Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
cong~~!!! Super good news!! waiting for the pics. Take good care of yourself!
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
以下是引用ventiawake在4/24/2012 12:17:00 AM的发言: Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die.... gxgx!!! such a big baby!
以下是引用ventiawake在4/24/2012 12:17:00 AM的发言: Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital,...... 恭喜,这么大的宝宝无麻顺,真是太牛了
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/23 22:13:46编辑过]
以下是引用看看我在4/23/2012 3:47:00 PM的发言:
小宝现在正在做vcug test检查孕期一直有点左肾偏大的问题,希望宝贝一切正常,不要太哭闹,快点结束检查,少受点罪。
我周二 4月10号最后次见ob,开三指到4指之间,我自己没有明显宫缩,一切如常。 周三上午有过两次短暂疼痛感的宫缩。没在意,午饭后我妈还开玩笑说早知道我不会早生,应该今天才和我们小区的另一家朋友的父母一起来的,结果吃饭时就又有两次短暂疼痛感,我觉得不太舒服,就草草吃饭完去午睡,结果怎么也睡不早,因为这种疼痛感又来了两次,我留心记了下时间,打给10-15分钟一次,给lg电话和VOB电话,问要不要去医院。 本来以为还不用去的,结果ob所去吧,才起来洗澡洗头,洗澡时已经觉得疼痛感难忍了,是后腰那靠近pp的地方疼,很强烈的压力感。 lg从单位赶回来,匆匆拿了产包就往医院走。当时是4点
到医院后后4点半,护士给检查后非常吃惊,说已经开了9指了。。我当时已经疼得说不出来话,我妈劝我不要用麻药,说怕有副作用。说已经开了那么多了,加点油疼一下赶紧生了,我整个孕期状态都不出,我妈一直觉得我应该很快就能生出来的的。 我觉得我不能忍受这个疼痛感,大声叫我要挨批丢,问我还能上挨批丢吗。护士说他们will try,may be。我当时好怕不能上啊。 万幸麻醉师来了后说可以上,上了挨批丢后感觉好一点,但是还是还能感觉到疼痛感和压迫感。 5点人工破水,开始push,刚一push,我妈就说可以看到头发了,让我加油。我使劲push,但是感觉始终力量用不到点上。
疼痛感还是有,lg看到难受,又叫麻醉师过来,换了种药,这下就彻底舒服了。。 可是杯具也开始了,我一直push,护士换了三匝,每次都可以看到baby头发,可是就是出不来。 我好累,几次心想给我一刀让我c section吧。我不生了。 baby有几次心跳也降低了很多,我push了4个半小时,最后on call的 ob说不行了,baby也很累。决定上vacuum,我同意了,然后随着最后一搏,宝贝出来了。他哇哇大哭的那一刻,我泪流满面。直到今天,想起那一刻还是眼泪直流。
我的宝贝 ,睿睿, 6磅12.5oz, 20.5in. 11号晚9点半,来到了这个世界上。
目前他一切都好,很天使。吃了睡睡了吃。我third grade tear,刚出院的几天很痛苦,但是也在慢慢恢复中。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/23 22:13:46编辑过]
以下是引用lanblueangel在4/23/2012 4:13:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用坏熊熊在4/23/2012 4:20:00 PM的发言:
我的OB一直也不查 她总说最后会变 后来是我每次都问 人家才摸的
以下是引用一念执着在4/23/2012 9:12:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用飞翔的双儿在4/23/2012 9:37:00 PM的发言:
我看着gossip girl, 拍着咯,一个咯出来后,接着一掌拍出约1OZ的奶,亲爸吓坏了,两龙女镇定自若。后妈对不住小龙儿。在这里忏悔一下
摸摸 问问医生吧
难不成这里怕你瞎担心 所以一般不告诉病人?
以下是引用bluetulip在4/23/2012 9:43:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用bluetulip在4/23/2012 10:15:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用jasminelm在4/23/2012 10:22:00 PM的发言:
难不成这里怕你瞎担心 所以一般不告诉病人?
我的email:[email protected]
强re 如果自己喜欢带娃觉得自己带娃对娃更好,那赚钱的事情就交给老公,钱够用就好,达到一定的标准后,多些少些其实不影响生活质量和方式,关键还是心里怎么取舍
求开解:打算请1个月的leave without pay, 要损失大概1万。有点舍不得但又不放心外人照顾小龙儿。
每次我一说 我要找个轻松的工作 他就表示那你读博都白读了 别人会看不起
以下是引用bluetulip在4/23/2012 10:25:00 PM的发言:
我爸还认为 工作一定要找个体面的 为了‘别人看的起’呢
每次我一说 我要找个轻松的工作 他就表示那你读博都白读了 别人会看不起
哈哈,我爹妈到是对我想当dr. housewife没意见
否则的话 只要和LG一致就没问题了
以下是引用bluetulip在4/23/2012 10:56:00 PM的发言:
哈哈,我爹妈到是对我想当dr. housewife没意见
以下是引用bluetulip在4/23/2012 10:56:00 PM 的发言:
哈哈,我爹妈到是对我想当dr. housewife没意见
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
我妈老说国内新生儿要加鱼肝油,大家的儿医有提过么?我们今天去check up的时候忘记问了。
全母乳加vd drops
求开解:打算请1个月的leave without pay, 要损失大概1万。有点舍不得但又不放心外人照顾小龙儿。
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
恭喜!我这两天还想email你呢。仰视一下oxytocin+no epidural+9lb baby. 你快好好休息,一定耗了不少精气。回头给我们看你家宝贝
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
cong~~!!! Super good news!! waiting for the pics. Take good care of yourself!
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
以下是引用ventiawake在4/24/2012 12:17:00 AM的发言:
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
以下是引用飞翔的双儿在4/24/2012 12:12:00 AM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
以下是引用飞翔的双儿在4/24/2012 12:13:00 AM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
恭喜ventiawake,太牛了!★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 rerere!!太牛了!
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
Re! 真是美人!★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 谢谢阿姨们!!,送上湿湿香吻一个~~~mua
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
恭喜 好好休息
以下是引用 霹雳贝贝 的发言:
全母乳加vd drops
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.52
以下是引用ventiawake在4/24/2012 12:17:00 AM 的发言:
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
恭喜恭喜 好大的宝宝
这会要泵奶 准备给他吃了
今天第一次看儿医 希望黄疸没有反复
以下是引用坏熊熊在4/24/2012 7:22:00 AM 的发言:
昨晚前半夜娃疯了 不睡觉狂拉屎......而且狂能吃 一把奶拿开就狂哭 摇头晃脑吓死我了 这还是我喂了100ml啊 后来我妈把他哄睡了 四点多那顿就挺正常了
这会要泵奶 准备给他吃了
今天第一次看儿医 希望黄疸没有反复
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Grow spurt?贝贝说出生7到10天,熊辛苦了
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
可能 昨天娃一周大了 我估计白天睡多了 准备今天白天少睡会。
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
我媳妇不是我自夸真是美人胚子 像妈妈多
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
昨晚前半夜娃疯了 不睡觉狂拉屎......而且狂能吃 一把奶拿开就狂哭 摇头晃脑吓死我了 这还是我喂了100ml啊 后来我妈把他哄睡了 四点多那顿就挺正常了
这会要泵奶 准备给他吃了
今天第一次看儿医 希望黄疸没有反复
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
恭喜 好好休息
以下是引用bblove在4/24/2012 8:49:00 AM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
以下是引用ventiawake在4/24/2012 12:17:00 AM的发言:
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
以下是引用bblove在4/24/2012 8:49:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用水心洁在4/24/2012 8:39:00 AM的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
我媳妇不是我自夸真是美人胚子 像妈妈多
btw, plug是啥
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
hoho, 娃还是很淡定,连个假宫缩都木有
btw, plug是啥
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital, started oxytocin at 8:30am and made it through full dilation at 4:30pm. Baby girl was born at 5:23pm, 9lb2oz,56cm, natural birth with no epidural- everyone was so surprised to see such a huge baby... Had I known her this big I probably would have opted for epidural... Will upload pics later on but she's just a mini version of her dad.....I'm very very tired and at one point thought I was going to die....
gxgx!!! such a big baby!
Just a quick report- I had my daughter today at 5:23pm (4/23). My water broke at 3am since I was tested gbs positive, dh and I rushed to the hospital,...... 恭喜,这么大的宝宝无麻顺,真是太牛了
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7
今天上产课参观了医院,很伤心的发现postpartum的病房是两人间的,这就意味着生完了住的那一两夜要一个人和宝宝呆了。。。★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 blinking我们参观得时候也是两人间而且超级小,我看了也很不爽,但愿到时候运气好,不是每个都会有俩人
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.7