I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
我推理萌爸停车离curb太近了,所以车被拖,不过,我还是打电话到拖车公司去询问,结果很龌龊,人家居然说,我们趴车离curb太远了,停在马路中间了,what a joke!情况基本清楚了,就是家缺德的拖车公司,同事说,可能HOA OFFICE的人拿了好处,才授权这家公司来拖车。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 22:56:12编辑过] Do you plan to pursue further?
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
My insurance sucks, it only paid $600.
Pat pat. Talk to the hospital to get some discount.
我本来倒没打算买的说。。。 想着以后出门就上伞车什么的,又不是house,木有院子啥的,在小区里溜达就练习走路好了。。。 No. I think all kids will go through the phase of tricycle, no matter girl or boy. It's a toy. It's different from walking.
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck!
Good point. Even though I don't need it now, I'll save it for future reference.
I am drooling over the slides! We have a playground behind our apartment. Mantou loves the slides. He goes and plays with other kids everyday.
I wish we have a house, and I can buy him one. So he can still play indoor on rainy days, like today. I put the picnic table and the tricycle in the garage. So at least he can play those too for now.
以下是引用seeing在1/20/2012 1:10:00 PM的发言: 有人坐过国泰航班嘛?到香港转机要不要提取行李,重新检查和入关?想到入关就头大。。。。 Cathy Pacific? My boss just did in Dec. She went to Canton, connecting in HK. No need to take luggage.
pat pat, try argue with them like chouma I did with the hospital. They said that the reason it was so high was because my insurance company applied my annual deductable and copay of $450 first and then 20% co-insurance.
Who did chouma argue with? Insurance or hospital???
They said they are not a collection agent so no discount. And offered me 10 month payment option.
The problem is I just don't want to pay for it. Did you argue before or after the insurance paid their portion?
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge.
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge. Did you ask to speak to a manager? How much did they knock off your bill?
The guy was very nice on the phone but firm. Basically in his opinion, my insurance sucks. :( He keep saying it's all facility fee. I said I understand that, if we use any of your equipments but we didn't. You are telling me to pay $1200 for sitting on a not comfortable bench? That's ridiculous. So I told him to send me an itemized statement first.
My fear is that, since they already got a portion from my insurance, they might not lower my portion. BTW, I haven't received any statemetn from the insurance company. I wish they would give me a statement first (like my old insurance company) before they pay the hospital.
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge.
Have you tried books? Mantou loves stories now. He can sit in front of me for almost an hour and listen to the stories. The bad thing is I have to keep reading the same story over and over again, usually around 10 times, till he gets bored and picks up another book. As soon as I say "The End", he will protest with a whine.
He also loves his toys, the music table, vtech walker and the learning home. He can sit and play from toy to toy for over an hour. I just need to sit nearby to keep an eye on him.
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
WTH?!! ER 也太黑了。。 你家insurance太烂,换保险if possible! 打电话给医院,看如果一笔付清的话,能不能拿到20%的折扣吧。。 good luck 以下是引用iambreadtree在1/20/2012 2:16:00 PM的发言:
I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck! 多谢面包,我翻了community的手册,貌似有个规定,车子和curb的距离不能大于16inches,我现在有点明白了,我们对curb的理解和老美不同,今早问同事才发现滴。。。
慢慢来吧,爷爷奶奶一下子走掉了,六六也要适应一下,还正赶上生病。。 你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!
慢慢来吧,爷爷奶奶一下子走掉了,六六也要适应一下,还正赶上生病。。 你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!
以下是引用小5在1/20/2012 9:50:00 PM的发言: 慢慢来吧,爷爷奶奶一下子走掉了,六六也要适应一下,还正赶上生病。。 你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!
I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
My insurance sucks, it only paid $600.
pat pat, try argue with them like chouma
昨晚邻居告诉我,他们朋友的车子几个星期前也被拖了,理由是离curb太近。。。我又问了一个同事,他也住同一个community,他说,他邻居车子也被拖了,同样理由,离curb太近,他自己滴车子有天差点也被拖,理由呢,离“no parking” sign 太近,幸好他当时及时从家里冲出来理论,车尾其他根本没超过sign,就是离得近了点,拖车公司看住户来了,就悻悻地空手走了。。。
我推理萌爸停车离curb太近了,所以车被拖,不过,我还是打电话到拖车公司去询问,结果很龌龊,人家居然说,我们趴车离curb太远了,停在马路中间了,what a joke!情况基本清楚了,就是家缺德的拖车公司,同事说,可能HOA OFFICE的人拿了好处,才授权这家公司来拖车。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 22:56:12编辑过]
Do you plan to pursue further?
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck!
Ah sorry, I just used mine on Wednesday. My cousin is having her baby in July, bought her a bunch of stuff.
I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
My insurance sucks, it only paid $600.
Pat pat. Talk to the hospital to get some discount.
Does Hugo drink formula from bottle or straw cup? Mine is so reluctant to use any other type of cups.
No. I think all kids will go through the phase of tricycle, no matter girl or boy. It's a toy. It's different from walking.
Do you plan to pursue further?
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck!
Good point. Even though I don't need it now, I'll save it for future reference.
I am drooling over the slides! We have a playground behind our apartment. Mantou loves the slides. He goes and plays with other kids everyday.
I wish we have a house, and I can buy him one. So he can still play indoor on rainy days, like today. I put the picnic table and the tricycle in the garage. So at least he can play those too for now.
Happy Birthday dingdang
happy birthday~~~
separation anxiety 也是一方面,娃病得时候,多哄哄吧。。。bless 六六早点康复。。。
Bless 无悔和六六。
别担心,疹子发出来娃就不难受了,就是大人看着心疼。 布赖斯。。。
Free TurboTax basic or Turbotax deluxe with state ($39.95). Found last night. Download while you can. The offer expires at midnight Jan 20, 2012
Basic version is always free. Deluxe is only $29.95 on their homepage, state is always $10 more. Not sure, if this is a good offer.
Does Hugo drink formula from bottle or straw cup? Mine is so reluctant to use any other type of cups.
Cathy Pacific? My boss just did in Dec. She went to Canton, connecting in HK. No need to take luggage.
pat pat, try argue with them like chouma
I did with the hospital. They said that the reason it was so high was because my insurance company applied my annual deductable and copay of $450 first and then 20% co-insurance.
Who did chouma argue with? Insurance or hospital???
Pat pat. Talk to the hospital to get some discount.
They said they are not a collection agent so no discount. And offered me 10 month payment option.
The problem is I just don't want to pay for it. Did you argue before or after the insurance paid their portion?
They said they are not a collection agent so no discount. And offered me 10 month payment option.
The problem is I just don't want to pay for it. Did you argue before or after the insurance paid their portion?
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge.
打了整整六针,被我拒了一针flu shot,否则就七针,
Bless! 我都不记得要打这么多针啊!
别担心,疹子发出来娃就不难受了,就是大人看着心疼。 布赖斯。。。
bless wuhui & 66
poor chouma, pat pat
Did she bleed? Bless bless!
You can train her to be a gymnastics. :)
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge.
Did you ask to speak to a manager? How much did they knock off your bill?
The guy was very nice on the phone but firm. Basically in his opinion, my insurance sucks. :( He keep saying it's all facility fee. I said I understand that, if we use any of your equipments but we didn't. You are telling me to pay $1200 for sitting on a not comfortable bench? That's ridiculous. So I told him to send me an itemized statement first.
My fear is that, since they already got a portion from my insurance, they might not lower my portion. BTW, I haven't received any statemetn from the insurance company. I wish they would give me a statement first (like my old insurance company) before they pay the hospital.
I argued before hospital received payment from insurance, same answer, I called them several times, letting them know I will not pay the full amount unless they give me a discount, hehe. It's very upsetting, if we need to pay that much, what is the purpose of having insurance? Hospital offers lower rate for those without insurance. You'll have to stick to it, either less or no payment at all, I think they will Budge.
good job
Yes, it was $50 around Christmas at TRU.
Yes, it was $50 around Christmas at TRU.
以下是引用yanwuhui在1/20/2012 6:02:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用yueyuebao11在1/20/2012 3:08:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用iambreadtree在1/20/2012 2:42:00 PM的发言:
Does Hugo drink formula from bottle or straw cup? Mine is so reluctant to use any other type of cups.
昨晚邻居告诉我,他们朋友的车子几个星期前也被拖了,理由是离curb太近。。。我又问了一个同事,他也住同一个community,他说,他邻居车子也被拖了,同样理由,离curb太近,他自己滴车子有天差点也被拖,理由呢,离“no parking” sign 太近,幸好他当时及时从家里冲出来理论,车尾其他根本没超过sign,就是离得近了点,拖车公司看住户来了,就悻悻地空手走了。。。
我推理萌爸停车离curb太近了,所以车被拖,不过,我还是打电话到拖车公司去询问,结果很龌龊,人家居然说,我们趴车离curb太远了,停在马路中间了,what a joke!情况基本清楚了,就是家缺德的拖车公司,同事说,可能HOA OFFICE的人拿了好处,才授权这家公司来拖车。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 22:56:12编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/19 16:58:50编辑过]
以下是引用yanwuhui在1/20/2012 9:12:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用xbwjl在1/20/2012 9:27:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用iambreadtree在1/20/2012 1:34:00 PM的发言:
Happy Birthday Ding Dang!!!
Have you tried books? Mantou loves stories now. He can sit in front of me for almost an hour and listen to the stories. The bad thing is I have to keep reading the same story over and over again, usually around 10 times, till he gets bored and picks up another book. As soon as I say "The End", he will protest with a whine.
He also loves his toys, the music table, vtech walker and the learning home. He can sit and play from toy to toy for over an hour. I just need to sit nearby to keep an eye on him.
以下是引用iambreadtree在1/20/2012 2:38:00 PM的发言:
Do you plan to pursue further?
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck!
ER 也太黑了。。
你家insurance太烂,换保险if possible!
good luck
以下是引用iambreadtree在1/20/2012 2:16:00 PM的发言:
I just received the ER bill last night. It was $1200 for emergency room and $40 for pharmacy. They didn't do anything for Mantou, except give him some advil drop, and the doctor spent less than 15 minutes on him. We spent majority of the time waiting.
My insurance sucks, it only paid $600.
以下是引用choubaobao在1/20/2012 2:40:00 PM的发言:
Do you plan to pursue further?
My neighbours called our HOA's president and got our property manager fired (or transferred to some other places). It's worth a try, if you are up for it. But the most important thing is to round up your neighbors to complain about it. You guys all need to call or mail. The more people complain about it, the better.
A couple points you can make:
1. You parked properly, in front of your own house, and didn't violate any regulations. Did the towing company have proof? Did they take pictures? If not, then they have no proof and no rights to tow your car.
2. Why is a towing company inspecting your community regularly? They are not the police. Who gave them the authority to? HOA? If the HOA did, is it written down on the HOA agreement you received? It's a private property. If nobody called for them or gave them authority, it's trespassing.
3. You pay HOA and it is supposed to facilitate your life not to cause inconvienence.
4. Not sure if this is in your HOA agreement... try to find the clause that's related to parking, and read it carefully. Does it say HOA need to give written warnings first? Does it say a neighbour has to complain for the towing company? Make your case and argument adhere to the HOA clause.
If the HOA gets nasty, you can try threaten not to pay HOA any more, till they resolve the matter. If they threaten to foreclose your house, tell them to go ahead, that you understand, it will take years for them to complete the whole procedure, especially now the market is so underwater. They won't be able to collect the money at all. Ask them, if they think it's worth the trouble to go through this.
I don't think you can get your money back from the towing company, but it's very possible you can get it back from your HOA.
Good luck!
以下是引用yueyuebao11在1/20/2012 3:08:00 PM的发言:
pat pat艘美,这课时是够重滴。。。吃泡面太不应该了,让家里准备些教授档次的午饭。。。
你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!
以下是引用yanwuhui在1/20/2012 9:16:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用xbwjl在1/20/2012 9:50:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用yanwuhui在1/20/2012 10:09:00 PM的发言:
矮油,真是的,忙忙叨叨的折腾medical exam,居然错过叮姐生日了,国内都过完了!!!
你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!
小悦儿登高爬低的本领真大,不过这阶段真是不让人省心,今天枣泥自己坐着玩,左边玩玩玩具,右边摸摸学步车,然后下一秒就躺倒了,后脑勺咣当一声,幸好木地板上还铺了块area rug,我就坐她对面,真是没办法。。
pat pat艘美,这课时是够重滴。。。吃泡面太不应该了,让家里准备些教授档次的午饭。。。
pat pat
你可以略微定个计划,比如今天要读书5分钟,如果她很不高兴哭闹的话,你也要很firm,讲道理,唐妈妈对她的期望,继续读书,最少坚持3分钟,然后唐明天我们要做的更好blah。。tomorrow is another day。。会越来越好的,加油!