What needs to be cheerful about?
If the empty containers pile up in China, it means the consumers also have empty pockets, which indicates the world having serious economic problems now.
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2023-03-22 09:51:10
The CCP officials can give any bad situation a positive spin. That's how these brown-nosers get promoted.
Are you sure it's "brown"? And who would use "nose"?
gameon 发表评论于 2023-03-22 10:35:37
Empty containers are indicative of empty pockets? We'll see whose pockets are deeper then. BTW: Please do consider other possibilities such as empty heads (now) and empty stomachs (later on)?
As we know that most of consumable products make in China, so if the demanding decrease acutely, lacking of living resources or money is the eligible reason people believe.
退齋 发表评论于 2023-03-22
近期外界频传中国各地码头“空柜推港”,当局赶紧出面闢谣。 图:央视新闻(资料照)
中国官媒为了闢谣近期网传大量“空柜堆港”争议,海关总署署长俞建华在 20 日的记者会上回应,是因前阵子新货柜大量投入才导致,出口量能已在 2 月持续增加。其中俞建华承认的确有“大量空箱(货柜)”引起网络注意。
俞建华说 :“大量空箱”在中国港口蓄势待发,某种程度上也反映了国际市场依然看好我们下一阶段的出口能力。 从海关最新数据看, 2 月下旬以来,出口货柜量在持续增长。
中国海关署承认“大量空箱”也证实了外界近期猜测,《自由亚洲》上个月报导就称,疫情后上海、广东的港口出口量大减,各地码头皆可见货柜堆积如山,更直指北京当局政策“保国企 ”,让私企自生自灭。
这次中国海关总署发言也引起网友注意,网友们笑称 :“失业人口其实是『灵活就业人群』、空货柜堆在港口叫『蓄势待发』”、“乞丐手裡的空碗,某种程度上反应了他们依然看好农民下一阶段的产粮能力”、“这就是语言的艺术”、“太会说话了”。
海关总署署长俞建华脱口承认“大量空箱”在中国港口。 图:证券时报
近期外界频传中国各地码头“空柜推港”,当局赶紧出面闢谣。图为上海洋山港货柜码头。 图 : 中国海关(资料照)