他家网站真变态啊,我填billing info 和shipping info的时候,居然说我的last name less than 3 characters,要我重填,ft,我的last name就2 characters,咋能改啊。改了和信用卡信息不对啊,那钱要是不charge我找谁去。最悲摧的是,想改成LD的CC用,发现他的last name也是2 characters。ft
他家网站真变态啊,我填billing info 和shipping info的时候,居然说我的last name less than 3 characters,要我重填,ft,我的last name就2 characters,咋能改啊。改了和信用卡信息不对啊,那钱要是不charge我找谁去。最悲摧的是,想改成LD的CC用,发现他的last name也是2 characters。ft
以下是引用mardigras在8/12/2011 5:05:00 PM的发言: 他家网站真变态啊,我填billing info 和shipping info的时候,居然说我的last name less than 3 characters,要我重填,ft,我的last name就2 characters,咋能改啊。改了和信用卡信息不对啊,那钱要是不charge我找谁去。最悲摧的是,想改成LD的CC用,发现他的last name也是2 characters。ft sounds like you JUST found it out! How come, haha
some mm said need to wait for two days. I purchased the coupon 08/10, and used it today. it said "invalid coupon" first, but after a few hours i tried again and succeed. no reason...
他家网站真变态啊,我填billing info 和shipping info的时候,居然说我的last name less than 3 characters,要我重填,ft,我的last name就2 characters,咋能改啊。改了和信用卡信息不对啊,那钱要是不charge我找谁去。最悲摧的是,想改成LD的CC用,发现他的last name也是2 characters。ft
他家网站真变态啊,我填billing info 和shipping info的时候,居然说我的last name less than 3 characters,要我重填,ft,我的last name就2 characters,咋能改啊。改了和信用卡信息不对啊,那钱要是不charge我找谁去。最悲摧的是,想改成LD的CC用,发现他的last name也是2 characters。ft
sounds like you JUST found it out!
How come, haha
在 babyganics.com check out 时说 invalid code, 想问问成功check out 的mm们是在哪里和如何输入code的?我收到的code 有19位,中间有两个短线分段。
刚刚又试了一下,code apply 成功了。
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在 babyganics.com check out 时说 invalid code, 想问问成功check out 的mm们是在哪里和如何输入code的?我收到的code 有19位,中间有两个短线分段。
maybe need to wait for two days?
maybe need to wait for two days?
some mm said need to wait for two days. I purchased the coupon 08/10, and used it today. it said "invalid coupon" first, but after a few hours i tried again and succeed. no reason...
我买了28刀,apply coupon后也没看到free shipping, 估计得加48刀的东东进cart才free shipping