if (trump wins)
then (print "trump lost")
for (Harris not won yet)
keep voting
This time is serious. I was told "no political sticker" on the car because of the possibility of parking in a government parking lot.
Just be fair and vote. I really want to know the truth of so called "Biden curve" in 2020. The truth may deserve a movie.
- FOX News host Neil Cavuto: “In this newly unsealed court paper, we’re learning that former President Trump resorted to CRIME in a bid to cling to power after the 2020 election.”
[Btw, the EVIDENCE for the crimes Trump committed trying to overthrow the election, as outlined in Jack Smith's filing, didn't come from Democrats. The EVIDENCE came from Republicans, came from people who worked for Trump, came from Trump loyalists. Don't forget that.]
- Jessica Tarlov just wiped the floor on Fox after her colleagues promoted lies about President Biden’s hurricane response: “And there’s only one president who has denied relief to states…Trump denied 99% of what North Carolina wanted.”
- Fox News guest MDB Capital President on jobs report: "I thought there would be more red flags than a communist parade in this report, and there's not a single one. ... There's not one data point in here that I can point to that is not good."
worley 发表评论于 2024-10-07 02:13:48美国二十大电视台,有19个被民主党控制(除了福克斯),民主党对媒体的控制堪比中共独裁集团。
Trump (July 2022):
When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and a Republican, I could have said, "drop to your knees and beg," and he would have done it......
Is this not a good reason?
Georgia governor Brian Kemp is done with Trump:
“It’s strange to get a lecture about loyalty from the man who singlehandedly turned Georgia Blue and has done nothing but lose to Democrats and cry about it for the last 6 years.”
美国总统大选将于11月5日登场,民主党候选人、副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)和共和党候选人、前总统川普(Donald Trump)的最新民调显示,两人目前的差距仅2%,且在7个摇摆州的情况同样胶着。
根据民调整合网站 FiveThirtyEight (538)跟ABC合作的最新数据显示,目前贺锦丽以48%的支持度领先,川普的支持度为46%,两人仅差2个百分点。从整体趋势来看,贺锦丽的民调在辩论后小幅增长,川普则在辩论一周内下跌了约0.5个百分点。