Los disparos procedieron de un tejado fuera del mitin. Un testigo dice que vio al tirador trepar al techo y alertó al USSS sin éxito. Un ángulo muestra que Trump posiblemente recibió un disparo en su chaleco#TRUMP2024ToSaveAmericapic.twitter.com/OPaX5LZM7j
— ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (@Cafeynoticias) July 14, 2024
RUMOR: I have heard from three different sources that the counter sniper team had the shooter in their sights and requested permission to engage but were told not to fire. Only AFTER the assassin fired did they return fire. It is unclear who the counter sniper team was with. pic.twitter.com/7iSo6weR1x
Los disparos procedieron de un tejado fuera del mitin. Un testigo dice que vio al tirador trepar al techo y alertó al USSS sin éxito. Un ángulo muestra que Trump posiblemente recibió un disparo en su chaleco#TRUMP2024ToSaveAmericapic.twitter.com/OPaX5LZM7j
— ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? (@Cafeynoticias) July 14, 2024
Insane that USSS counter sniper team didn’t immediately spot the shooter as he crested the roof. They have a clear height advantage, and it’s the closest building outside of the perimeter. pic.twitter.com/PotzjQSU5t
A guy w/ a rifle got within 152+ yards from a presidential nominee, unseen, and got shots off...We provided better diplomatic security when i was w/ Triple Canopy as a contractor. Who TF is in charge of the Secret Service?...No 's on a firing position that close? Sketch. #Trumppic.twitter.com/xjgeq24w58
当地时间13日, 在宾夕法尼亚州竞选集会现场枪击事件发生后,美国前总统特朗普在其社交媒体平台上发文称,他的右耳上部中枪,感觉像子弹穿过了皮肤。但目前尚不清楚枪手的情况。