[Word heard – January 8, 2025]
My children, the intelligence community that has been controlled by the Old Guard is collapsing. Every plan they have carried out against this nation and its citizens of this country will be exposed - every document, all servers, all instructions from the Establishment to carry out things against you. The laptops that were buried to hide the crimes of top governmental officials will all come out. The orders that came down to bury Hunter’s, Anthony Weiner’s laptops, along with Hillary’s laptops and emails, but there are so many more that will be uncovered, that will destroy this arm of the Establishment and their Architects. Whistle-blowers are coming to bring down the whole House of Cards that has been trying to devour, weaken and destroy this nation for the global reset.
I will expose every head of the CIA, FBI, NSA that have all committed treason for the greater good [they thought], all their off-shore accounts, their record books, all their servers will be completely exposed and every person who has worked with the Old Guard and the Establishment to take out this country will be drawn out and judgment and justice will be served.
I will expose everyone of them provoking people’s behavior, negative reactions on social media platforms. I will show how they used these platforms to destroy society, brainwash and deceive millions. How evil and dark your intelligence community has become is far worse than what you have heard so far. I will show you how, who, what and when everything the FBI, the CIA and the NSA has been a part of to cause chaos and disruption in this country. I will show you how they helped steal not only the 2020 election but also countless elections, congressional, senate seats, federal and local levels including every judge they could.
I will prove how they tried to give Hillary and Kamala the upper hand against Trump, every person in this community who lured people to the Capitol on Jan 6, who lured them into the buildings. I will show you who planted the pipe bombs and I will show you who is the Architect of it all. A great shaking is coming to the Intelligence community that will rock this nation and destroy the Establishment and their illegal Corporation once and for all.
My children brace for all the truth that will continue with the collapse of these agencies and how they run – the assassinations of JFK, Martin Luther King Jr, Robert Kennedy, the attempt on Ronald Reagan, the attempt on Pres Trump and the murders of many people who threatened the Establishment.
Many whistle-blowers they were disposed of the Establishment thought, were not. I told you their skeletons were coming out of the closets and they will - every last one of them to destroy these agencies’ control over this nation says the Lord of Hosts.
You will see a collapse of the Secret Service and all their lies, their corruption and how these agencies worked with the Old Guard and intelligence community to help take out Pres Trump – a total collapse of this system that has been running this country.
Woe to those in the Secret Service. Whistle-blowers are coming for you with proof that cannot be denied of your connections to Washington, the Biden, the DOJ, Mayorkas, the FBI, and the CIA and all who orchestrated Butler, Pennsylvania and when that didn’t work you also orchestrated the attempt against Pres Trump’s life again at the golf course. I will show all the attempts on his life that you tried in his 1st presidency and his 2nd presidency up until now.
O Washington bureaucrats, yes I said that right. Woe to you. I’m the Exterminator coming to rip you out of your crevices, your hiding spots and your dark holes.
No matter where you are and what is protecting you, you are not safe from My hand and from My judgment that will hit your doorsteps and destroy your system, your empire and your power.
The perfect storm you thought you designed against My nation, is hitting you instead. For I the Lord am coming with My vengeance to clean house and free this nation from your death grip.
My children, Washington and all their agencies and federal workers are about to shake like never before. So get ready for a mass exodus and a vacating of seats you have never seen before.
My United States you are being cleansed and restored in unconventional ways. This unprecedented chain of events that will take place will rid this nation of the evil regime and restore the Republic in this country in everything that belongs to it.
So get ready for fundamental changes that will take place all over this country says the Lord Your Redeemer.