[Word heard – January 4, 2025]
My children I’ve spoken prophetically for some time now warning you about what is to come, preparing your hearts so they wouldn’t faint, that you would not give in to your enemy’s plans, so you would not submit to their power or give up to their fear tactics they are using to try to destroy you. I have warned you about unprecedented and unconventional things that are coming to pass. I have told you about a rough road ahead and now I’m saying to some in My church, in this nation, a rough patch is ahead. Times they will be extremely difficult to understand because many did not heed My warnings and they just went back to living their lives as they always have after the election was over. I have said the shaking would not stop after the election. I said it would intensify. Your enemies right now are signalling to one another to shut down the world if they must to stop My David before the Inauguration or worst-case scenario, at some point this year but they want it sooner than later.
They are paving the way for a war that could destroy many nations and cause catastrophic damage but they don’t care about the repair afterward as long as Pres Trump doesn’t destroy everything they have built.
The Establishment right now is working with China. They are working with Hamas. They are working with Al Qeada. They are working with Hezbollah. They are working with your enemies as I speak these words to bring one attack after another against you.
Their foreign militia is being prepared right now for the big one. They want 9-11 to look like a walk in the park. They want a tremendous amount of destruction and death that this nation can’t get up from. They want to destroy Pres Trump’s 4 years in office if they can’t get him removed or assassinate him.
They have planned one sabotage effort after another along with major catastrophic events from financial collapse to a pandemic that the world will never recover from. They will stop at nothing to force this world and everyone in it on their knees to surrender to them.
As you see their attempts, as you see their attack, you will SEE ME DEFEND and PROTECT and SAVE THIS NATION and the Nations around the world. Do not fear what it seems like is taking place because it’s bringing your enemies to a total collapse. Their system is crumbling before your eyes. This rough patch is for your enemies demise, but for the some of the church will be sucked into it because they were a part of that system and they refuse to let go of it.
2025 will be the year of the unprecedented to take place and your enemies will fall on their face in total disgrace. This is a wake-up call to My children to prepare for the end of the system. Prepare to live a new way with Me for your victory says the Lord of Hosts.
A catastrophic storm is hitting Silicon Valley. I will reveal to you all the giants that occupy that area and control the nations, even the ones who try to move away before their utter collapse. They will still fall with the rest of the giants that have taken over this nation.
My children as Washington falls, Silicon Valley falls. As Silicon Valley falls, corporate America falls, big banks will fall, Hollywood will fall, Big Pharma will fall, big insurance companies will fall and the news media will fall. My children the giants all will be revealed and they will all be removed by My hand as I’m healing your land says the Lord.
I’m also drawing out the frauds in your govt. I’m dismantling the uni-party and trapping the RINO’s as they make their moves to try to sabotage Pres Trump. Many are right now are starting their plans to move forward to catch Pres Trump in something - they’re trying so desperately to have him fall into.
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To the RINO’s it will seem like they have Pres Trump finally where they want him, to pull the plug to get rid of him once and for all, when in fact they’re the ones who are caught in their own trap. The RINOs in Washington are falling and the RATS in DC are about to be exterminated and evicted from the Capital.
So My children brace for this storm that will take out your enemies. Batten down the hatches as it passes over this nation to free you from the ones that have enslaved you.
This is the time and this is the year to see the giants start to fall. So stand and prepare your homes for the unprecedented. Listen to My Words and My instructions I will continue to give to you. I am Your Comforter and as the world seems to fall apart, your hearts will be fixed for your mighty and powerful victory that I have prepared for you says the Lord Your Redeemer.
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1月8日,伍德利大火(Woodley Fire)在洛杉矶县的塞普尔维达盆地野 生动物保护区燃起,成为南加州第五场野火。伴随强劲的圣安娜风,火势迅速蔓延,至今已烧毁75英亩土地。截止到当地时间8日下午洛杉矶地区已发生六起主要的火灾,整个州陷入火灾的肆虐中。
帕利塞兹火灾(Palisades Fire)是此次最为严重的火情。该火灾从圣莫尼卡山脉开始,短短几小时内蔓延至3000英亩,吞噬了太平洋帕利塞兹(Pacific Palisades)这一豪宅云集的高端社区,迫使数万居民紧急撤离。包括奥斯卡提名演员詹姆斯·伍兹和《星球大战》演员马克·哈米尔在内的许多明星不得不匆忙逃离,部分人的家园已被彻底摧毁。
伊顿火灾(Eaton Fire)同样严重,火势蔓延至1000英亩,并导致两人死亡。
近年来,包括State Farm(州农)在内的主要保险公司逐步退出高风险地区的市场,这一趋势让许多居民在灾难面前失去基本保障。
自2023年起,State Farm宣布不再接受加州新房主的保险申请,并于2024年取消了72,000件房屋保险,其中包括太平洋帕利塞兹社区的1600户房屋。一方面是因为该地的火灾风险远高于其他地区,另一方面则在于加州政策持续压低其保险费率。
State Farm总裁哈丁在致加州保险厅的信中表示,这是为了避免“财务损失”,因为单靠提高保费已经不足以维持公司运营。
太平洋帕利塞兹等社区的房主不仅需要面对房屋被毁的悲剧,还要直面灾后重建的资金难题。许多居民被迫转向加州政府提供的“公平取得保险计划”(FAIR Plan),但这一保险方案费用高昂,且承保范围有限。