"millions of voting-age Americans do not possess a non-expired, government-issued photo ID"
Young people, people of color are less likely to have valid photo ID, showing potential impact of restrictive voter ID laws on these communities
COLLEGE PARK, Md. – (April 13, 2023) – The University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement (CDCE) and VoteRiders, the nation’s leading voting rights organization focused on ID education and assistance, have released a new analysis showing that millions of voting-age Americans do not possess a non-expired, government-issued photo ID. The analysis comes as a growing number of states enact new or stricter voter ID requirements, likely increasing the number of Americans who lack the required ID to vote in their states.
As of 2020, nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a non-expired driver’s license and over 7 million did not have any other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.
爬山看秋叶 发表评论于 2024-10-08 14:34:58
As of 2020, nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a non-expired driver’s license and over 7 million did not have any other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.
楼下的jasonnatpa网友,请你认真读一下宾州对选民身份证的要求。。。。。VOTER IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR
Voters do not need to show photo identification at the polling place. Poll workers
should not ask every voter for photo identification.
In 2014, the Commonwealth Court held that the in-person proof of identification
requirements enacted under Act 18 of 2012 were unconstitutional. Those provisions are no
longer in force even though you may see them in Pennsylvania’s Election Code.
The Court’s ruling on proof of identification applies only to identification
requirements for voters who appear to vote at their polling place. As a result of the ruling,
the previous rules regarding identification requirements for first-time voters at the polling place
remain in effect.
In Wisconsin for example, we have about 7.5 million people on our voter rolls [and] we only have 3.5 million people eligible to vote.
26岛 发表评论于 2024-10-08 16:57:10另外有一种论调说,不查ID就会有非法移民随便投票了,
Since Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, Texas has removed over 1 million people from the voter rolls, including:
Over 6,500 noncitizens
Over 6,000 voters who have a felony conviction
Over 457,000 deceased people
Over 463,000 voters on the suspense list
Over 134,000 voters who responded to an address confirmation notice that they had moved
Over 65,000 voters who failed to respond to a notice of examination
Over 19,000 voters who requested to cancel their registration
Total: Over 1.1 million
Of the over 6,500 potential noncitizens removed from the voter rolls, approximately 1,930 have a voter history. The Secretary of State’s office is in the process of sending all 1,930 records to the Attorney General’s Office for investigation and potential legal action.
tz2000 发表评论于 2024-10-08 17:53:34
Since Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, Texas has removed over 1 million people from the voter rolls, including:
Over 6,500 noncitizens
Over 6,000 voters who have a felony conviction
Over 457,000 deceased people
Over 463,000 voters on the suspense list
Over 134,000 voters who responded to an address confirmation notice that they had moved
Over 65,000 voters who failed to respond to a notice of examination
Over 19,000 voters who requested to cancel their registration
这个例子不太好, 看看是谁赢得了2012, 2016, 2020 的选举?
树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2024-10-08 19:45:15
Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in ** state
- most voters will simply show their drivers license, but there are other acceptable photo IDs.
- If a voter does not have an acceptable photo ID, they can get on for free from their county Board of Elections
- Voters can also get a free ID card from the ** DMV. Find more information at ...
你说的这个是入籍材料上笼统讲的,具体什么样的ID可以被接受,各州不一样。有20个州要求有照片的ID。 而办有照片的ID,加上交通费,有几百美元。有的穷人,因为有了ID的限制,他只好不去办ID,不投票了。 等于变相剥夺了他们的投票权。 而这些都是基于一种阴谋论,说如果没有ID,会被假冒身份。但假冒身份投票是重罪,极少发生。所以为了一种没有证据的阴谋论,剥夺一部分人的投票权,这就是美国14个州,不要求投票当天在投票站出示ID的原因。 最重要的是每个选区的选民花名册,保留有资格投票选民的签字,到投票站那天去领选票的时候,还要核对签字。
bsmile 发表评论于 2024-10-08 19:51:42
Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in ** state
- most voters will simply show their drivers license, but there are other acceptable photo IDs.
- If a voter does not have an acceptable photo ID, they can get on for free from their county Board of Elections
- Voters can also get a free ID card from the ** DMV. Find more information at
No, according to my research, there is no single database that contains all legal citizens of the United States. You can check it yourself.
not4any 发表评论于 2024-10-08 20:04:57
“No, according to my research, there is no single database that contains all legal citizens of the United States. You can check it yourself.“
10月7日,加州49区议会候选人、华人律师刘龙珠正式向加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)和总检察长罗伯特·邦塔(Rob Bonta)发起法律诉讼,成为第一位因SB 1174法案起诉州政府的候选人。
他表示,这一举动旨在捍卫选举合法性,确保加州选民在即将到来的11月5日选举中的诚信投票。曾在洛杉矶高等法院任24年法官、12年检察官的大卫·米尔顿(David Milton),来到发布会现场支持刘龙珠。他认为,不论是民主党还是共和党选民,每个人都需要公平的选举,不希望选举权利受侵犯,“我们要求联邦法官和地方法院法官阻止这一切(新政策)”。
加州州长纽森近日签署通过的SB 1174法案,禁止各地通过投票查ID的法律。换言之,不查ID的话,谁都可以去投票,即使是非法移民也可以大摇大摆地去投票。
SB 1174法案在加州及全美范围内掀起了强烈反对。反对者认为,这一法案严重损害了选举的透明度和合法性,甚至可能为选举舞弊提供便利。
刘龙珠坚信,选举制度的合法性与选民的信任直接相关。他指出,SB 1174法案让选举过程的透明度大打折扣,州政府应加强对选民身份的核实,而不是放松监管。他表示:“许多地区已经实施了选民身份证要求,并没有对选民参与或投票率产生负面影响。我们必须确保只有合格的公民才能参与投票,这是最基本的民主保障。”
刘龙珠从法律角度出发,指出诚信是选举的基础,如果没有一个公正、透明的选举过程,那么民主本身也将荡然无存。他强调,SB 1174法案的通过,使得加州成为了一个潜在的选举舞弊温床。“州长的行为将民主置于那些会破坏我们自由的人的枪口下。如果任何人都可以在投票地点进入,并在没有适当身份证明的情况下投票,那么我们的整个美国生活方式就岌岌可危。”刘龙珠坚决认为,选举的合法性不仅仅是加州的问题,而是关系到整个美国民主制度存亡的根本问题。
刘龙珠的起诉标志着一个关键时刻。如果他的诉讼获得成功,将对加州乃至全美的选举生态产生深远影响。他希望通过这场法律斗争,能够废除SB 1174法案,并为选举诚信建立更高的法律标准。他强调,这不仅仅是为了即将到来的11月5日选举,更是为了所有未来的选举,为了确保每一位合法选民的选举权利不受侵犯。
刘龙珠解释道,如果联邦法庭最终裁定SB 1174法案违宪并将其废除,那么加州的选举生态将发生重大变化。无论是市长选举、检察官选举还是议会选举,所有的选民都将必须提供有效的身份证明,确保只有合法选民可以参与投票。这一裁决将对美国的选举体系带来深远的影响,为整个国家的民主选举奠定更牢固的基础。
刘龙珠的法律行动不仅仅是针对SB 1174法案,更是针对整个加州乃至美国的选举制度。他呼吁公众高度重视选举诚信问题,认为这不仅仅是一个法律问题,更是关系到国家命运的关键时刻。正如刘龙珠所说:“公正选举将关系到美国的命运,如果本次选举不公平,美国的民主就将名存实亡。”