加州内华达山脉暴风雪 州际公路封路 国家公园关闭

最新回复:2024年3月5日 18点47分 PT
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#KCBStraffic AVOID #Tahoe #Truckee and the areas in the #Sierras - #Interstate80 is closed in BOTH directions from #Colfax to the #Nevada state line.

(Image via #Caltrans) pic.twitter.com/845C2vIxfV

— KCBS Radio - The Traffic Leader (@KCBSAMFMTraffic) March 3, 2024

美国加州内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada)周末暴风雪导致通往内华达州的一条主要公路关闭之后,今天山区大半地区料再降下超过30公分的大雪,预报员警告有极大的雪崩风险。

加州公路警察(California Highway Patrol)表示,由于大风引发暴风雪,连接柯法克斯(Colfax)和内华达州的80号州际公路从1日起关闭。

The winds are expected to wane, but more snow is on the way after a powerful blizzard howled through the Sierra Nevada mountains. Meanwhile, Interstate 80 remains closed from Colfax to the California-Nevada border. https://t.co/auvL5MGlKe

— NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) March 3, 2024

美国国家气象局(The National Weather Service)示警,今晚山顶地区的阵风将达到每小时72公里,并有暴风雪,塔霍湖(Lake Tahoe)周围的滑雪胜地暂停营业。

This is what happens when you cloud seed and mess with nature for decades.
Global Boiling hits Corruptifornia. This is the scene over the weekend at The Donner Pass near Lake Tahoe. (1 min 27 sec) pic.twitter.com/VnDd820Oxv

— Carmandy Graff (@GraffCarmandy) March 5, 2024

Un hombre ágil en el norte de California aprovechó al máximo una tormenta invernal que arrojó una gran cantidad de nieve en el área de Lake Tahoe el 3 de marzo, saltando de una barandilla y haciendo una voltereta hacia atrás en varios pies de nieve. ️ pic.twitter.com/Re60VWrwFs

— ABC7 en Español (@abc7espanol) March 5, 2024

暴风雪也导致优胜美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)关闭,但国家公园管理局(National Park Service)表示,希望在今天下午重新开放部分道路。

US Yosemite National Park Urges People To Vacate The Area As Soon As Possible https://t.co/6HBLFEpvIX

— edwin pina (@edwinpi02452736) March 5, 2024


1 楼
Yosemite 今年一定水大瀑布壮观 ~~