scbean 发表评论于 2023-06-19 13:01:27芬妖精 发表评论于 2023-06-19 12:53:00
One recent study has provided the justification for the claim that non-whites where the majority of perpetrators of Asian-American hate crimes. The study was published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice in January, and it was based on data from 1992-2014. But the study clearly indicates that the identities of the perpetrators of hate crimes against Asian-Americans are overwhelmingly white: 74.6 percent of these crimes are committed by white assailants. Importantly, according to the methodology in the study, there is a ~20-fold difference in the cases of hate crimes reported against African-Americans (5,463) compared to Asian-Americans (329), which explains the large difference in percentage of non-white assailants by race.
德国南部巴伐利亚邦知名观光胜地新天鹅堡(Neuschwanstein Castle)于6月14日发生一宗游客遭攻击致死命案,30岁男姓嫌犯企图性侵与袭击1名女游客,并将她与前来阻止的女性朋友推下山谷,导致一死一重伤。根据最新消息,死者身份曝光,为21岁的美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)应届毕业生Eva Liu,校方已发布哀悼声明。
《纽约邮报》报道,警方指出,21岁女子Eva Liu与22岁女同学Kelsey Chang于6月14日下午结伴前往新天鹅堡旅游,在玛莉安桥(Marienbruecke Bridge)附近遇到30岁美国籍男子,他称可带两人到另一个观景点。途中男子企图性侵犯Eva Liu,Kelsey Chang试图阻止他施暴,却也被该名男掐住脖子,再被推下山谷,身受重伤,目前在医院接受治疗。
(编按:Kelsey Chang被推下山后,男子再度转向Eva Liu并企图再度性侵犯她。他最终将她推落山谷。)
有报道称,这名男子与两名女大生都住在慕尼黑的The Seibel酒店,但两人并不认识他。
目击者Eric Abneri形容,当时受害者跌落山谷时,“就像是从悬崖顶部掉下来一样”,很惊讶还有人能活下来,而嫌犯脸上似乎有一些血迹斑斑的抓痕,被捕时一语不发。
伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校副校长凯勒(Robin Kaler)向镜报说,校方哀悼两人的遭遇,两人都刚在5月毕业,本该庆祝完成学业的重要成就,而不该受苦于如此悲惨的结果。