2022年,佐治亚州共和党州长,签署了扩大拥抢权的法律。 在公共场合,不需要许可也不需要背景调查携带枪支。 他的竞选广告里,他把枪放在膝盖上,和一个男孩交谈。
In 2022, Kemp signed a bill into law that expanded gun rights, allowing Georgians to carry handguns in public without a license or background check. A “lawful weapons carrier,” or any person who is eligible to purchase a firearm, can now concealed-carry a handgun. Long guns could already be carried in many places without a permit.
The governor has previously flagrantly defended his anti–gun control agenda to skeptics. After Georgia’s public media station in 2021 reported that the Giffords Law Center gave Georgia a failing grade on gun control, even before Kemp’s expansion of gun access, Kemp proudly declared, “I’ll wear this ‘F’ as a badge of honor.”
When he campaigned for governor of Georgia, Kemp ran on expanding access to firearms. This included a nearly unbelievable ad where the then secretary of state sat with a shotgun in his lap, surrounded by even more guns, while speaking to a young boy about dating one of his daughters.
tighten gun control law? only over my
dead body......your childen's dead body who killed by the guns couldnt override my rights of holding guns..."这就是拥枪派政客的观点。翻译成中文就是你不就死了几个孩子吗?这不重要,这不能成为剥夺我从全国步枪协会拿钱的理由。
▲乔治亚州阿巴拉契中学(Apalachee High School)爆发枪击案。
根据CNN报导,这场枪击案发生在乔治亚州首府亚特兰大(Atlanta)附近温得市(Winder)的阿巴拉契中学(Apalachee High School)校园内,该校14岁学生葛瑞(Colt Gray)在教室内开枪,造成2名学生、2名教师死亡,另外还有9人受伤。
乔治亚州调查局(Georgia Bureau of Investigation)表示,枪手将被指控谋杀,并以成人身分受审。据了解,葛瑞使用的是AR-15步枪,但目前执法人员未透露枪枝来源、子弹数量和行凶动机等细节。
警方指出,现阶段仍在调查死者、伤者与枪手的关联,巴罗县(Barrow County)的所有学校本周将全数停课关闭。