路透社对「好自为之」的译法比较「严肃」,又不想丢掉「好自为之」在中文中的警告色彩:「I hope you would conduct yourself well and play a constructive role in the future of the Chinese and American people and in world peace and stability. 」
中国稍后发出的官方译文其实还没路透社有这么「冲」:「... I hope you will act accordingly and... (字面意思「我希望您能采取相应的行动」——中国外交部英文官网)」、「Wang expressed his hope that Rubio would make the right decisions and ...(字面意思「王希望鲁比奥作出正确的决定」——新华社英文网)」
最有意思的译法来自美国《新闻周刊》译成:「I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability.」字面意思是: 「希望您保重身体,为中美两国人民的未来,为世界的和平与稳定发挥建设性的作用。」
「take good care of yourself」听上去有点「温暖」,好似朋友之间的问候,无论是语义还是语调都远远偏离了原文。
不过,笔者查「GOOGLE翻译」,其真是将「好自为之」直接译成了「Take care of yourself」。不知《新闻周刊》是否是参考了「GOOGLE翻译」呢? !
GOOGLE TRANSLATE: Take care of yourself
CHATGPT: Take care of yourself / Do it well on your own
DEEPL: Do one's best
DeepSeek: "Take care of yourself" or "Do well for yourself." This phrase is often used to advise someone to handle their own affairs responsibly or to behave appropriately.后面一部分解释倒还准确。
Wang Yi said that big countries should act in a manner befitting their status, shoulder their due international responsibilities, maintain world peace and help countries realize common development. I hope you will act accordingly and play a constructive role
王毅促鲁比奥「好自为之」 惹热议。 路透社
内地「观察者」网表示,在外交语境下翻译「好自为之」不能仅由字面来译,也不能随便把电影里的口水词拿来用,比如「smarten/wise up」(意「聪明点/明智点」),若这样的词出现在中美官方通稿中,不合语境、不合身份(特朗普除外)。外交场合,即便要表达类似的意思,用词一般也要「严肃」一点,比如「show prudent judgment」(意「审时度势」)|「make thoughtful decisions」(意「深思熟虑」)等。
路透社对「好自为之」的译法比较「严肃」,又不想丢掉「好自为之」在中文中的警告色彩:「I hope you would conduct yourself well and play a constructive role in the future of the Chinese and American people and in world peace and stability. 」
英文「conduct yourself well」并不和善礼貌,尤其在中美高级别对等对话中,给人一股「condescending」(意「目中无人)之感,好似上对下、长对幼,训诫味道比较明显。美国保守派媒体福克斯新闻网(Fox News)也借鉴路透译法。
中国稍后发出的官方译文其实还没路透社有这么「冲」:「... I hope you will act accordingly and... (字面意思「我希望您能采取相应的行动」——中国外交部英文官网)」、「Wang expressed his hope that Rubio would make the right decisions and ...(字面意思「王希望鲁比奥作出正确的决定」——新华社英文网)」
「观察者」网认为,外交部的处理方法「(act) accordingly(意「依此行事」)」承接前句「大国要有大国的样子,应当承担应尽国际责任,应当维护世界和平,应当帮助各国实现共同发展」,这显然是把「好自为之」放在整段话这一语境下来处理,而非只逮着这四个字使劲琢磨,行文兼顾达意与流畅,既不失规劝之意又不似路透译法那般居高临下。
最有意思的译法来自美国《新闻周刊》译成:「I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability.」字面意思是: 「希望您保重身体,为中美两国人民的未来,为世界的和平与稳定发挥建设性的作用。」
「take good care of yourself」听上去有点「温暖」,好似朋友之间的问候,无论是语义还是语调都远远偏离了原文。
不过,笔者查「GOOGLE翻译」,其真是将「好自为之」直接译成了「Take care of yourself」。不知《新闻周刊》是否是参考了「GOOGLE翻译」呢? !