How are you doing? How is your week going? I am really sorry that I have not been around much since you started. I am looking forward to being in the office together next week. Is there anything I can help you with right now?
以下是引用urbeautiful在5/5/2012 8:00:00 PM的发言: In most cases, if a guy hasn't asked you out officially in 7 month, know what it means so true. he is not that into you.
I believe s really like u. But for some reason he cant ever ask u out for a date. Maybe he is a career men he put career before u. As u said yourself it's forbidden having romantic relationship between co workers. That's probably why s chooses to leave without ever explaining to you. Because he can't. He likes you but he still put career development in priority.
yes, I think S likes lz a lot. But he might like himself much more! 以下是引用bistrofes在5/5/2012 8:19:00 PM的发言:
I believe s really like u. But for some reason he cant ever ask u out for a date. Maybe he is a career men he put career before u. As u said yourself it's forbidden having romantic relationship between co workers. That's probably why s chooses to leave without ever explaining to you. Because he can't. He likes you but he still put career development in priority.
以下是引用urbeautiful在5/5/2012 8:22:00 PM的发言: yes, I think S likes lz a lot. But he might like himself much more!
so true. and, he might like LZ, or he might just flirt to get fun for his life, or he might just play to get LZ laid. whatever it is, he definately likes himself much more. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/5 20:42:37编辑过]
so true. and, he might like LZ, or he might just flirt to get fun for his life, or he might just play to get LZ laid. whatever it is, he definately likes himself much more. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/5 20:42:37编辑过]
吐槽帖子,不小心发错了地方到职场伊人,感觉不对,转移到心有千千结,求大家拍醒。 ----------------------------------- 去年焦头烂额地找工作,好不容易拿到一个电话面试,我dream的公司和行业。面试我的对方是个年轻的小伙子,声音很有磁性,对方似乎对我的经历和学历都感兴趣,但是非常concern我是否愿意搬去那个中西部偏远的农村。于是他说,如果你不愿意住在公司所在的地方,公司旁边有几个中型城市,很多人住在那几个城市,每天上班跑通勤;甚至公司在XX市有办公室,我们也可以考虑远距离工作。 我就问了一下对方”where do you live?” 对方回答“I live in town”. “Then I will stay at where you are.” 其实,我的意思是,我愿意和领导在一起工作,如果领导在农村,那么我就不会考虑到base在XX市。没想到对方很久地沉默了一阵。对方接着问我“if you don’t mind, would you mind telling me whether you are married?” 我有点傻了,这样的问题不是不应该在面试中出现吗?于是我老老实实地回答说”I am single, so I am pretty flexible in relocation and travelling for work. “ 对方笑了一下,说” I am single too. “ 我心中一震,如果他问我是否有家庭,是考虑到我moving 和relocation的话,那么他告诉我自己也是单身,是很没有必要的?他为什么要这么说为什么要这么说?接下来就是一般的客套了,他说,过两天听消息吧,我们还有几个人要面试,不过本周末会给你答复。 结束了电话面试,我规规矩矩发了个thank note过去,一般来说,这种面试后的thank note就是石沉大海,面试官不会理你的。然而5分钟后,我收到了他的回复,“it was very nice to speak with you. Thank you for your time. We will try to make a decision this weekend. If you have any time, don’t hesitate to ask me. I look forward to seeing you soon. “ 当时心里这个高兴啊,这是板上定钉要给我on site interview 了。
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楼主给David打电话,诉说与绿眼睛帅哥的郁闷。David 承诺下周来看楼主,从澳大利亚。
楼主八品真好, 一下一大段。
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/6 23:43:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/7 0:12:26编辑过]
楼主给David打电话,诉说与绿眼睛帅哥的郁闷。David 承诺下周来看楼主,从澳大利亚。
打算在这里找个树洞,把这8个月发生的一切都倒出来都倒出来,从此我就move on, 再也不要纠结下去了。
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/7 0:13:19编辑过]
It seems like that you two both are flirting with each other. I guess you two will have sex soon.
No. it seems ending with nothing happened. that's the reason LZ is so upset here...............
以下是引用wohoy在5/5/2012 6:48:00 PM的发言:
No. it seems ending with nothing happened. that's the reason LZ is so upset here...............
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/6 23:43:44编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/6 23:43:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/7 0:14:01编辑过]
事后,我告诉David 我和S的这段对话。
David嘎嘎大笑,说Binbin啊,你可真猛,你啪的就接上,that's why you hired me. 你让他情以何堪啊。
David好大方啊 还能帮你分析
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
是啊 lz是高手
这时候,S突然说“Binbin, 问你个问题好吗?”
偶回答到“过去中国的家庭还是很保守的,所以家长不支持子女与外族通婚。现在中国社会开放多了,但是和黑人结婚还是很大的challenge. 但是中国男人和什么颜色结婚都无所谓,中国还是个男权社会,所以对男人要宽容很多”。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/5 20:10:38编辑过]
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
7点半,S回了楼主的电话,"Hey Binbin, Sorry I missed your call. I was in the gym. I have the key now. You can come downstairs. I will give you the key"
"Now! I just came back from the gym. Yeah, downstairs".
LZ真的太入戏了, 我怎么都想不到是他房间的, 觉得还是LZ多情了点。 好象是你入戏太深了。
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[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/10 16:38:09编辑过]
nice story
Don't let him think that you are easy.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
请大家多多留言。难道他说I like asian women. 这还不算暗示吗?
算啊算啊,可是你不是装傻逃避了这个问题?lz快点8, 我支持你
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/10 16:38:51编辑过]
S给楼主发的email, 总是有一种professional closeness. 很是暧昧,比如这个:
“ Hi Binbin!
How are you doing? How is your week going? I am really sorry that I have not been around much since you started. I am looking forward to being in the office together next week. Is there anything I can help you with right now?
Have a great day.
In most cases, if a guy hasn't asked you out officially in 7 month, know what it means
so true. he is not that into you.
以下是引用bistrofes在5/5/2012 8:19:00 PM的发言:
I believe s really like u. But for some reason he cant ever ask u out for a date. Maybe he is a career men he put career before u. As u said yourself it's forbidden having romantic relationship between co workers. That's probably why s chooses to leave without ever explaining to you. Because he can't. He likes you but he still put career development in priority.
估计s也就是flirt, 想搞下刺激,超级自恋的人不会很早又settle down的想法的
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
楼主多大了,怎么还像个情窦初开的小姑娘捏,我觉得很多时候是s,无意的动作吧~~~ 楼主想太多了。
i have the same feeling. What s has done is pretty normal to me. Not hints as LZ thought.
yes, I think S likes lz a lot. But he might like himself much more!
so true.
and, he might like LZ, or he might just flirt to get fun for his life, or he might just play to get LZ laid. whatever it is, he definately likes himself much more.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/5 20:42:37编辑过]
以下是引用COOCO在5/5/2012 8:42:00 PM的发言:
so true.
and, he might like LZ, or he might just flirt to get fun for his life, or he might just play to get LZ laid. whatever it is, he definately likes himself much more.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/5 20:42:37编辑过]
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
去年焦头烂额地找工作,好不容易拿到一个电话面试,我dream的公司和行业。面试我的对方是个年轻的小伙子,声音很有磁性,对方似乎对我的经历和学历都感兴趣,但是非常concern我是否愿意搬去那个中西部偏远的农村。于是他说,如果你不愿意住在公司所在的地方,公司旁边有几个中型城市,很多人住在那几个城市,每天上班跑通勤;甚至公司在XX市有办公室,我们也可以考虑远距离工作。 我就问了一下对方”where do you live?” 对方回答“I live in town”. “Then I will stay at where you are.” 其实,我的意思是,我愿意和领导在一起工作,如果领导在农村,那么我就不会考虑到base在XX市。没想到对方很久地沉默了一阵。对方接着问我“if you don’t mind, would you mind telling me whether you are married?” 我有点傻了,这样的问题不是不应该在面试中出现吗?于是我老老实实地回答说”I am single, so I am pretty flexible in relocation and travelling for work. “ 对方笑了一下,说” I am single too. “ 我心中一震,如果他问我是否有家庭,是考虑到我moving 和relocation的话,那么他告诉我自己也是单身,是很没有必要的?他为什么要这么说为什么要这么说?接下来就是一般的客套了,他说,过两天听消息吧,我们还有几个人要面试,不过本周末会给你答复。
结束了电话面试,我规规矩矩发了个thank note过去,一般来说,这种面试后的thank note就是石沉大海,面试官不会理你的。然而5分钟后,我收到了他的回复,“it was very nice to speak with you. Thank you for your time. We will try to make a decision this weekend. If you have any time, don’t hesitate to ask me. I look forward to seeing you soon. “ 当时心里这个高兴啊,这是板上定钉要给我on site interview 了。
这句话真是太FLIRT了。有时说者英文不好,意思表达错误。但听者并不一定知道LZ原本想表达别的意思,他以为LZ是真心想和他FLIRT。大男孩脾气一上来,就FLIRT BACK了。