树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2022-11-19 15:04:13Most of Wisconsin’s largest cities, including Milwaukee and Green Bay, count absentee ballots in one centralized location. The count of Milwaukee’s absentee ballots, for example, began Tuesday morning and was live-streamed for people to view throughout the day on YouTube. But Wisconsin law requires that the results of those absentee votes be reported all at once, Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe explained Wednesday.
“With that you’re going to get the result sets all as one, with all the absentees,” Wolfe said when asked about the overnight spike in vote totals.
还有:通俄门不是 hoax。建议好好阅读 Franklin Foer的:"Russiagate Was Not a Hoax. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence confirmed what the Mueller report could not." 再说。
英国《卫报》消息,当地时间 31 日,在美国纽约曼哈顿大陪审团投票决定起诉美国前总统特朗普后,特朗普发表声明回应称,这是 " 政治迫害和干预选举 "。
特朗普在声明中称自己 " 完全无辜 ",还说自从他于 2016 年在纽约宣布参选美国总统后,民主党人一直在进行政治迫害。特朗普的律师阿丽娜 · 哈巴透露,特朗普可能会在下个星期被传讯,届时将在法庭上对起诉书进行积极抗辩。
据《纽约时报》30 日报道,美国纽约曼哈顿大陪审团当天投票决定,就美国前总统特朗普涉嫌在 2016 年竞选期间向艳星丹尼尔斯支付 " 封口费 " 并伪造商业记录一事起诉特朗普,具体指控罪名将在随后几天公布。特朗普将成为第一位面临刑事指控的美国前总统。