演讲中,特朗普还宣泄了他对纽约最高法院代理法官 Juan Merchan、曼哈顿地区检察官 Alvin Bragg 的不满,并攻击了其他负责对其进行刑事或民事调查的主要官员,包括:司法部特别检察官 Jack Smith、富尔顿县地区检察官 Fani Willis 和纽约州总检察长 Letitia James。
他伪造商业记录的目的是为了掩盖和从事另一项犯罪(重罪)。他可以说,他这样做的目的,不是为了影响选举,而是不想让梅兰尼知道。但检控官在起诉书中指出: A. 在川普2015年6月宣布竞选后,于8月在川普大厦和他的私人律师科恩,以及国家国家问询报的老板,他的朋友(后成为检方证人)开会,密谋封杀对川普不利的消息,发表对竞选对手不利的消息; B。 川普指示他的私人律师,尽可能拖延支付封口费,并说拖延到选举结束后,就没关心了。说明他并不在乎梅兰尼,伪造商业记录的目的是为了影响选举。
In June 2015, the Defendant announced his candidacy for President o fthe United
States. Soon after, in August 2015, the Defendant met with Lawyer A and AMI's
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (the AMI CEO ) at Trump Tower in New York County.
At the meeting, the AMI CEO agreed to help with the Defendant's campaign, saying that he
would act as the eyes and ears for the campaign by looking out for negative stories about the
Defendant and alerting Lawyer A before the stories were published. The AMI CEO also agreed
to publish negative stories about the Defendant's competitors for the election.
The Defendant directed Lawyer A to delay making a payment to Woman 2 as
long as possible . He instructed Lawyer A that if they could delay the payment until after the
election, they could avoid paying altogether, because at that point it would not matter if the story
became public . As reflected in emails and text messages between and among Lawyer A, Lawyer
B and the AMI Editor-in-Chief, Lawyer A attempted to delay making payment as long as
He instructed Lawyer A that if they could delay the payment until after the
election, they could avoid paying altogether, because at that point it would not matter if the story
became public . As reflected in emails and text messages between and among Lawyer A, Lawyer
B and the AMI Editor-in-Chief, Lawyer A attempted to delay making payment as long as
2015 年 6 月,被告(即川普)宣布竞选美国总统。不久之后,在 2015 年 8 月,被告在川普大厦会见了律师 A (即他的私人律师科恩)和 AMI 的董事长兼首席执行官(AMI 首席执行官)。在会议上,AMI 首席执行官同意帮助被告的竞选活动,并表示他将充当竞选活动的耳目,留意有关告在报道发表前提醒律师 A。 AMI 首席执行官也同意发表有关和被告竞争的候选人的负面报道。...….被告指示律师 A 尽可能拖延支付给女 2 的款项。他告诉A律师,如果他们可以延迟付款,直到
公开了。正如律师 A 和AMI 主编之间的电子邮件和短信所反映的那样,律师B 和 AMI 主编 A 律师试图尽可能拖延付款。
4 月 5 日讯(编辑 周子意)美东时间周二(4 月 4 日)晚间,美国前总统唐纳德 · 特朗普在其佛罗里达州的海湖庄园发表了一场约 25 分钟的演讲,这是他被指控犯罪以来的首次公开讲话。
庭审记录显示,特朗普对 34 项与伪造商业记录有关的刑事指控表示均不认罪。
在被传讯后表示,他在社交媒体 Truth Social 上发言到," 从未想过这样的事情会发生在美国 "。
在结束出庭后,特朗普于美东时间周二下午 6 点 40 分乘坐其私人飞机抵达佛罗里达州西棕榈滩国际机场。
随后特朗普前往了其在佛州的私宅 " 海湖庄园(Mar-A-Lago)",并在那里发表竞选演讲。
特朗普回到海湖庄园后发表讲话称," 我犯下的唯一罪行就是无畏地捍卫我们的国家,不让那些试图摧毁它的人破坏它。"
特朗普在讲话时把自己描绘成一个 " 长期阴谋的受害者 ",这些阴谋处于政治利益,旨在败坏他的名声。
演讲中,特朗普还宣泄了他对纽约最高法院代理法官 Juan Merchan、曼哈顿地区检察官 Alvin Bragg 的不满,并攻击了其他负责对其进行刑事或民事调查的主要官员,包括:司法部特别检察官 Jack Smith、富尔顿县地区检察官 Fani Willis 和纽约州总检察长 Letitia James。
此外,这位前总统抨击了他在 2016 年总统大选中的对手希拉里 · 克林顿、以及美国总统乔 · 拜登的儿子亨特,他还重申了一场导致他在 2020 年败选的阴谋论。
特朗普更是声称,美国经济正处于崩溃边缘," 我们的国家正在走向地狱 ",他的支持者听到此后掌声雷动。