Bless!一定安全没事的!恭喜升级当妈妈了! 以下是引用 jieandchuan 的发言: 我还没有呢,开心现在在nicu观察两天,因为我昨天生她的时候最后都发烧了,他们就考虑宝宝会不会有什么infection,所以就在nicu观察两天,求bless,希望宝宝明天能和........★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren Lite 7.26
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
这种情况你一定要找撞人的司机 他应该负全责 即时没有路也不应该撞人阿 big big bless 阿姨赶快好起来
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
这种情况你一定要找撞人的司机 他应该负全责 即时没有路也不应该撞人阿 big big bless 阿姨赶快好起来
thanks. the driver called the police, and waited until the ambulance came, as I heard. so I guess we can find him. but still not sure if we'll be covered by his insurance, considering we aliens and we might have broken the traffic rules.
sigh, my parents got lost and didn't tell me immediately, thought they just didn't want to worry me. when they were trying to find the way back, they were actually going to the highway.
thanks. the driver called the police, and waited until the ambulance came, as I heard. so I guess we can find him. but still not sure if we'll be covered by his insurance, considering we aliens and we might have broken the traffic rules.
Big big bless. 争取一下对方保险Cover吧。另外可能是馊主意,医院那张如果没有保险就同意自付的单子让你爸妈签,你们不能签。据以前网上看到,他们签的话有可能可以赖掉帐单。
以下是引用LiliSchugh在4/15/2012 5:42:00 PM的发言:
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all! ★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
换了电脑了。谢谢大伙的bless和建议。真是如噩梦般的一个晚上,还好现在医生已经确定我妈没什么问题,明天早上就能回家了。可能接下来还需要在家休息一段时间,也不知道医生说的不是很严重的肋骨骨折怎么样。希望一切都好。娃除了昨天晚上我很歇斯底里后假宫缩多了些,胎动多了些。现在在家睡了一觉后已经恢复正常。不知道这次这个事情会不会影响娃,也希望娃会不会提早出来,求bless暂时淡定。不是说要到我妈等帮上忙,而是希望至少要到我妈能独立照顾自己没问题的时候(现在还有些头晕)。再次感谢大伙。爱你们。一开始还在想要不要在这里说这个事情,心里实在还是很后怕和难受,不过现在看了大伙的回复,感觉好了些~我要去睡觉了,昨晚一夜没睡,一天一夜只吃了一点饭,哎。bless all. ps,一定记得交代父母不要乱跑,也要买好保险。
换了电脑了。谢谢大伙的bless和建议。真是如噩梦般的一个晚上,还好现在医生已经确定我妈没什么问题,明天早上就能回家了。可能接下来还需要在家休息一段时间,也不知道医生说的不是很严重的肋骨骨折怎么样。希望一切都好。娃除了昨天晚上我很歇斯底里后假宫缩多了些,胎动多了些。现在在家睡了一觉后已经恢复正常。不知道这次这个事情会不会影响娃,也希望娃会不会提早出来,求bless暂时淡定。不是说要到我妈等帮上忙,而是希望至少要到我妈能独立照顾自己没问题的时候(现在还有些头晕)。再次感谢大伙。爱你们。一开始还在想要不要在这里说这个事情,心里实在还是很后怕和难受,不过现在看了大伙的回复,感觉好了些~我要去睡觉了,昨晚一夜没睡,一天一夜只吃了一点饭,哎。bless all. ps,一定记得交代父母不要乱跑,也要买好保险。
以下是引用CoCoer在4/15/2012 11:33:00 AM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
以下是引用lanblueangel在4/15/2012 12:18:00 PM 的发言:
Haohao is pooping too much because he eat a lot. 10 poops yesterday...
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Haohao is pooping too much because he eat a lot. 10 poops yesterday...
赞场景 哈哈哈
bless 有正常数量的wet diaper就是吃够了吧
以下是引用CoCoer在4/15/2012 12:26:00 PM的发言:
do not be too strict about feeding schedule. Nb at this age should be fed as needed.
zan~课上也这么说 好担心到时娃在手就全忘了
谢谢告知,我们4小时喂一次,担心喂少了,加到一次3oz了。 护士说最长间隔3小时,就要喂。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
do not be too strict about feeding schedule. Nb at this age should be fed as needed.
以下是引用lanblueangel在4/15/2012 12:16:00 PM 的发言:
no poop for 1 day is fine,but no more than 2 days
以下是引用CoCoer在4/15/2012 11:37:00 AM 的发言:
以下是引用CoCoer在4/15/2012 12:26:00 PM 的发言:
以下是引用CoCoer在4/15/2012 11:37:00 AM 的发言:
自己发动看起来希望不大啊 神娃被我这么闹还很淡定
自己发动看起来希望不大啊 神娃被我这么闹还很淡定
以下是引用坏熊熊在4/15/2012 2:40:00 PM 的发言:
自己发动看起来希望不大啊 神娃被我这么闹还很淡定
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
以下是引用jieandchuan在4/15/2012 2:51:00 PM 的发言:
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
你也终于有娃抱了,回家记得放照片呀★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 我还没有呢,开心现在在nicu观察两天,因为我昨天生她的时候最后都发烧了,他们就考虑宝宝会不会有什么infection,所以就在nicu观察两天,求bless,希望宝宝明天能和我们一起'
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
以下是引用jieandchuan在4/15/2012 3:20:00 PM 的发言:
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
我家丁丁5天时一次吃45-60 ml。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/15 15:33:45编辑过]
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
Bless 好好休息
以下是引用jieandchuan在4/15/2012 3:20:00 PM 的发言:
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Bless!不要担心,nicu护士都很专业,宝宝在那里尽管放心。mm体力恢复一些后就开始泵奶吧。 恩 ,我已经开始泵了,泵了三次了,每次都有几滴,但感觉这几滴就是传说中的初乳吧,但都不够collect的啊,请教下有经验的姐妹们
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
啊?大大的bless! Mm好好休息啊★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 我这两天的经历比较曲折,等我恢复恢复写个产经
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
恩 ,我已经开始泵了,泵了三次了,每次都有几滴,但感觉这几滴就是传说中的初乳吧,但都不够collect的啊,请教下有经验的姐妹们
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
以下是引用jieandchuan在4/15/2012 3:40:00 PM 的发言:
恩 ,我已经开始泵了,泵了三次了,每次都有几滴,但感觉这几滴就是传说中的初乳吧,但都不够collect的啊,请教下有经验的姐妹们
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
亲家辛苦了 我媳妇平安出来就好
以下是引用 jieandchuan 的发言:
我还没有呢,开心现在在nicu观察两天,因为我昨天生她的时候最后都发烧了,他们就考虑宝宝会不会有什么infection,所以就在nicu观察两天,求bless,希望宝宝明天能和........★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Huaren Lite 7.26
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
太辛苦了 我媳妇肯定好好的
亲家辛苦了 我媳妇平安出来就好 是阿,元气大伤,你媳妇还得在nicu里观察48小时。。。都怪我,最后都发烧了,连累到了开心
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
big bless! 好好休息!
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
你好好休息 别多上网了 等恢复些再来楼里 开心一定没事的 你也别自责了 这种情况也不是你能控制的 我媳妇肯定没事的
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
bless 好好休息 宝宝肯定没问题的
Haohao is pooping too much because he eat a lot. 10 poops yesterday...
same here!diaper消耗的巨快。。。newborn的竟然屯少了
恭喜,jie mm辛苦了!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
恭喜恭喜 很顺利 2度撕裂听普遍的 mm好好休息
你这发动的很快啊 羡慕
恩 ,我已经开始泵了,泵了三次了,每次都有几滴,但感觉这几滴就是传说中的初乳吧,但都不够collect的啊,请教下有经验的姐妹们
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/15 16:57:16编辑过]
以下是引用 坏熊熊 的发言:
恭喜恭喜 很顺利 2度撕裂听普遍的 mm好好休息你这发动的很快啊 羡慕
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
恭喜恭喜!! 好好休息。
以下是引用 坏熊熊 的发言:
恭喜恭喜 很顺利 2度撕裂听普遍的 mm好好休息你这发动的很快啊 羡慕
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
谢谢 谢谢
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
这种情况你一定要找撞人的司机 他应该负全责 即时没有路也不应该撞人阿
big big bless 阿姨赶快好起来
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
big bless!!! 的确是行人不应该上高速啊,太危险啦,不过现在人没事就好,保险的事不用着急
好可爱 面具侠 笑死我了
貌似好像在家要带的 我妈说卤门没有长好 不能经风
bless jie mm和开心~~
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
这种情况你一定要找撞人的司机 他应该负全责 即时没有路也不应该撞人阿
big big bless 阿姨赶快好起来
thanks. the driver called the police, and waited until the ambulance came, as I heard. so I guess we can find him. but still not sure if we'll be covered by his insurance, considering we aliens and we might have broken the traffic rules.
big bless!!! 的确是行人不应该上高速啊,太危险啦,不过现在人没事就好,保险的事不用着急
sigh, my parents got lost and didn't tell me immediately, thought they just didn't want to worry me. when they were trying to find the way back, they were actually going to the highway.
thanks. the driver called the police, and waited until the ambulance came, as I heard. so I guess we can find him. but still not sure if we'll be covered by his insurance, considering we aliens and we might have broken the traffic rules.
是怎么样的高速?很快的还是local小高速?不管怎么样 撞人还是很严重的 除非是主动撞上车 应该是要司机负责的
bless 你先别担心医药费 不管怎么样 先医 如果最后需要自己付 你可以和医院商量的 你去大厅问问 我看到过好几个类似的帖子 不过挺早以前的
好可爱 面具侠 笑死我了
貌似好像在家要带的 我妈说卤门没有长好 不能经风
你给娃带个手套 他手就没那么灵活?
简单产经:4月11日凌晨2点见红(鲜红),3点开始10分钟有规律宫缩,等到12日凌晨进入511,12点半进医院被接收开4指,凌晨3点开6指上了epiduel,那个爽啊~~~一直睡到中午,等到下午2点半开始push,一个小时不到大宝就出来了,不是很疼,等生完很虚弱,换房间需要上厕所时晕倒了,偶觉得还是很有力,但是身体不听使唤,大家还是多多注意点,bless all!!!
挺顺利 羡慕 摸摸
是怎么样的高速?很快的还是local小高速?不管怎么样 撞人还是很严重的 除非是主动撞上车 应该是要司机负责的
bless 你先别担心医药费 不管怎么样 先医 如果最后需要自己付 你可以和医院商量的 你去大厅问问 我看到过好几个类似的帖子 不过挺早以前的
don't really know, but guess it's local highway. I didn't realize expenses might be an issue until I got home and thought about it. sigh.
简单产经:4月11日凌晨2点见红(鲜红),3点开始10分钟有规律宫缩,等到12日凌晨进入511,12点半进医院被接收开4指,凌晨3点开6指上了epiduel,那个爽啊~~~一直睡到中午,等到下午2点半开始push,一个小时不到大宝就出来了,不是很疼,等生完很虚弱,换房间需要上厕所时晕倒了,偶觉得还是很有力,但是身体不听使唤,大家还是多多注意点,bless all!!!
你给娃带个手套 他手就没那么灵活?
以下是引用LiliSchugh在4/15/2012 5:42:00 PM的发言:
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
哈哈哈 你这形容。。。。。什么时候拍个照 笑死我了 这么可爱的娃
在家还是给小龙儿带 我娘说娃小一定要带 还一定要穿袜子
我家也是,还有hi, 希特勒
在家还是给小龙儿带 我娘说娃小一定要带 还一定要穿袜子
报告:我生了,田田6b6oz,20.25inch,今天下午1:48生的。我早上十点实在忍不住上了epiduel,没上催产素就宫缩急促,等到下午开始push,不到半小时就push出来了,可能我push的太急了,二度撕裂。谢谢大家的bless! Bless all!
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
刚刚会完jasminelm mm couple, 人如照片一般美丽帅气。他们还带来了花和给小龙儿的礼物,真是太客气了,我孕傻了没有给孕妇倒开水,她就一直拿着我给的瓶装水不喝也不说句想喝白开水。
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
big bless!!! 不知道任何信息。帮顶。
thanks. sigh, my parents went our for a walk after dinner while we went to the lab for a while, and they got lost and eventually went on to the highway. I regret so much that I should've told them not to go out on their own, especially during the night, and I also regret that I didn't buy them any insurance. I feel very bad and guilty for not taking care of my parents......
是怎么样的高速?很快的还是local小高速?不管怎么样 撞人还是很严重的 除非是主动撞上车 应该是要司机负责的
bless 你先别担心医药费 不管怎么样 先医 如果最后需要自己付 你可以和医院商量的 你去大厅问问 我看到过好几个类似的帖子 不过挺早以前的
简单产经:4月11日凌晨2点见红(鲜红),3点开始10分钟有规律宫缩,等到12日凌晨进入511,12点半进医院被接收开4指,凌晨3点开6指上了epiduel,那个爽啊~~~一直睡到中午,等到下午2点半开始push,一个小时不到大宝就出来了,不是很疼,等生完很虚弱,换房间需要上厕所时晕倒了,偶觉得还是很有力,但是身体不听使唤,大家还是多多注意点,bless all!!!
don't really know, but guess it's local highway. I didn't realize expenses might be an issue until I got home and thought about it. sigh.
Big big bless. 争取一下对方保险Cover吧。另外可能是馊主意,医院那张如果没有保险就同意自付的单子让你爸妈签,你们不能签。据以前网上看到,他们签的话有可能可以赖掉帐单。
刚刚会完jasminelm mm couple, 人如照片一般美丽帅气。他们还带来了花和给小龙儿的礼物,真是太客气了,我孕傻了没有给孕妇倒开水,她就一直拿着我给的瓶装水不喝也不说句想喝白开水。
你又一个人默默爬楼 呵呵
以下是引用LiliSchugh在4/15/2012 5:42:00 PM 的发言:
jms, I had a long long night, a very bad night. but it seems everything is turning out mom got hit by a car and was sent to emergency by helicopter, she stayed in the icu for last night and today. but test results come back that she's ok except for a broken rib bone, and some bruises, and a possible concussion,which is why the doctor is gonna keep her in a regular cell just to observe and make sure everything is fine. I got home this afternoon and just had some sleep. Need your blesses. and also need some advice, since we didn't get them any insurance here yet though. I don't know if anyone know whether the driver's insurance company will cover the expenses or we'll have to since my parents was on highway, and probably there was no pave-way for passengers, which means they are not obeying the traffic rule (?, not sure, just afraid), or we might have to share? Any advice will be appreciated.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
赶回家。医生一检查发现已经开7指了,还问我"how does that happen?you look comfortable."问何时能上
麻药,被告知麻醉师在忙一个手术,得再等等。转移到deliver room,宫缩开始,挺疼的,但我一直觉得麻醉师很快就
不过我还真没觉得他好看当时。这会儿我的ob进门了,看见娃出来了,说“o,i missed it”.我还很抱歉的跟ob说不是故意扰乱你的weekend。
医生压了压我的肚子,把胎盘弄出来,就开始缝合了。我问ob撕裂严重么,被告知very mild.偶很心满意足。
生完倒是恢复的挺快的,可能因为知道得靠自己吧,照顾娃和下床活动都没啥问题。ob说我看上去像nothing happened.
以下是引用大雄在4/15/2012 5:54:00 PM 的发言:
简单产经:4月11日凌晨2点见红(鲜红),3点开始10分钟有规律宫缩,等到12日凌晨进入511,12点半进医院被接收开4指,凌晨3点开6指上了epiduel,那个爽啊~~~一直睡到中午,等到下午2点半开始push,一个小时不到大宝就出来了,不是很疼,等生完很虚弱,换房间需要上厕所时晕倒了,偶觉得还是很有力,但是身体不听使唤,大家还是多多注意点,bless all!!!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
换了电脑了。谢谢大伙的bless和建议。真是如噩梦般的一个晚上,还好现在医生已经确定我妈没什么问题,明天早上就能回家了。可能接下来还需要在家休息一段时间,也不知道医生说的不是很严重的肋骨骨折怎么样。希望一切都好。娃除了昨天晚上我很歇斯底里后假宫缩多了些,胎动多了些。现在在家睡了一觉后已经恢复正常。不知道这次这个事情会不会影响娃,也希望娃会不会提早出来,求bless暂时淡定。不是说要到我妈等帮上忙,而是希望至少要到我妈能独立照顾自己没问题的时候(现在还有些头晕)。再次感谢大伙。爱你们。一开始还在想要不要在这里说这个事情,心里实在还是很后怕和难受,不过现在看了大伙的回复,感觉好了些~我要去睡觉了,昨晚一夜没睡,一天一夜只吃了一点饭,哎。bless all. ps,一定记得交代父母不要乱跑,也要买好保险。