How embarrassing Jesse Lutzenberger, 63, was arrested and charged with injury to an elderly person, according to an incident report from the Bexar County Sheriff's Office
这个法律是德州共和党控制的议会通过的,该法律禁止在投票点100英尺标记的范围内,进行任何竞选活动。 2021年的时候,有个诉讼。联邦法院判:在投票点,投票人不可以穿衣服或通过其他方式,表达对列在选票上的候选人的支持。
这个投票人,还在投票的建筑内,还没有离开投票大楼外超出100英尺标记的范围。很显然他违法了德州的共和党人通过的法律。 违犯该法律,是C类轻罪。那么他又攻击选举人员,应够上重罪。
大家知道,很多红州通过了类似的严厉的法律,有的州,给排队等投票的人递一瓶水,就会被逮捕。 但如果违法的人是MAGA分子,有人就双标。
Early voting and election day polling place must be organized with 100-foot distance markers posted at surrounding outside entrances of the building. During the voting period, it is prohibited to electioneer, which includes expressing preference for or against any candidate, measure or political party (regardless of if it is on the ballot) in the marked area, according to Tex. Elec. Code §§ 61.003, 85.036.
On September 30, 2021, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued a final judgment in Ostrewich v. Hudspeth, et al., a lawsuit challenging the electioneering provisions in Sections 61.003, 61.010, and 85.036 of the Texas Election Code to the extent that such provisions related to voters’ apparel during voting. The lawsuit was based on the United States Supreme Court case of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky, 138 S. Ct. 1876 (2018).
Based on the district court’s ruling, a person may not wear apparel or a similar communicative device relating to a candidate, measure, or political party appearing on the ballot in the current election under Section 61.010, but a person may wear such apparel relating to a candidate, measure, or political party that does not appear on the ballot in the current election.
Oct 25
TYLER, Texas — Smith County election officials are reminding voters to avoid campaigning and electioneering while inside polling locations.
A statement released by the Smith County Commissioners Court is warning voters of wearing political apparel while inside polling locations. Smith County Elections Administrator Michelle Allcon said they are seeing several individuals wearing political shirts and caps when they show up to vote, which they are being asked to remove or change before casting their ballot.
美国德州举行2024总统大选提前投票传出插曲,男子卢森伯格(Jesse Lutzenberger)于24日前往圣安东尼奥图书馆投票所时,由于戴著支持川普的帽子被要求拿下,竟气得痛殴69岁的选务人员,目前已被拘留。
据《CBS》报导,德州法律规定,在投票所内不得穿著支持、反对候选人的服饰,但卢森伯格当天戴著大红色的“MAGA or TRUMP”棒球帽,在选务人员提醒后脱帽投票。
管辖此案的比尔郡(Bexar County)警长萨拉查(Javier Salazar)透露,卢森伯格投完票准备离开时又戴上帽子,此时69岁的选务人员告诉他建物内就是不可以戴,没想到卢森伯格突然挥肘、痛殴对方脸部多次。