NASA Administrator Bill Nelson claimed in an interview that China and the United States "are in a space race" and warned the US government to to make sure that China doesn't go to the moon under the guise of scientific research.
美国天文学家奈尔·德葛拉司·泰森(Neil de Grasse Tyson)在接受采访时提到,美国五十年来都没有想过要登月,突然之间要重返月球,是因为中国要登月。
The United States, weren't thinking about going to the Moon for fifty years! And then, all of sudden, "Let's go back to the Moon." Why now? Why didn't you think this in 1975? Or 1980, or 1990? "We had other priorities then." Let's not fool ourselves. China is going back to the Moon.
"I don't pay much attention to the attitude of the United States towards us, we have always insisted on ourselves, our key technologies were achieved by ourselves, and our software is also autonomous and controllable, and our entire system is autonomous and controllable. We intend to do our best."
画面中,贴着中国国旗的小车故意压倒了“阿波罗11号”登月时插下的美国国旗。这个桥段出自2020年播出的美剧《太空部队》(Space Force),这部电视剧将美国对于“中美太空竞赛”的焦虑体现得淋漓尽致。
多年来,美国一直在给别国扣“太空竞争者”“太空威胁”的帽子。2023年刚开年,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)局长比尔·尼尔森(Bill Nelson)就在接受采访时声称中美“正处于一场太空竞赛”,并警告美国政府“不要让中国打着科研的幌子抵达月球上的某个地方”。
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson claimed in an interview that China and the United States "are in a space race" and warned the US government to to make sure that China doesn't go to the moon under the guise of scientific research.
美国天文学家奈尔·德葛拉司·泰森(Neil de Grasse Tyson)在接受采访时提到,美国五十年来都没有想过要登月,突然之间要重返月球,是因为中国要登月。
The United States, weren't thinking about going to the Moon for fifty years! And then, all of sudden, "Let's go back to the Moon." Why now? Why didn't you think this in 1975? Or 1980, or 1990? "We had other priorities then." Let's not fool ourselves. China is going back to the Moon.
"I don't pay much attention to the attitude of the United States towards us, we have always insisted on ourselves, our key technologies were achieved by ourselves, and our software is also autonomous and controllable, and our entire system is autonomous and controllable. We intend to do our best."