“Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if (Harris is) your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”
jasonatpa网友,你说的17x6故事,这里的川教友们多半不知。 我帮他们解释一下:
The Trump Files: Watch Donald Not Be Able to Multiply 17 By 6
Donald Trump was a frequent and favorite guest on Howard Stern’s radio show, and one day in 2006 he brought his children Ivanka and Donald Jr., along for an episode. At one point during the nearly hour-long appearance, the Trump kids explained how they got into the famed Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, their dad’s alma mater, on their own merits. The pair talked up their high SAT scores and told Stern that no one, even parents of friends who allegedly donated large amounts to Wharton, could buy their way into the school.
Then Stern gave the Trumps a pop quiz in simple math. The kids struggled to get the answer right—and Trump himself couldn’t do the basic calculation. But, in what might have been a telling moment, the elder Trump insisted that his answer was correct.
贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)现年59岁。法新社报导,她的竞选阵营一位顾问表示,这份健检报告结论是,“她具备胜任总统职责所需要的身体和心理韧性”。
去年底,曾在川普执政时担任白宫医生的杰克森(Ronny Jackson)公布备忘录,宣称川普健康“绝佳”,但并未公布具体细节,也未说明川普去年9月进行过哪些身体检查。