I've seen this happening many times. Sometimes I wonder if their wives know the truth but choose not to believe, or they give up and just focus on their own pleasure. May be couples are not supposed to be soul mates, since when the passion of love wears out, you are left with nothing. Good couples only need to be partners. 我见得太少了,我看到每对夫妻,我就觉得他们过的幸福快乐,彼此相爱。 我用这种幸福的眼光看待周围所有夫妻的。
鲜花鸡翅傍mm说的离婚故事,md,男人是神马动物啊。 还有另一个mm老公也提离婚,还check其他女人信息。 md, 我怒了。 hmmm......I guess if you are too into your other half and lose yourself, then....these things may happen...............................I don't worried about zt, dont check on him at all; sometimes he said i dont love him as much cuz i dont get jealous...but the thing is, there is no reason to......if one wants to cheat, jealousy or checking or fighting doesn't do anything...we give each other as much space as we want...........
hmmm......I guess if you are too into your other half and lose yourself, then....these things may happen...............................I don't worried about zt, dont check on him at all; sometimes he said i dont love him as much cuz i dont get jealous...but the thing is, there is no reason to......if one wants to cheat, jealousy or checking or fighting doesn't do anything...we give each other as much space as we want...........
你认为什么样的行为叫checking? 就像很多女人突然间有一天发现lg在cheat, 比如鲜花现在要离婚mm, 发现lg在家里搞这些小动作,checking其他女人,但如果她lg没有提离婚,你觉得这个mm应该提离婚吗? 我怎么觉得没有实质性出轨,心里出轨了,一样有罪的啊。 OF COURSE! I didn't read that post so I didnt know, but what does she mean by checking other women? I mean........I check other cute guys all the time on the internet....lol
OF COURSE! I didn't read that post so I didnt know, but what does she mean by checking other women? I mean........I check other cute guys all the time on the internet....lol 就是想找别的女人,心里对lp的感情可有可无啊。。lol
In reality, many couple don't live happily together, at least 1/10 of them by my estimate. I begin to realize this problem ever when I was approached by many WSN when I was away traveling. They all begin with the same story: my wife doesn't understand me, she is ill-tempered, bla bla...
This makes me sick and look down upon them. Sometimes I even suspect my husband did this to me outside. Lucky so far, he had no chance to be on any business trip. But you know, that's the nature of human, esp men.
就是想找别的女人,心里对lp的感情可有可无啊。。lol lol......ommo........if the guy doesn't like his wife anymore, then divorce of course, no reason to be together.......or they can be in a open marriage......wife gets to date too.......lol
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful. And......after you dump a stupid un-faithful guy, you have a chance to chase love again........There are many cute worth-loving men out there.......
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful. 我和你一样的想法,我认为出轨男人不可留。
Did you see the movie "the women" stared Meg Ryan? It tells a story about a wealthy housewife cheated by her husband. The movie ends with the husband and wife get back together. I think that's a common view shared in the society, once you have children, it's better to maintain the family since even you find someone else, it won't be easier.
In reality, many couple don't live happily together, at least 1/10 of them by my estimate. I begin to realize this problem ever when I was approached by many WSN when I was away traveling. They all begin with the same story: my wife doesn't understand me, she is ill-tempered, bla bla... This makes me sick and look down upon them. Sometimes I even suspect my husband did this to me outside. Lucky so far, he had no chance to be on any business trip. But you know, that's the nature of human, esp men. 哈哈哈,昨天我看了JA和adam sandler的《just go with it》里面开头就是wsn用家里有个bh老婆做幌子来沟女 这个电影好好笑,今天早上和大叔再看了一遍,大叔都笑屎了 推荐推荐~~~很开心的chick flick 前天看了aston 和 natalie portman的《no strings attached》也很好看,轻松温馨的chick flick,也推也推~!!
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful. strongly cli!!
He looks more like cute than handsome, but not attractive to me. I mean, the impression from his role is too strong hmmm.......I think im attracted to him by his voice.................
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
恭喜哈,我车上有很多他的歌。。。其实很多旋律都很棒,伴奏和交响乐的感觉似的,可是如果他咬字不要那么悲苦,我会更喜欢他一点。。。 What did he experience?~~~~everytime....i felt like crying listening to him.............
以下是引用YukiMike在10/12/2011 11:52:00 AM的发言: 啊,我相反啊,不喜欢洪基的泡面头。最近小帅的那个头发我也不喜欢(贴别是梳成长的斜刘海的)。容和的头发我也不喜欢。。。 I like hongki being blond......or in the love sick mv............
鲜花鸡翅傍mm说的离婚故事,md,男人是神马动物啊。 还有另一个mm老公也提离婚,还check其他女人信息。 md, 我怒了。
you are very emotional these days....what happened?
I've seen this happening many times. Sometimes I wonder if their wives know the truth but choose not to believe, or they give up and just focus on their own pleasure. May be couples are not supposed to be soul mates, since when the passion of love wears out, you are left with nothing. Good couples only need to be partners.
我见得太少了,我看到每对夫妻,我就觉得他们过的幸福快乐,彼此相爱。 我用这种幸福的眼光看待周围所有夫妻的。
鲜花鸡翅傍mm说的离婚故事,md,男人是神马动物啊。 还有另一个mm老公也提离婚,还check其他女人信息。 md, 我怒了。
hmmm......I guess if you are too into your other half and lose yourself, then....these things may happen...............................I don't worried about zt, dont check on him at all; sometimes he said i dont love him as much cuz i dont get jealous...but the thing is, there is no reason to......if one wants to cheat, jealousy or checking or fighting doesn't do anything...we give each other as much space as we want...........
hmmm......I guess if you are too into your other half and lose yourself, then....these things may happen...............................I don't worried about zt, dont check on him at all; sometimes he said i dont love him as much cuz i dont get jealous...but the thing is, there is no reason to......if one wants to cheat, jealousy or checking or fighting doesn't do anything...we give each other as much space as we want...........
(改个词,嘿嘿)你认为什么样的行为叫cheat? 就像很多女人突然间有一天发现lg在cheat, 比如鲜花现在要离婚mm, 发现lg在家里搞这些小动作,checking其他女人,但如果她lg没有提离婚,你觉得这个mm应该提离婚吗? 我怎么觉得没有实质性出轨,心里出轨了,一样有罪的啊。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 14:34:14编辑过]
你认为什么样的行为叫checking? 就像很多女人突然间有一天发现lg在cheat, 比如鲜花现在要离婚mm, 发现lg在家里搞这些小动作,checking其他女人,但如果她lg没有提离婚,你觉得这个mm应该提离婚吗? 我怎么觉得没有实质性出轨,心里出轨了,一样有罪的啊。
OF COURSE! I didn't read that post so I didnt know, but what does she mean by checking other women? I mean........I check other cute guys all the time on the internet....lol
OF COURSE! I didn't read that post so I didnt know, but what does she mean by checking other women? I mean........I check other cute guys all the time on the internet....lol
我见得太少了,我看到每对夫妻,我就觉得他们过的幸福快乐,彼此相爱。 我用这种幸福的眼光看待周围所有夫妻的。
In reality, many couple don't live happily together, at least 1/10 of them by my estimate. I begin to realize this problem ever when I was approached by many WSN when I was away traveling. They all begin with the same story: my wife doesn't understand me, she is ill-tempered, bla bla...
This makes me sick and look down upon them. Sometimes I even suspect my husband did this to me outside. Lucky so far, he had no chance to be on any business trip. But you know, that's the nature of human, esp men.
lol......ommo........if the guy doesn't like his wife anymore, then divorce of course, no reason to be together.......or they can be in a open marriage......wife gets to date too.......lol
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
And......after you dump a stupid un-faithful guy, you have a chance to chase love again........
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
Did you see the movie "the women" stared Meg Ryan? It tells a story about a wealthy housewife cheated by her husband. The movie ends with the husband and wife get back together. I think that's a common view shared in the society, once you have children, it's better to maintain the family since even you find someone else, it won't be easier.
鲜花鸡翅傍mm说的离婚故事,md,男人是神马动物啊。 还有另一个mm老公也提离婚,还check其他女人信息。 md, 我怒了。
上闲话多了人就像大姨妈天天到似地,时而打鸡血,时而心情比上坟还难受。pat pat~
上闲话多了人就像大姨妈天天到似地,时而打鸡血,时而心情比上坟还难受。pat pat~
In reality, many couple don't live happily together, at least 1/10 of them by my estimate. I begin to realize this problem ever when I was approached by many WSN when I was away traveling. They all begin with the same story: my wife doesn't understand me, she is ill-tempered, bla bla... This makes me sick and look down upon them. Sometimes I even suspect my husband did this to me outside. Lucky so far, he had no chance to be on any business trip. But you know, that's the nature of human, esp men.
哈哈哈,昨天我看了JA和adam sandler的《just go with it》里面开头就是wsn用家里有个bh老婆做幌子来沟女
推荐推荐~~~很开心的chick flick
前天看了aston 和 natalie portman的《no strings attached》也很好看,轻松温馨的chick flick,也推也推~!!
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
strongly cli!!
上闲话多了人就像大姨妈天天到似地,时而打鸡血,时而心情比上坟还难受。pat pat~
Yeah, regret spend so much time there. Who cares what they think of me?
@櫻之荼蘼:[看圖講故事] 1. 面如中秋之月, 色如春曉之花, 嫺靜時如姣花照水, 行動處似萌寵附身, 天然一段風騷息堆眉梢嘴角, 未見其人先聞其大媽笑...(紅樓夢版) 2. 很久很久以前... 從此以後, 王子和自己快樂地生活在了一起.(格林童話版) 3. 從前, 有個小朋友, 他去賣萌, 後來, 他被拐走了! (麥太版)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 16:27:21编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 16:27:21编辑过]
WOW....you are sooo emotional............hmmm....
hmmm..................do you think hongki is handsome? or maybe just cute?
hmmm..................do you think hongki is handsome? or maybe just cute?
He looks more like cute than handsome, but not attractive to me. I mean, the impression from his role is too strong
He looks more like cute than handsome, but not attractive to me. I mean, the impression from his role is too strong
hmmm.......I think im attracted to him by his voice.................
hmmm.......I think im attracted to him by his voice.................
hmmm..................do you think hongki is handsome? or maybe just cute?
ahh.....I love suk too ahhhh...but I also like hoog ki ahhh....and ji sub ahhh......
I thought the same until i heard his live concert................
who? 头像是我的偶像,考古我的帖子就知道了。
阿 京
a ja shi?????
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 18:31:17编辑过]
a ja shi?????
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 18:31:17编辑过]
any recommend songs?
@櫻之荼蘼:[首爾showcase韓飯後記] 提問:如果能合作下一部作品, 希望是什麽題材? 金: 動作片. 張: 不想演輕鬆的愛情喜劇, 想演沉重的愛情題材的作品, 像日本電影 <東京塔> (黑木瞳) 那樣的禁忌之愛, 母親和兒子的朋友之間...荷娜姐姐演母親?? 金: 沉默.....
@张根硕贴吧官方微博 :下面三张是跟rain的送别聚会,谢谢博主分享
我当初迷上ft 的歌,下载了几乎全部他们的歌
现在到big bang
这个问题本身就是无解的我知道, 我纠结的是他娶她的时候,应该是从内心深处很爱很爱她,而不是“适合”。他打开真心看自己和身边的她,我看到的“婚姻是选择不是真爱”,多少有点。。。。。
so sad
Kiss kiss, thanks for backing me up.
ah...........im too old for hongki......he's only 21.............
he is only 2 years.......hongki is............5 years younger.........
我见得太少了,我看到每对夫妻,我就觉得他们过的幸福快乐,彼此相爱。 我用这种幸福的眼光看待周围所有夫妻的。
I love my husband but I also love myself and my kid. If he ever betrayed us I believe (at least for now) I have the courage to walk away. It's not about revenge or hatred any more, it's just to protect us from hurt and make me feel better. I mean, no matter what happens, there are still many things worthy of hoping and longing for, may be I'll learn to surf, may be I'll travel along the world, or may be I'll be a grandma when I gets older, so life is beautiful.
hmmm.......I think im attracted to him by his voice.................
a ja shi?????
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 18:31:17编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 23:27:22编辑过]
you know..................
What did he experience?~~~~everytime....i felt like crying listening to him.............
I like hongki being blond......
I like hongki being blond......
I like hongki being blond......
以下是引用chen2885在10/12/2011 12:38:00 PM的发言:
you know..................
@lolorock:??? TV?? ??? //
记下了,下次去的时候帮你带。要有honey drop的那种吗?
那我们还真不远,上次去ellcon city,是这么拼吗?有个公园bbq,有个人就说要顺路去Lotte买菜。
cli cli!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 14:08:19编辑过]