WARNING! GRAPHIC! Video shows the moment a man was pushed into the Light Rail and killed last week in Minneapolis. The suspect was recently released without charges. pic.twitter.com/YtclVQyKD7
— PXP Security & Inves (@PXPSecurityInve) May 27, 2023
@HennepinAtty @MaryMoriarty couldn't find a reason to hold the suspect Daquan Stephen Rogers, 29, in custody.
He's been released without charges despite another open case involving brawling charged by Metro Transit last month and a history of cases involving transit crimes and assaults.
Of course, he was tossed plea deals in the assault cases dismissing the violent crime charges. Free to go on his merry way.
美国明尼苏达州发生恐怖命案,一名41岁男子斯奈林(Reginald Eugene Snelling)在明尼亚波利斯(Minneapolis)轻轨站与另外两人发生争执,遭推下月台当场被列车辗过惨死,他全身被挤压在列车与月台间狭小的缝隙之中,仅剩下一只脚完整悬挂在月台上,场面十分骇人。
美国《CBS》等报导,事发于当地时间20日凌晨1点多,死者斯奈林当时与月台上的另外两名男子发生激烈争执,从月台闭路电视拍下的画面所见, 当时斯奈林看似脚步有点不稳,往月台的方向偏移,不知是否因为见列车快将到站,他转身准备上车,未料此际有人猛然从他身后挥了一拳,导致他被埋站的列车撞击并瞬间卷进车底。