctly prudential; it was the wisdom which avoids mistakes rather than makes great successes; the wisdom of caution rather than of courage; but it was full of robust common sense. The sermon of Father Abraham, which appeared in the almanac for 1785, is a condensed philosophy of practical life… His philosophy was not deep, but it was broad and serviceable; it was eminently sound so far as it touched morals, for it insisted that frugality and industry were the only roads to wealth. It was important teaching in a new country full of those undeveloped possibilities which stimulate the speculative temper…
Franklin’s conception of life, as recorded in Poor Richard’s sayings, was very inadequate; the ends it set forth were immediate, the success it sought was material; everything, virtue included, tended to prosperity. “Nothing is so likely,” he writes, “to make a man’s fortune as virtue.”
我还真的是需要如何,才会如何。。。。 需要一个合适的人,包括人品教育性格价值观念compatible, 还需要对方有诚意,彼此有兴趣愿意spend time together 互相了解,培养感情。 准备好了是要有刀山火海的准备么? 诚实的说,我目前最爱自己,不会为谁那么担当。要是相濡以沫多年,感情深厚,追随对方那是另一回事。
The average time each reader/grader spends on each essay is less than 3 minutes.[11] In March 2004, Dr. Les Perelman analyzed 15 scored sample essays contained in the College Board's ScoreWrite book along with 30 other training samples and found that in over 90% of cases, the essay's score could be predicted from simply counting the number of words in the essay.[11] Two years later, Dr. Perelman trained high school seniors to write essays that made little sense but contained infrequently used words such as "plethora" and "myriad." All of the students received scores of "10" or better, which placed the essays in the 92nd percentile or higher.[12]
The average time each reader/grader spends on each essay is less than 3 minutes.[11] In March 2004, Dr. Les Perelman analyzed 15 scored sample essays contained in the College Board's ScoreWrite book along with 30 other training samples and found that in over 90% of cases, the essay's score could be predicted from simply counting the number of words in the essay.[11] Two years later, Dr. Perelman trained high school seniors to write essays that made little sense but contained infrequently used words such as "plethora" and "myriad." All of the students received scores of "10" or better, which placed the essays in the 92nd percentile or higher.[12]
月书前言摘抄4 His public services and his contributions to science were continuous and important… he created a… system of rapid mail communication and delivery, … He had proved that lightning and electricity are identical. He devised a plan of union among the colonies which antedated the fact by more than twenty years. This plan was discussed at the conference held in Albany in 1754, but it was too far in advance of public opinion to secure serious consideration. From 1757 until 1762 Franklin was in London as Commissioner from Pennsylvania; in 1765 he returned to London as the agent of the same colony, but he was really the representative of all the colonies. His position was extremely difficult, for passion was steadily rising on both sides of the Atlantic. With unflinching courage, rare sagacity and the most effective humor he strove to explain the grievances and feelings of Englishmen in the new world to Englishmen in the old home. (美国1776年宣布独立)
月书前言摘抄5 In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
月书前言摘抄6 Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
月书前言摘抄1 ? Turgot’s famous “Eripuit coelo fulmen, septrumque tyrannis” happily expressed the two sides of Franklin’s activity which made a deep impression on Europe: his fruitful passion for science, and his ardent advocacy of liberty. During the eventful years from 1765 to his death in 1790, Franklin was, from the European standpoint, distinctly the foremost man in America; and after the lapse of more than a century, probably no American save Lincoln is more widely known beyond the sea. In this country other figures have to a certain extent withdrawn public attention from his extraordinary career and sensibly diminished his reputation; a process which has been aided by Franklin’s lack of idealism in mind and character; but the estimate of Franklin by Europe has been more adequate than the judgment of his countrymen. The more closely his career is studied the more clear does it become that, with the exception of Lincoln, no man yet born on this continent has more strikingly expressed its feeling or illustrated the range of its opportunities. ? 怪不得美国人都不大知道franklin是干嘛的。
月书摘抄, 关于美食: ? At his table he (Franklin 老爸)liked to have, as often as he could, some sensible friend or neighbor to converse with, and always took care to start some ingenious or useful topic for discourse, which might tend to improve the minds of his children. By this means he turned our attention to what was good, just, and prudent in the conduct of life; and little or no notice was ever taken of what related to the victuals on the table, whether it was well or ill dressed, in or out of season, of good or bad flavor, preferable or inferior to this or that other thing of the kind, so that I was bro't up in such a perfect inattention to those matters as to be quite indifferent what kind of food was set before me, and so unobservant of it, that to this day if I am asked I can scarce tell a few hours after dinner what I dined upon. This has been a convenience to me in traveling, where my companions have been sometimes very unhappy for want of a suitable gratification of their more delicate, because better instructed, tastes and appetites.
月书摘抄,关于谈婚论嫁 (WSN Franklin) ? Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up. Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
月书前言摘抄2 The practical side of his nature was tireless in the effort to introduce better methods in domestic and municipal life… he was never content until he had substituted intelligence for habit or custom. The police and fire departments, then in the most rudimentary stages, were systematized or reformed at his suggestion; he was instrumental in organizing the first militia, and in cleaning and lighting the streets. He founded the Philadelphia Library, which has been called “the mother of all the North American subscription libraries”; he was largely instrumental in founding the Academy and Charitable School of the Province of Pennsylvania, which … has now become the University of Pennsylvania. ? Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin编辑印刷的年历), which brought him fame and fortune, was begun in 1732 and appeared annually for a quarter of a century. Almanacs were in every household and, in remote parts of the country, furnished the only reading matter… they were the journals and account books of the poor… They were sold for a sixpence, and when the sixpence was not forthcoming they were exchanged for produce, rum, stockings and old china. They furnished a calendar, a list of court and fair days, the traditional weather prediction which curiously anticipated in an unscientific fashion the modern prognostications of the bureau; they were rarely without a generous allowance of doggerel verse; and they aimed to guide the lives of their readers by proverbs and wise reflections on character and conduct… the almanac, … was, in a certain sense, the forerunner of the sensational newspaper. ? ? 好多丰功伟绩啊。和The Power of Habbit还有些接轨。
月书前言摘抄3 The wisdom of Richard was distinctly prudential; it was the wisdom which avoids mistakes rather than makes great successes; the wisdom of caution rather than of courage; but it was full of robust common sense. The sermon of Father Abraham, which appeared in the almanac for 1785, is a condensed philosophy of practical life… His philosophy was not deep, but it was broad and serviceable; it was eminently sound so far as it touched morals, for it insisted that frugality and industry were the only roads to wealth. It was important teaching in a new country full of those undeveloped possibilities which stimulate the speculative temper… ? Franklin’s conception of life, as recorded in Poor Richard’s sayings, was very inadequate; the ends it set forth were immediate, the success it sought was material; everything, virtue included, tended to prosperity. “Nothing is so likely,” he writes, “to make a man’s fortune as virtue.”
月书前言摘抄4 His public services and his contributions to science were continuous and important… he created a… system of rapid mail communication and delivery, … He had proved that lightning and electricity are identical. He devised a plan of union among the colonies which antedated the fact by more than twenty years. This plan was discussed at the conference held in Albany in 1754, but it was too far in advance of public opinion to secure serious consideration. ? From 1757 until 1762 Franklin was in London as Commissioner from Pennsylvania; in 1765 he returned to London as the agent of the same colony, but he was really the representative of all the colonies. His position was extremely difficult, for passion was steadily rising on both sides of the Atlantic. With unflinching courage, rare sagacity and the most effective humor he strove to explain the grievances and feelings of Englishmen in the new world to Englishmen in the old home. (美国1776年宣布独立)
月书前言摘抄5 In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
月书前言摘抄6 ? Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
Hereby, too, I shall indulge the inclination so natural in old men, to be talking of themselves and their own past actions; and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to others, who, through respect to age, might conceive themselves obliged to give me a hearing, since this may be read or not as anyone pleases. And, lastly (I may as well confess it, since my denial of it will be believed by nobody), perhaps I shall a good deal gratify my own vanity. Indeed, I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory words, "Without vanity I may say," etc., but some vain thing immediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they have of it themselves; but I give it fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor, and to others that are within his sphere of action; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.
Haha, 'among the other comforts of life'! 以下是引用summerhole在7/9/2012 3:40:00 PM的发言:
Hereby, too, I shall indulge the inclination so natural in old men, to be talking of themselves and their own past actions; and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to others, who, through respect to age, might conceive themselves obliged to give me a hearing, since this may be read or not as anyone pleases. And, lastly (I may as well confess it, since my denial of it will be believed by nobody), perhaps I shall a good deal gratify my own vanity. Indeed, I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory words, "Without vanity I may say," etc., but some vain thing immediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they have of it themselves; but I give it fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor, and to others that are within his sphere of action; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.
月书前言摘抄5 In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
月书摘抄2,关于being handy (Franklin12岁的时候)But my dislike to the trade continuing, my father was under apprehensions that if he did not find one for me more agreeable, I should break away and get to sea, as his son Josiah had done, to his great vexation. He therefore sometimes took me to walk with him, and see joiners, bricklayers, turners, braziers, etc., at their work, that he might observe my inclination, and endeavor to fix it on some trade or other on land. It has ever since been a pleasure to me to see good workmen handle their tools; and it has been useful to me, having learnt so much by it as to be able to do little jobs myself in my house when a workman could not readily be got, and to construct little machines for my experiments, while the intention of making the experiment was fresh and warm in my mind.
There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intimately acquainted. We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another, which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to become a very bad habit, making people often extremely disagreeable in company by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice; and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, is productive of disgusts and, perhaps enmities where you may have occasion for friendship. I had caught it by reading my father's books of dispute about religion. Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it, except lawyers, university men, and men of all sorts that have been bred at Edinborough. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/10 13:51:39编辑过]
月书前言摘抄6 Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
今天刚好看到一个quote,大意是 a statesmen is someone who uses his resources to serve the nation, a politician is someone who uses the nation's resources to serve himself.
There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intimately acquainted. We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another, which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to become a very bad habit, making people often extremely disagreeable in company by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice; and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, is productive of disgusts and, perhaps enmities where you may have occasion for friendship. I had caught it by reading my father's books of dispute about religion. Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it, except lawyers, university men, and men of all sorts that have been bred at Edinborough.
房子的维修,车子的保养,人身的健康检查,都是excel+task list。最后每年的收支储蓄花销总结也都是excel。。。 哈哈哈。。。。
我实在烦记账啥的。 你有啥好的工具么。 我可不想一个一个enter...那水电煤气啥的, 好乱啊。。太多工作量了。。 我就是2008年纪了几个月大致知道开销,后来就不管了
我觉得好像就是Pap, 然后摸摸看看有没有囊肿?好像要是发炎是不是自己会有感觉啊。 要是没感觉就默认没发炎?不过我觉得美国体检真是马虎。。 不问就不查。。。 很多等到出问题就迟了。。 希望obama care 能够起到一个好作用就是保险公司开始重视预防。。不过估摸也危险
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
我实在烦记账啥的。 你有啥好的工具么。 我可不想一个一个enter...那水电煤气啥的, 好乱啊。。太多工作量了。。 我就是2008年纪了几个月大致知道开销,后来就不管了
我觉得好像就是Pap, 然后摸摸看看有没有囊肿?好像要是发炎是不是自己会有感觉啊。 要是没感觉就默认没发炎?不过我觉得美国体检真是马虎。。 不问就不查。。。 很多等到出问题就迟了。。 希望obama care 能够起到一个好作用就是保险公司开始重视预防。。不过估摸也危险
保险公司重视不管用,还是要自己意识到体检的重要性才行。现在大部分公司的医疗保险都包括每年一次的preventative exam,100% covered,但是如果员工自己不预约不去看,还是没用,白白浪费掉这些benefits。
查什么啊?filming location吗?有链接吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 14:27:06编辑过]
哈哈你老实交代, 是不是故意的?
保险公司重视不管用,还是要自己意识到体检的重要性才行。现在大部分公司的医疗保险都包括每年一次的preventative exam,100% covered,但是如果员工自己不预约不去看,还是没用,白白浪费掉这些benefits。
但是这些Prevention cover的很少。 你要是自己不要的话, 连血检都没有。。。 现在我要也不给我尿检了。。。。 我连续两年要求查维生素。。除此之外啥也没有, 就是摸摸看看的
查什么啊?filming location吗?有链接吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 14:27:06编辑过]
查什么啊?filming location吗?有链接吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 14:27:06编辑过]
The practical side of his nature was tireless in the effort to introduce better methods in domestic and municipal life… he was never content until he had substituted intelligence for habit or custom. The police and fire departments, then in the most rudimentary stages, were systematized or reformed at his suggestion; he was instrumental in organizing the first militia, and in cleaning and lighting the streets. He founded the Philadelphia Library, which has been called “the mother of all the North American subscription libraries”; he was largely instrumental in founding the Academy and Charitable School of the Province of Pennsylvania, which … has now become the University of Pennsylvania.
Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin编辑印刷的年历), which brought him fame and fortune, was begun in 1732 and appeared annually for a quarter of a century. Almanacs were in every household and, in remote parts of the country, furnished the only reading matter… they were the journals and account books of the poor… They were sold for a sixpence, and when the sixpence was not forthcoming they were exchanged for produce, rum, stockings and old china. They furnished a calendar, a list of court and fair days, the traditional weather prediction which curiously anticipated in an unscientific fashion the modern prognostications of the bureau; they were rarely without a generous allowance of doggerel verse; and they aimed to guide the lives of their readers by proverbs and wise reflections on character and conduct… the almanac, … was, in a certain sense, the forerunner of the sensational newspaper.
好多丰功伟绩啊。和The Power of Habbit还有些接轨。
月书摘抄,关于谈婚论嫁 (WSN Franklin)
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
我实在烦记账啥的。 你有啥好的工具么。 我可不想一个一个enter...那水电煤气啥的, 好乱啊。。太多工作量了。。 我就是2008年纪了几个月大致知道开销,后来就不管了
我觉得但就记帐来讲,mint.com蛮好,不过我喜欢折腾各种year over year comparison,summary什么的,所以我都是用excel,弄成我想要的样子。
月书摘抄,关于谈婚论嫁 (WSN Franklin)
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
以下是引用Cyprus在7/9/2012 2:35:00 PM的发言:
The wisdom of Richard was distinctly prudential; it was the wisdom which avoids mistakes rather than makes great successes; the wisdom of caution rather than of courage; but it was full of robust common sense. The sermon of Father Abraham, which appeared in the almanac for 1785, is a condensed philosophy of practical life… His philosophy was not deep, but it was broad and serviceable; it was eminently sound so far as it touched morals, for it insisted that frugality and industry were the only roads to wealth. It was important teaching in a new country full of those undeveloped possibilities which stimulate the speculative temper…
Franklin’s conception of life, as recorded in Poor Richard’s sayings, was very inadequate; the ends it set forth were immediate, the success it sought was material; everything, virtue included, tended to prosperity. “Nothing is so likely,” he writes, “to make a man’s fortune as virtue.”
但是这些Prevention cover的很少。 你要是自己不要的话, 连血检都没有。。。 现在我要也不给我尿检了。。。。 我连续两年要求查维生素。。除此之外啥也没有, 就是摸摸看看的
我的fashion budget/expense弄了个excel, 跨年对照。其实没多少钱,主要是为了打造effective functional wardrobe
以下是引用Emichan在7/9/2012 2:38:00 PM的发言:
我觉得但就记帐来讲,mint.com蛮好,不过我喜欢折腾各种year over year comparison,summary什么的,所以我都是用excel,弄成我想要的样子。
血检我是坚决要求。而且是空腹测。。。 以前的医生都觉得我没必要做血检。。。 他觉得我最多每隔一年做一次。。。 我觉得尿检可以看看是否有感染啊, 蛋白啊啥的。。 后来医生和我说做了血检其实没必要做尿检了。。 查不出来啥, 很多也和当时的身体情况有关 这里有多人物和背景比较详细的介绍
需要一个合适的人,包括人品教育性格价值观念compatible, 还需要对方有诚意,彼此有兴趣愿意spend time together 互相了解,培养感情。
准备好了是要有刀山火海的准备么? 诚实的说,我目前最爱自己,不会为谁那么担当。要是相濡以沫多年,感情深厚,追随对方那是另一回事。
以下是引用enen^_^在7/9/2012 1:59:00 PM的发言:
The average time each reader/grader spends on each essay is less than 3 minutes.[11]
In March 2004, Dr. Les Perelman analyzed 15 scored sample essays contained in the College Board's ScoreWrite
book along with 30 other training samples and found that in over 90% of
cases, the essay's score could be predicted from simply counting the
number of words in the essay.[11]
Two years later, Dr. Perelman trained high school seniors to write
essays that made little sense but contained infrequently used words such
as "plethora" and "myriad." All of the students received scores of "10"
or better, which placed the essays in the 92nd percentile or higher.[12]
以下是引用Cyprus在7/9/2012 2:54:00 PM的发言:
血检我是坚决要求。而且是空腹测。。。 以前的医生都觉得我没必要做血检。。。 他觉得我最多每隔一年做一次。。。 我觉得尿检可以看看是否有感染啊, 蛋白啊啥的。。 后来医生和我说做了血检其实没必要做尿检了。。 查不出来啥, 很多也和当时的身体情况有关
前些日子报纸(New York Times)、新闻里都在说体检一年一次太频繁了,不好。原因是从统计学的角度,false positive可能性太大了。而false positive的后果就是不必要的invasive procedure。
我觉得塞浦路斯的意思是, 很忙的人, 有时候真的没可能schedule...就是突然有时间了, 问你可不可以。。。。 我觉得这个实在也说不上尊重不尊重。。 真的忙起来确实比较困难的,特别还没有真正建立起来正式关系的时候
The average time each reader/grader spends on each essay is less than 3 minutes.[11]
In March 2004, Dr. Les Perelman analyzed 15 scored sample essays contained in the College Board's ScoreWrite book along with 30 other training samples and found that in over 90% of cases, the essay's score could be predicted from simply counting the number of words in the essay.[11] Two years later, Dr. Perelman trained high school seniors to write essays that made little sense but contained infrequently used words such as "plethora" and "myriad." All of the students received scores of "10" or better, which placed the essays in the 92nd percentile or higher.[12]
我觉得塞浦路斯的意思是, 很忙的人, 有时候真的没可能schedule...就是突然有时间了, 问你可不可以。。。。 我觉得这个实在也说不上尊重不尊重。。 真的忙起来确实比较困难的,特别还没有真正建立起来正式关系的时候
我已经完全记不得了。。我觉得这个片子是后面更好看。。 可惜好像没拍完?
以下是引用meiyoule在7/9/2012 3:04:00 PM的发言:
我觉得塞浦路斯的意思是, 很忙的人, 有时候真的没可能schedule...就是突然有时间了, 问你可不可以。。。。 我觉得这个实在也说不上尊重不尊重。。 真的忙起来确实比较困难的,特别还没有真正建立起来正式关系的时候
我已经完全记不得了。。我觉得这个片子是后面更好看。。 可惜好像没拍完?
His public services and his contributions to science were continuous and important… he created a… system of rapid mail communication and delivery, … He had proved that lightning and electricity are identical. He devised a plan of union among the colonies which antedated the fact by more than twenty years. This plan was discussed at the conference held in Albany in 1754, but it was too far in advance of public opinion to secure serious consideration.
From 1757 until 1762 Franklin was in London as Commissioner from Pennsylvania; in 1765 he returned to London as the agent of the same colony, but he was really the representative of all the colonies. His position was extremely difficult, for passion was steadily rising on both sides of the Atlantic. With unflinching courage, rare sagacity and the most effective humor he strove to explain the grievances and feelings of Englishmen in the new world to Englishmen in the old home. (美国1776年宣布独立)
前些日子报纸(New York Times)、新闻里都在说体检一年一次太频繁了,不好。原因是从统计学的角度,false positive可能性太大了。而false positive的后果就是不必要的invasive procedure。
晚上回去好好看看。我觉得每年体检一次实在已经是比较不频繁了。。 血检可以发现早期的一些趋势, 尽早调整比什么都强。。。比如胆固醇那些啥的, 都是正常, 偏高, 高, 超高一步一步的, 每年体检可以在偏高的时候就调整不至于到高这部
月书前言摘抄5 In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
我的保险很好,可是嫌麻烦,3年没去体检。。。。。。前一阵子去了, 账单还出了问题,弄得保险公司拒付。NND, 幸亏我在这行还有点了解。让普通消费者去两边沟通correct billing problem不是太难为美国人民了?
我们看到那个女的病了。。somehow 正很High的时候, 某人说没下面了。。 后来他就开始看firefly,top gear了。。是不是他骗我。。。。
晚上回去好好看看。我觉得每年体检一次实在已经是比较不频繁了。。 血检可以发现早期的一些趋势, 尽早调整比什么都强。。。比如胆固醇那些啥的, 都是正常, 偏高, 高, 超高一步一步的, 每年体检可以在偏高的时候就调整不至于到高这部
我们看到那个女的病了。。somehow 正很High的时候, 某人说没下面了。。 后来他就开始看firefly,top gear了。。是不是他骗我。。。。
Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
晚上回去好好看看。我觉得每年体检一次实在已经是比较不频繁了。。 血检可以发现早期的一些趋势, 尽早调整比什么都强。。。比如胆固醇那些啥的, 都是正常, 偏高, 高, 超高一步一步的, 每年体检可以在偏高的时候就调整不至于到高这部
好像有官方建议的那什么年纪、哪个指标、多久检查一次。我去找找。这就又是一个excel table。
健康很重要。大家在忙也要抽时间运动和减压啊。bless all
我的保险很好,可是嫌麻烦,3年没去体检。。。。。。前一阵子去了, 账单还出了问题,弄得保险公司拒付。NND, 幸亏我在这行还有点了解。让普通消费者去两边沟通correct billing problem不是太难为美国人民了?
我们看到那个女的病了。。somehow 正很High的时候, 某人说没下面了。。 后来他就开始看firefly,top gear了。。是不是他骗我。。。。
哈哈,他骗你的。可能没有netflix streaming了?
啊,我还有个问题。那个roku box没有开关啊,就这样一天到晚开着,机身超热的。你们的怎么办?
哈哈,他骗你的。可能没有netflix streaming了?
啊,我还有个问题。那个roku box没有开关啊,就这样一天到晚开着,机身超热的。你们的怎么办?
我到是这么觉得,对方是否有诚意,或者是否有某种含意,这些都是我们的感觉,甚至猜测,我不是说我们的直觉或者猜测是不准确的,很多时侯是准确的,因为 直觉都是为了“幸存”的,只是,如果按照我们理解的,或者说判断的对方的意图来选择我们自己的下一步,很多时侯失去的不是机会,而是部分的自我,自己觉得 不安全的事情当然不要做,但是无关对方怎么想,如果自己真的想要的,我们做了,多还是value了自己的价值吧?
Turgot’s famous “Eripuit coelo fulmen, septrumque tyrannis” happily expressed the two sides of Franklin’s activity which made a deep impression on Europe: his fruitful passion for science, and his ardent advocacy of liberty. During the eventful years from 1765 to his death in 1790, Franklin was, from the European standpoint, distinctly the foremost man in America; and after the lapse of more than a century, probably no American save Lincoln is more widely known beyond the sea. In this country other figures have to a certain extent withdrawn public attention from his extraordinary career and sensibly diminished his reputation; a process which has been aided by Franklin’s lack of idealism in mind and character; but the estimate of Franklin by Europe has been more adequate than the judgment of his countrymen. The more closely his career is studied the more clear does it become that, with the exception of Lincoln, no man yet born on this continent has more strikingly expressed its feeling or illustrated the range of its opportunities.
以下是引用windysnow在7/9/2012 1:13:00 PM的发言:
豆丁网强大,有free download
以下是引用cute-wheat在6/27/2012 2:26:00 PM的发言:?mm, 我看过的觉得不错的是这本
pdf 在这儿。。。
在不同的阶段有不同的high对于不同的人来看,但是身在其中的人自己知道自己是因为什么而感到满足,所谓的我爱你与你无关就是这样吧,在相互的交错和碰 撞中,我们拿我们自己所需的,只是因为是不同的人,需要的感受到的high其实多是相同的,如果能够在共同的一个平面上恐怕是最合拍的,问题是,是否我们 在同一个平面上,而哪一个平面是自己此时在追寻的?
感觉的“速度”不同,这个恐怕很常见,也蛮正常的;有感觉就是有感觉,条件相当就是会加分,也就有可能成为push自己的一个原因,但是不管我们是慢热也 好,还是还在犹豫也好,最关键的一点是,是否我们真的准备好要去尝试,并接受了?这个恐怕是在我们进入舞池前就已经写好了的,无论我们怎么生活我当然是准 备要如何如何的了,日后会如何没有人知道,但是进入前如果没有做好刀山火海自己也会跟着上下的准备,那么就不是快慢了,而是自己没有真的想要还。相处后觉 得不适合的改变主意和这个是不同的,这个准备是好坏都准备包容,但是我们对好坏的经历是有限的,这有可能导致日后的变化,而没有准备好的时侯是,我需要是 如何如何,我才会如何如何。不知道我是否表达清楚了
月书摘抄, 关于美食:
At his table he (Franklin 老爸)liked to have, as often as he could, some sensible friend or neighbor to converse with, and always took care to start some ingenious or useful topic for discourse, which might tend to improve the minds of his children. By this means he turned our attention to what was good, just, and prudent in the conduct of life; and little or no notice was ever taken of what related to the victuals on the table, whether it was well or ill dressed, in or out of season, of good or bad flavor, preferable or inferior to this or that other thing of the kind, so that I was bro't up in such a perfect inattention to those matters as to be quite indifferent what kind of food was set before me, and so unobservant of it, that to this day if I am asked I can scarce tell a few hours after dinner what I dined upon. This has been a convenience to me in traveling, where my companions have been sometimes very unhappy for want of a suitable gratification of their more delicate, because better instructed, tastes and appetites.
月书摘抄,关于谈婚论嫁 (WSN Franklin)
Mrs. Godfrey projected a match for me with a relation's daughter, took opportunities of bringing us often together, till a serious courtship on my part ensu'd, the girl being in herself very deserving. The old folks encourag'd me by continual invitations to supper, and by leaving us together, till at length it was time to explain. Mrs. Godfrey manag'd our little treaty. I let her know that I expected as much money with their daughter as would pay off my remaining debt for the printing-house, which I believe was not then above a hundred pounds. She brought me word they had no such sum to spare; I said they might mortgage their house in the loan-office. The answer to this, after some days, was, that they did not approve the match; that, on inquiry of Bradford, they had been informed the printing business was not a profitable one; the types would soon be worn out, and more wanted; that S. Keimer and D. Harry had failed one after the other, and I should probably soon follow them; and, therefore, I was forbidden the house, and the daughter shut up.
Whether this was a real change of sentiment or only artifice, on a supposition of our being too far engaged in affection to retract, and therefore that we should steal a marriage, which would leave them at liberty to give or withhold what they pleas'd, I know not; but I suspected the latter, resented it, and went no more.
The practical side of his nature was tireless in the effort to introduce better methods in domestic and municipal life… he was never content until he had substituted intelligence for habit or custom. The police and fire departments, then in the most rudimentary stages, were systematized or reformed at his suggestion; he was instrumental in organizing the first militia, and in cleaning and lighting the streets. He founded the Philadelphia Library, which has been called “the mother of all the North American subscription libraries”; he was largely instrumental in founding the Academy and Charitable School of the Province of Pennsylvania, which … has now become the University of Pennsylvania.
Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin编辑印刷的年历), which brought him fame and fortune, was begun in 1732 and appeared annually for a quarter of a century. Almanacs were in every household and, in remote parts of the country, furnished the only reading matter… they were the journals and account books of the poor… They were sold for a sixpence, and when the sixpence was not forthcoming they were exchanged for produce, rum, stockings and old china. They furnished a calendar, a list of court and fair days, the traditional weather prediction which curiously anticipated in an unscientific fashion the modern prognostications of the bureau; they were rarely without a generous allowance of doggerel verse; and they aimed to guide the lives of their readers by proverbs and wise reflections on character and conduct… the almanac, … was, in a certain sense, the forerunner of the sensational newspaper. ?
好多丰功伟绩啊。和The Power of Habbit还有些接轨。
The wisdom of Richard was distinctly prudential; it was the wisdom which avoids mistakes rather than makes great successes; the wisdom of caution rather than of courage; but it was full of robust common sense. The sermon of Father Abraham, which appeared in the almanac for 1785, is a condensed philosophy of practical life… His philosophy was not deep, but it was broad and serviceable; it was eminently sound so far as it touched morals, for it insisted that frugality and industry were the only roads to wealth. It was important teaching in a new country full of those undeveloped possibilities which stimulate the speculative temper…
Franklin’s conception of life, as recorded in Poor Richard’s sayings, was very inadequate; the ends it set forth were immediate, the success it sought was material; everything, virtue included, tended to prosperity. “Nothing is so likely,” he writes, “to make a man’s fortune as virtue.”
我是想说比如一开始不想投入整个周六的时间(我知道有工作狂周末也工作的),但是又想找机会了解,那可能就想平时抽时间咖啡什么的,如果每天工作也特别忙 不好预见啥时候有空所以当天才知道也是有可能的。可能我自己对这个诚意不是特别介意吧。我更看中跟对方呆一起时候的感觉。
His public services and his contributions to science were continuous and important… he created a… system of rapid mail communication and delivery, … He had proved that lightning and electricity are identical. He devised a plan of union among the colonies which antedated the fact by more than twenty years. This plan was discussed at the conference held in Albany in 1754, but it was too far in advance of public opinion to secure serious consideration.
From 1757 until 1762 Franklin was in London as Commissioner from Pennsylvania; in 1765 he returned to London as the agent of the same colony, but he was really the representative of all the colonies. His position was extremely difficult, for passion was steadily rising on both sides of the Atlantic. With unflinching courage, rare sagacity and the most effective humor he strove to explain the grievances and feelings of Englishmen in the new world to Englishmen in the old home. (美国1776年宣布独立)
In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 15:41:38编辑过]
是不是madam president啊?
我不是危言耸听, 手术室里医生开刀在错误的胳膊/腿的事故都发生过!! 当着护士和病人的面。。。
Hereby, too, I shall indulge the inclination so natural in old men, to be talking of themselves and their own past actions; and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to others, who, through respect to age, might conceive themselves obliged to give me a hearing, since this may be read or not as anyone pleases. And, lastly (I may as well confess it, since my denial of it will be believed by nobody), perhaps I shall a good deal gratify my own vanity. Indeed, I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory words, "Without vanity I may say," etc., but some vain thing immediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they have of it themselves; but I give it fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor, and to others that are within his sphere of action; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.
我不是危言耸听, 手术室里医生开刀在错误的胳膊/腿的事故都发生过!! 当着护士和病人的面。。。
这个The power of habbit里边也提到。严重的是开颅手术开错了边,导致病人死亡。
是不是madam president啊?
以下是引用summerhole在7/9/2012 3:40:00 PM的发言:
Hereby, too, I shall indulge the inclination so natural in old men, to be talking of themselves and their own past actions; and I shall indulge it without being tiresome to others, who, through respect to age, might conceive themselves obliged to give me a hearing, since this may be read or not as anyone pleases. And, lastly (I may as well confess it, since my denial of it will be believed by nobody), perhaps I shall a good deal gratify my own vanity. Indeed, I scarce ever heard or saw the introductory words, "Without vanity I may say," etc., but some vain thing immediately followed. Most people dislike vanity in others, whatever share they have of it themselves; but I give it fair quarter wherever I meet with it, being persuaded that it is often productive of good to the possessor, and to others that are within his sphere of action; and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.
月书前言摘抄5 In 1776 he was in Paris as Ambassador of the United States. For nine years he was one of the most striking figures in the French capital. … To the French people he was the representative of the democratic movement; the exponent of the rights of man.
我去jefferson的故居时候, 导游提到他希望被记住的三件事情。 独立宣言, UVA, 和关于自由的一个宣言。 最后这个因为他本人拥有大量的奴隶而被人诟病。。。 但是好歹前两个是毋庸置疑的被人铭记了。。。 我们希望被记住的, 和我们最后被记住的(if any)很多时候也不是不一样的
月书摘抄2,关于being handy
(Franklin12岁的时候)But my dislike to the trade continuing, my father was under apprehensions that if he did not find one for me more agreeable, I should break away and get to sea, as his son Josiah had done, to his great vexation. He therefore sometimes took me to walk with him, and see joiners, bricklayers, turners, braziers, etc., at their work, that he might observe my inclination, and endeavor to fix it on some trade or other on land. It has ever since been a pleasure to me to see good workmen handle their tools; and it has been useful to me, having learnt so much by it as to be able to do little jobs myself in my house when a workman could not readily be got, and to construct little machines for my experiments, while the intention of making the experiment was fresh and warm in my mind.
There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intimately acquainted. We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another, which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to become a very bad habit, making people often extremely disagreeable in company by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice; and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, is productive of disgusts and, perhaps enmities where you may have occasion for friendship. I had caught it by reading my father's books of dispute about religion. Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it, except lawyers, university men, and men of all sorts that have been bred at Edinborough.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/10 13:51:39编辑过]
这个The power of habbit里边也提到。严重的是开颅手术开错了边,导致病人死亡。
什么手术都有风险的。。。。 我拔智齿还告诉我3%神经会死。。。。吓死我了当时
我已经看到挺后面了我记得, 突然就没了, 开始还特难过。。。。 我得问问某人是不是后面拍完了
Franklin’s literary and philosophical training was of the old world; his sympathies, characteristics, and convictions were wholly of the new world. He was the first American to secure European reputation; he was the foremost contributor from the American side to the great debate which preceded the breaking out of the Evolutionary War; he was the most effective interpreter of America to Europe; he did more for science and for practical life than any other American of his time; and, beginning and continuing all his life, a journalist, he made the first enduring contribution to our literature.
今天刚好看到一个quote,大意是 a statesmen is someone who uses his resources to serve the nation, a politician is someone who uses the nation's resources to serve himself.
然后我看看franklin, washington, jefferson这些人,再看看今年大选的候选人。。。
我已经看到挺后面了我记得, 突然就没了, 开始还特难过。。。。 我得问问某人是不是后面拍完了
然后星期六我的小黑突然不能上网了,鼓捣了半天原来是wireless receptor哪个零件出毛病了。看网上的论坛,我的那个型号的小黑很多都有这个问题,要换零件什么的要100多,而且现在还不确定就一定能修好。我本来想买个新的本子的,zt就在一边一直鼓励我买个iPad,还给我画个大饼,说iPad多轻便,你去哪个房间都可以上网了。而且你年底坐月子用iPad多好呀,连床都不用下,blablabla。我看他眼巴巴的那副样子心一软就同意了。我必须说,apple的效率还是很不错的,星期六下蛋,今天就收到了。
然后我看看franklin, washington, jefferson这些人,再看看今年大选的候选人。。。
哈哈哈。 一代不如一代啊。。。 我最amazed是开始那几个总统啥的都特博学的。。jefferson能说7门语言, 看苏格拉底亚里士多德都是看得原版。。。我记得我去Moroe故居吧(我是文盲, 不晓得拼写。。。。55555).好像他还和那摩丝代码的发明人很熟。。。
汗。 我就是记不太得了。 但是那个女的病了。 好像还没那啥。。。 然后矛盾重重。。。
汗。 我就是记不太得了。 但是那个女的病了。 好像还没那啥。。。 然后矛盾重重。。。
那你不用问了,肯定不是最后一集。所有的系列结束后,又出了一个the plan,就这样
那你不用问了,肯定不是最后一集。所有的系列结束后,又出了一个the plan,就这样
决定回去把某人痛打一顿! 肯定是他想看top gear... 但是周末才决定了要这辈子三从四德认打认骂了。。。。 现在很矛盾怎么处理这个问题。。。
我去jefferson的故居时候, 导游提到他希望被记住的三件事情。 独立宣言, UVA, 和关于自由的一个宣言。 最后这个因为他本人拥有大量的奴隶而被人诟病。。。 但是好歹前两个是毋庸置疑的被人铭记了。。。 我们希望被记住的, 和我们最后被记住的(if any)很多时候也不是不一样的
谁敢在他面前提Notes on virginia哈哈
谁敢在他面前提Notes on virginia哈哈
那个。。好吧,好像在这种情况下已经不平衡,所以吃抗生素是对的。。。 以下是引用Cyprus在7/9/2012 1:58:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/9 13:58:31编辑过]
洗碗有故意的成分,因为我一特好的单身男同学跟我抱怨过开PARTY最发愁的就是之后收拾碗,我自己是很喜欢洗碗这类清理东西眼看着干净起来的工作。手镯倒是没有故意,主要觉得用不着,喜欢我就直接ask him out了。
好奇你ask men out的语言内容是啥?“我们去看电影吧”之类的?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
那你不用问了,肯定不是最后一集。所有的系列结束后,又出了一个the plan,就这样
强烈推荐颈椎不好的打网球阿, 晚上打了不过20分钟不到, 好转很多, 好几天了第一次觉得脑袋是自己个儿的。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/10 9:54:50编辑过]
好奇你ask men out的语言内容是啥?“我们去看电影吧”之类的?
There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intimately acquainted. We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another, which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to become a very bad habit, making people often extremely disagreeable in company by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice; and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, is productive of disgusts and, perhaps enmities where you may have occasion for friendship. I had caught it by reading my father's books of dispute about religion. Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it, except lawyers, university men, and men of all sorts that have been bred at Edinborough.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/10 10:04:02编辑过]
决定回去把某人痛打一顿! 肯定是他想看top gear... 但是周末才决定了要这辈子三从四德认打认骂了。。。。 现在很矛盾怎么处理这个问题。。。
我LG曾经特喜欢的一个广告,帅男对着怀孕的美女老婆特诚恳地说,'Baby needs a flat-screen TV!' 然后我家在老大6个月的时候有了flat-screen TV. :)
以下是引用Emichan在7/9/2012 4:30:00 PM的发言:
然后星期六我的小黑突然不能上网了,鼓捣了半天原来是wireless receptor哪个零件出毛病了。看网上的论坛,我的那个型号的小黑很多都有这个问题,要换零件什么的要100多,而且现在还不确定就一定能修好。我本来想买个新的本子的,zt就在一边一直鼓励我买个iPad,还给我画个大饼,说iPad多轻便,你去哪个房间都可以上网了。而且你年底坐月子用iPad多好呀,连床都不用下,blablabla。我看他眼巴巴的那副样子心一软就同意了。我必须说,apple的效率还是很不错的,星期六下蛋,今天就收到了。
summer,你看到过starbuck在big bang里客座吗?哈哈
没。嘻嘻。不过看到她在CSI里。她好像一开始想演cylon #6的。
BSG里的人经常在别处看到,很亲切。Kyle在演“Fairly Legal”的男二号,挺帅的。Boomer在演“Hawaii 5-O”,那部电视剧挺好看,尤其High-Def的风景shots,美啊。
去dragon*con的时候,去听BSG panel。最后演Odama的演员振臂高呼“So Say We All!” 满场粉丝跟着激动高呼。那句话什么意思啊?LOL,一直不知道。
我LG曾经特喜欢的一个广告,帅男对着怀孕的美女老婆特诚恳地说,'Baby needs a flat-screen TV!' 然后我家在老大6个月的时候有了flat-screen TV. :)
以下是引用enen^_^在7/9/2012 11:38:00 PM的发言:
summer,你看到过starbuck在big bang里客座吗?哈哈