hehe, guess it's a boy I have less morning sickness than last time, maybe distracted by taking care of Wanzi. My tummy is so much bigger than last time
Wanzi also very 臭美, if we say he is handsome, he will find mirror to look at first
Maybe we can go to a mirror maze / museum next time. MT loves kissing himself in the mirror too. It will be funny to see how they react, when they see so many of themselves.
Maybe we can go to a mirror maze / museum next time. MT loves kissing himself in the mirror too. It will be funny to see how they react, when they see so many of themselves.
How long do you need to soak it? I am usually not that patient. :S
I start 1 load in the washer, then soak these clothes with hottest water. Once the washer finish 1st load, then put the soaked clothes in. I guess it will take 30mins+
叮当现在半夜都会闹到我把她抱到大床上。。。。还必须得脸对着她,即便她拿屁股对着我我也得用脸对着她,否则她就用力揪我头发直到我把头转过来。。。。早上起来,如果我没醒,她会嫩嫩的叫:妈妈。。。然后很温柔的亲我,亲我,亲我,直到我醒来。。。。。。。 haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
关于那个fissler,呵呵,我以前买过一个类似的,这种传统高压锅呢没法定时间,放在炉子上你还得操心,比如压力上来了得把火调小一点啥的,我觉得不安全。电高压锅压力没那么大,虽然 less powerful,但方便又安全,定好时间就不用管了,它自己会调节火力,多省事啊。再说了,咱一般也就做个肉啊啥的,电压力锅已经完全可以胜任了。我还经常用电高压锅做米饭,又快又香,比俺家那象印模糊逻辑学米饭锅丝毫不差噢~~~~~~
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
I am so glad wanzi doesn't wake up at night now, knock the wood
Both are just topical. She said no side-effect. But she does say that kids this big, know how to hold their stools now!!! I was very impressed to hear that!
I start 1 load in the washer, then soak these clothes with hottest water. Once the washer finish 1st load, then put the soaked clothes in. I guess it will take 30mins+
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:34:07编辑过] Soulmate, whatever your husband decides, don't say no to it on this issue. It will damage your relationship. You can always earn money back. Comfort...
zt has to work overtime tomorrow, I need to take wanzi to Gymboree at 9am and play with him the whole day
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
Both are just topical. She said no side-effect. But she does say that kids this big, know how to hold their stools now!!! I was very impressed to hear that!
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
I don't mind, but your do your in-laws speak or understand mandarin?
以下是引用amigo27在4/27/2012 7:47:00 PM的发言: 目前娃爱看的都是实物照片做插图的书,今天还翻我的书做伊呀状来着,我终于明白面包说馒头自己读书是怎么回事了 Haha. Mantou can point out white dog and yellow duck from his brown bear book now. And everything else we ask him, he will point at the purple cat.
Haha. Mantou can point out white dog and yellow duck from his brown bear book now. And everything else we ask him, he will point at the purple cat. 呵呵,还是比壮小萌先进些。。。
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
Soulmate, whatever your husband decides, don't say no to it on this issue. It will damage your relationship. You can always earn money back. Comfort...
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face. 叮当醒了如果发现叫不醒我会直接一指禅照俺的眼珠子扣。。。。。。
hehe, guess it's a boy
I have less morning sickness than last time, maybe distracted by taking care of Wanzi.
My tummy is so much bigger than last time
I want to see. hehe.
Wanzi also very 臭美, if we say he is handsome, he will find mirror to look at first
Wanzi also very 臭美, if we say he is handsome, he will find mirror to look at first
Maybe we can go to a mirror maze / museum next time. MT loves kissing himself in the mirror too. It will be funny to see how they react, when they see so many of themselves.
Ohhhh.... margarita!
555~~~ Can't see any aviater at work. Please post big pictures!!!
I finally took MT to see the ped after over 1 months of diaper rash. :S
The ped said it look like either yeast or strap, and she couldn't diagnose. So she gave two prescriptions for him to try. :@@
Bless manto
Maybe we can go to a mirror maze / museum next time. MT loves kissing himself in the mirror too. It will be funny to see how they react, when they see so many of themselves.
good idea
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/2 6:59:44编辑过]
How long do you need to soak it? I am usually not that patient. :S
I start 1 load in the washer, then soak these clothes with hottest water. Once the washer finish 1st load, then put the soaked clothes in. I guess it will take 30mins+
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
I want to see. hehe.
zt has to work overtime tomorrow, I need to take wanzi to Gymboree at 9am and play with him the whole day
that's how rich people become more rich
however, I really think you need some help with landscaping and housework. I would do it if we were you
关于那个fissler,呵呵,我以前买过一个类似的,这种传统高压锅呢没法定时间,放在炉子上你还得操心,比如压力上来了得把火调小一点啥的,我觉得不安全。电高压锅压力没那么大,虽然 less powerful,但方便又安全,定好时间就不用管了,它自己会调节火力,多省事啊。再说了,咱一般也就做个肉啊啥的,电压力锅已经完全可以胜任了。我还经常用电高压锅做米饭,又快又香,比俺家那象印模糊逻辑学米饭锅丝毫不差噢~~~~~~
my auntie 用电高压锅做米饭 too, very very yummy
光看你说我都鸡东的不行,好像我包里有5000块似的~~~ 可惜木有~~~~~(*_*)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 14:49:33编辑过]
meili too high
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
I am so glad wanzi doesn't wake up at night now, knock the wood
haha. Soulmate, MT doesn't know about Chanel bags yet.
Yes, this is a very good choice. I will suggest getting caviar, it's more durable.
以下是引用amigo27在4/27/2012 2:53:00 PM的发言:
meili too high
I finally took MT to see the ped after over 1 months of diaper rash. :S
The ped said it look like either yeast or strap, and she couldn't diagnose. So she gave two prescriptions for him to try. :@@
How long do you need to soak it? I am usually not that patient. :S
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:36:11编辑过]
haha. Soulmate, MT doesn't know about Chanel bags yet.
Yes, this is a very good choice. I will suggest getting caviar, it's more durable.
Gentle抚摸~~~ 上H吧
$50 once is so cheap!!!
Bless manto
Both are just topical. She said no side-effect.
But she does say that kids this big, know how to hold their stools now!!! I was very impressed to hear that!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:34:07编辑过]
I'm cornered into wearing my fur coat.
I start 1 load in the washer, then soak these clothes with hottest water. Once the washer finish 1st load, then put the soaked clothes in. I guess it will take 30mins+
Is this going to shrink the clothes?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:34:07编辑过]
Soulmate, whatever your husband decides, don't say no to it on this issue. It will damage your relationship. You can always earn money back. Comfort...
zt has to work overtime tomorrow, I need to take wanzi to Gymboree at 9am and play with him the whole day
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
Sorry, I have no clue. I've been putting whatever vege available at home into pancakes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:36:11编辑过]
Same here.
==========================FT,要7000啊!!!!![此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 16:34:07编辑过]
Both are just topical. She said no side-effect.
But she does say that kids this big, know how to hold their stools now!!! I was very impressed to hear that!
good to learn that
Is this going to shrink the clothes?
I don't mind, dryer would shrink more if you care so much
I got a lot for MT.
thanks Xuer
gentle pat pat
raising kids means keep spending money
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
I don't mind, but your do your in-laws speak or understand mandarin?
I don't mind, dryer would shrink more if you care so much
I thought tumble dry doesn't shrink.
I always use this one, zucchini:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 19:37:54编辑过]
I thought tumble dry doesn't shrink.
too sample and naive
结果,转折点在上周,朋友搬新家,给了几本"baby's first"系列,还是硬纸板书,唯一的不同是插图全是实物照片,我娃爱得来,吃饭都要抱着,看鱼,看牛,还学会了牛叫.
I don't mind, but your do your in-laws speak or understand mandarin?
Lol. Yes, they do. haha
结果,转折点在上周,朋友搬新家,给了几本"baby's first"系列,还是硬纸板书,唯一的不同是插图全是实物照片,我娃爱得来,吃饭都要抱着,看鱼,看牛,还学会了牛叫.
Scroll down the link:
I pretty much bought all the books after the Little & Large Sticker Activity: Wild Animals
I think Wanzi will love the ducks and the touch and feel books.
Haha. Mantou can point out white dog and yellow duck from his brown bear book now. And everything else we ask him, he will point at the purple cat.
Scroll down the link:
I pretty much bought all the books after the Little & Large Sticker Activity: Wild Animals
I think Wanzi will love the ducks and the touch and feel books.
Thanks for sharing, I will buy some too
Thanks for sharing, I will buy some too
Haha. Mantou can point out white dog and yellow duck from his brown bear book now. And everything else we ask him, he will point at the purple cat.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 21:18:31编辑过]
bless 馒头快点好!!!!
以下是引用littlemantou在4/27/2012 2:34:00 PM的发言:
I finally took MT to see the ped after over 1 months of diaper rash. :S
The ped said it look like either yeast or strap, and she couldn't diagnose. So she gave two prescriptions for him to try. :@@
以下是引用littlemantou在4/27/2012 2:48:00 PM的发言:
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
以下是引用littlemantou在4/27/2012 3:17:00 PM的发言:
haha. Soulmate, MT doesn't know about Chanel bags yet.
Yes, this is a very good choice. I will suggest getting caviar, it's more durable.
以下是引用tzyr1102在4/27/2012 4:40:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用littlemantou在4/27/2012 5:29:00 PM的发言:
I'm cornered into wearing my fur coat.
Is this going to shrink the clothes?
Soulmate, whatever your husband decides, don't say no to it on this issue. It will damage your relationship. You can always earn money back. Comfort...
ZT has to study this weekend. I am in charge of entertaining the in-laws. I will text you, if we are around your area, if you don't mind hanging out with old people.
thanks Xuer
gentle pat pat
raising kids means keep spending money
I don't mind, dryer would shrink more if you care so much
I always use this one, zucchini:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 19:37:54编辑过]
Scroll down the link:
I pretty much bought all the books after the Little & Large Sticker Activity: Wild Animals
I think Wanzi will love the ducks and the touch and feel books.
thanks. 火速下单,女娃的书ms不多啊。。。。。。。
I always use this one, zucchini:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 19:37:54编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 21:18:31编辑过]
结果,转折点在上周,朋友搬新家,给了几本"baby's first"系列,还是硬纸板书,唯一的不同是插图全是实物照片,我娃爱得来,吃饭都要抱着,看鱼,看牛,还学会了牛叫.
结果,转折点在上周,朋友搬新家,给了几本"baby's first"系列,还是硬纸板书,唯一的不同是插图全是实物照片,我娃爱得来,吃饭都要抱着,看鱼,看牛,还学会了牛叫.
Scroll down the link:
I pretty much bought all the books after the Little & Large Sticker Activity: Wild Animals
I think Wanzi will love the ducks and the touch and feel books.
以下是引用xbwjl在4/27/2012 9:18:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/27 21:18:31编辑过]
以下是引用tzyr1102在4/27/2012 10:49:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用choubaobao在4/28/2012 1:27:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用choubaobao在4/28/2012 1:39:00 PM的发言:
我和我亲家也这么说来着~~~ 可惜我们还没行动,呵呵
haha. MT does the same! He will point at our room as soon as he wakes up in the middle of the night. He likes to rest his head on my face, and his feet on his dad's face.
[replyview] [/replyview]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/29 11:17:47编辑过]
以下是引用矿小矿在4/29/2012 9:18:00 AM的发言:
pat pat 小包子,不是啥大事情
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/29 14:05:28编辑过]
以下是引用maggie9999在4/28/2012 10:00:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用maggie9999在4/28/2012 10:03:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用矿小矿在4/29/2012 9:18:00 AM的发言:
pat pat 小包子,不是啥大事情
以下是引用tzyr1102在4/29/2012 12:07:00 AM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/29 11:17:47编辑过]
以下是引用矿小矿在4/29/2012 9:19:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用tzyr1102在4/29/2012 12:06:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用maggie9999在4/28/2012 10:00:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用fayfay在4/29/2012 5:27:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用maggie9999在4/28/2012 10:03:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/29 11:17:47编辑过]