心无所住, 网迷,请问你们懂英文吗?冯德莱恩女士的职位是president of European Commission. 这个职位相当于整个欧盟的内阁总理,是由欧盟理事会主席提名,欧盟议会选举通过才可以当选的,任期五年。就和国内的国家主席提名总理,由人大开会通过差不多。
The Commission president represents the EU abroad, together with the President of the European Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The post was established in 1958. Each new President is nominated by the European Council and elected by the European Parliament, for a five-year term.
The president of the European Commission is the most powerful position in the European Union, c
ontrolling the Commission which collectively has the right of initiative on Union legislation (only on matters delegated to it by member states for collective action, as determined by the treaties) and is responsible for ensuring its enforcement. The president controls the policy agenda of the Commission for their term and in practice no policy can be proposed without the president's agreement.
The role of the president is to lead the Commission, and give direction to the Commission and the Union as a whole.
柏林《每日镜报》写道:法国总统马克龙劝阻习近平不要支持俄罗斯的努力收效甚微。 不过,但习近平还是同意了与乌克兰总统举行会谈。
《法兰克福汇报》发现:法国总统访华受到热烈欢迎,周五,习近平和马克龙在广州再次会晤,而且再次设晚宴招待。欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩在中国的日子就没那么好。 在乌克兰战争问题上,习近平不迁就客人,但有新的经济合作协议出台。
《柏林日报》发现:冯德莱恩在中国必须通过普通旅客的出口入境。“马克龙则受到红地毯欢迎,国宴款待,阅兵式和礼炮欢迎。 马克龙专机降落时,中国外长亲自迎接。 欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩抵达时,只有环境部长在普通乘客出口处迎接她。在马克龙和冯德莱恩访华期间,北京政府冷淡对待欧盟委员会主席。