Maybe Gavin Newsom should spend taxpayer dollars addressing the non-stop natural disasters in his state, instead of spending those resources importing countless illegals.
VIDEO: @LACoFireAirOps Firehawk helicopter flying along Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu on the way to protect life and property. This is a historic event. Please follow the direction of local authorities. (Original video, ok to use with credit)
#FranklinFire: Update: More than 3048 Acres are burning with Zero containment. Evacuation orders and warning are affecting more than 20k people. National Weather service said it is expected for winds to increase up to 40mph while wind gusts up to 65mph. Stay safe Malibu!
曾参演《欢乐满人间》、过2天便满99岁的荷里活资深影星狄云戴(Dick Van Dyke)在Facebook称,自己是被迫逃离的明星之一,他和妻子带着宠物安全离开,除了一隻名叫波波的猫,它仍然失踪。
马利布深受名人欢迎,Lady Gaga、Beyonce和Jay Z等明星的住宅也在疏散区之列。
根据《纽约时报》,歌手雪儿(Cher)也得逃离火场。美国天后、著名荷里活女星芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)也是马利布居民,但目前尚不清楚她是否已撤离。