Are you saying you did the imports yourself? That's impressive. Heard the furniture imported from China would crack here due to the drier weather. Did it happen to you?
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:19:00 AM的发言:
Thanks for your kind words. My dining room/living room furniture, including this console, were directly imported from Shanghai.
Are you saying you did the imports yourself? That's impressive. Heard the furniture imported from China would crack here due to the drier weather. Did it happen to you?
I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the pieces and I confirmed via pictures. She said that they are 鸡翅木, I have no clue.
That kinda of wood is very nice. I think it's top notch. And it shows on your picture. Very nicely done. Do you mind showing the rest of your dining room and living room sets? Am I asking too much? I'm thinking about getting some furniture from China. Your LV collection is very good too. I like them all especially the purple one. Had my eyes on it for a while. I was thinking about the navy blue color. But I look at their sizes even the smallest is too big for me. You must be quite tall.
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:30:00 AM的发言:
I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the pieces and I confirmed via pictures. She said that they are 鸡翅木, I have no clue.
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:30:00 AM的发言: I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the p...... 照几張家劇的看看吧。我也愛紅木家具,買了几個,就反發現,這個收藏做不了,太占地方了。
以下是引用Emilia在4/9/2012 11:50:00 AM的发言: That kinda of wood is very nice. I think it's top notch. And it shows on your picture. Very nicely done. Do you mind showing the rest of your dining room and living room sets? Am I asking too much? I'm thinking about getting some furniture from China. Your LV collection is very good too. I like them all especially the purple one. Had my eyes on it for a while. I was thinking about the navy blue color. But I look at their sizes even the smallest is too big for me. You must be quite tall.
Here are some old pictures that I found on my phone. Please pardon the messy look, I need to redo the lights and the window treatments. Ignore them for now.
Thanks for liking my bags. My friend has the lumi in navy blue, it looks very nice. She is pettit but still handles it well.
Thank you for showing the pictures. It's indeed nice furniture. I like the dining table and chairs the most. Min style furniture is very appealing to me. You may want to change the chair cushions a bit to make the look less traditional chinese and more up to date. Just my 2 cents.
以下是引用Emilia在4/9/2012 12:19:00 PM的发言: Thank you for showing the pictures. It's indeed nice furniture. I like the dining table and chairs the most. Min style furniture is very appealing to me. You may want to change the chair cushions a bit to make the look less traditional chinese and more up to date. Just my 2 cents.
You got very good points. Those cushioins are not meant for the dining set, my kids toss around all cushions when they pillow fight. It is hard to keep the rooms neat with two kids.
Thanks for your kind words. My dining room/living room furniture, including this console, were directly imported from Shanghai. Gosh! no wonder it looks so different even with just one tiny corner shown here.
Very nice furniture! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! You should show them in Home Fashion here. You will get tons of compliment and tons of questions as well! Detail of how to buy and ship furniture from China to the US, please!
凑热闹来贴一张今天用的包, LG心目中的最美 (事实上也是我最贵的一只,嘻嘻)
4/10/12: 实在没想到帖子会有这么多人看,非常感谢大家喜欢. 再拍一张手机照答谢. 照片中做陪衬的是我闺女做的手工纸树哦.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/10 10:17:38编辑过]
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:04:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:06:43编辑过]
不好意思,炒冷饭了. 这照片以前贴过的
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:39:37编辑过]
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:06:00 AM的发言:
去年买的包子的合影. 今年兴趣转向MJ, 不过我应该收手了,有点审美疲劳了.
此主题相关图片如下lv group pic.jpg:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:06:32编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:11:44编辑过]
Nice bags. Your console table looks good too, where did you get it?
Thanks for your kind words. My dining room/living room furniture, including this console, were directly imported from Shanghai.
Heard the furniture imported from China would crack here due to the drier weather. Did it happen to you?
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:19:00 AM的发言:
Thanks for your kind words. My dining room/living room furniture, including this console, were directly imported from Shanghai.
Are you saying you did the imports yourself? That's impressive.
Heard the furniture imported from China would crack here due to the drier weather. Did it happen to you?
I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the pieces and I confirmed via pictures. She said that they are 鸡翅木, I have no clue.
Do you mind showing the rest of your dining room and living room sets? Am I asking too much? I'm thinking about getting some furniture from China.
Your LV collection is very good too. I like them all especially the purple one. Had my eyes on it for a while. I was thinking about the navy blue color.
But I look at their sizes even the smallest is too big for me. You must be quite tall.
以下是引用bwise在4/9/2012 11:30:00 AM的发言:
I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the pieces and I confirmed via pictures. She said that they are 鸡翅木, I have no clue.
I was lucky, my dad pulled some strings for me. The furniture have held up very well for over ten years now, no cracks. My mom hand picked all the p...... 照几張家劇的看看吧。我也愛紅木家具,買了几個,就反發現,這個收藏做不了,太占地方了。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
此主题相关图片如下tapage on alma 4.jpg:
此主题相关图片如下new 008.jpg:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:04:20编辑过]
That kinda of wood is very nice. I think it's top notch. And it shows on your picture. Very nicely done.
Do you mind showing the rest of your dining room and living room sets? Am I asking too much? I'm thinking about getting some furniture from China.
Your LV collection is very good too. I like them all especially the purple one. Had my eyes on it for a while. I was thinking about the navy blue color.
But I look at their sizes even the smallest is too big for me. You must be quite tall.
Here are some old pictures that I found on my phone. Please pardon the messy look, I need to redo the lights and the window treatments. Ignore them for now.
Thanks for liking my bags. My friend has the lumi in navy blue, it looks very nice. She is pettit but still handles it well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 12:08:46编辑过]
This is L, there is a larger version called XL (which I consider too big).
妹妹你好呀,多谢多谢,我也很喜欢这两只呢. 不过小桔使用率不高,等秋天吧
You may want to change the chair cushions a bit to make the look less traditional chinese and more up to date. Just my 2 cents.
Thank you for showing the pictures. It's indeed nice furniture. I like the dining table and chairs the most. Min style furniture is very appealing to me.
You may want to change the chair cushions a bit to make the look less traditional chinese and more up to date. Just my 2 cents.
You got very good points. Those cushioins are not meant for the dining set, my kids toss around all cushions when they pillow fight. It is hard to keep the rooms neat with two kids.
Thanks for your kind words. My dining room/living room furniture, including this console, were directly imported from Shanghai.
Gosh! no wonder it looks so different even with just one tiny corner shown here.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
此主题相关图片如下tapage on alma 4.jpg:
此主题相关图片如下new 008.jpg:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:04:20编辑过]
re , 很想知道能对lv申请疲劳的lz的一年收入多少啊
耶,看到了retiro pm!
因为我没有贵妇气质去handle它呀. 不过看版上很多妹妹配得很好看的.
汗一个. 这个疲劳和收入不挂钩的. 我是说, 好像自己喜欢的都买了, 可以对LV免疫几年了.
因为我没有贵妇气质去handle它呀. 不过看版上很多妹妹配得很好看的.
嗯。我觉得我也不是贵妇型的。虽然看很多mm买。还是pass了吧。不想买来摆在家里只是欣赏。。。。觉得楼主mm taste 很好。多来秀秀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 13:56:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 13:54:42编辑过]
此主题相关图片如下tapage on alma 4.jpg:
此主题相关图片如下new 008.jpg:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 11:04:20编辑过]